Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 248 Tragedy

After falling to the ground, he turned his head and looked. In his eyes, Tang Feng had a gloomy face and walked up with a stick. In those eyes, he felt the kind of cannibalistic cold light, which was particularly creepy.

"Brother Tang Feng, Grandpa, I was wrong, I was really wrong." At this moment, he was really scared.

"You were wrong? Did I admit my mistake?" Tang Feng's voice was unusually cold, surprisingly cold.

With this cold voice, Tang Feng raised the stick in his hand again, raised it high, and then fell again, and finally, it hit Ermazi's leg hard. With the sound of the broken bones, Ermazi screamed hysterically.

"Aren't you fucking arrogant? Aren't you going to kill me? Pull it again for me." Tang Feng raised his foot and stepped on Ermazi's head, twisting it hard, so that Ermazi's whole face was stuck to the concrete road.

Because of the twisting force of his foot, Ermazi's face rubbed against the ground, and his nose instantly bled, staining the cement road red. In just a few strokes, the face that was already disfigured had lost its human appearance.

At this time, Ermazi lay on the ground, wanting to beg, but he couldn't speak. The pain in his legs and face made him feel extremely scared for the first time in his life.

Not far away, Hu Zi and Hu Yunji watched, feeling uneasy. They had never thought that Tang Feng, who was easy-going on weekdays, would have such a cruel side.

Tang Feng tortured Ermazi for more than half a minute, and he didn't move his feet until Ermazi's whole face was bloody.

"Grandpa, I was wrong, I... I was wrong, I won't dare to do it again." Ermazi endured the pain in his legs and begged bitterly. At this time, he was really scared.

"Do you know you're wrong? Haha, when you forced the neighboring village Dalai's family to be destroyed, did you know you were wrong? When you beat Sun Xiangzi into a vegetable, did you know you were wrong?" Tang Feng stood there, looking at the bloody Ermazi, and said coldly.

"Since those policemen don't do anything, I can only do it myself. I want to see how you can harm people after your two legs are broken."

"No... no, you can't do this, you're breaking the law." Ermazi's face was full of panic, and he looked at Tang Feng with fear, screaming in fear.

However, no matter how he shouted, Tang Feng raised the stick in his hand again, and the stick fell heavily and hit his other leg. With the sound of the bone breaking, severe pain came.

At this moment, Ermazi was completely desperate. He knew that he was broken, completely broken.

Throwing the stick on the ground, Tang Feng took out his mobile phone and called Zhou Cheng.

After the call was connected, Tang Feng briefly talked about what happened yesterday and the previous few things, and then talked about what happened today. In the end, he said that the two legs that Ermazi had broken were accidentally hit by a car.

As for whether Zhou Cheng would believe his words, it was none of his business, anyway, he believed it.

He didn't want to go into the matter of last night, which was already a face for Zhou Cheng. Otherwise, if this matter got out of hand, it would be bad for everyone. After all, the Dongcheng Police Station had just had such a big mess, and now the Ganting Town Police Station was harbouring and condoning the gangsters' crimes. As the director of the Municipal Bureau, Zhou Cheng had an unshirkable responsibility.

Perhaps these two things were caused by him, but the fundamental reason was that the people in the two police stations were in collusion with the gangsters. If the police officers in the two police stations were impartial, there would not be so many things later.

"Without my order, no one is allowed to approach this guy, including the people in the farm."

Tang Feng's order was not for Hu Zi and his men, but for Zhan Shen and his men. After receiving the order from their master, these fierce dogs quickly moved, and the gangsters who were pressed to the ground were driven to Er Mazi.

Afterwards, they were divided into two teams, one team watched Er Mazi and others from the inside, and the other team stayed outside, not allowing anyone to approach.

Looking at this scene, everyone, including Hu Zi and Hu Yunji, was stunned. They could never have imagined that the big dogs who usually hung out with them were so human and could actually understand what people said.

At this time, Zhou Cheng, who had just returned to the city police station, was so angry that he almost smashed his mobile phone.

Through the interrogation of the police officers of the entire Dongcheng District Police Station, the illegal collusion that Li Dapeng, the director of the Dongcheng District Police Station, had done over the years came to light. Those crimes were enough to give Li Dapeng an opportunity to be shot.

Not only Li Dapeng himself, but many policemen in the police station have also done a lot of illegal collusion to varying degrees. Some of them even colluded with local gangsters and forced women of good families into prostitution.

It can be said that the entire Dongcheng District Police Station, from top to bottom, is rotten, rotten to the core.

If it weren't for what happened today, he couldn't imagine how many people these bad apples in the Dongcheng District Police Station would harm with their clothes.

Now, the Dongcheng District Police Station has not finished its affairs, and Ganting Town Police Station has had another incident. And just like the Dongcheng District Police Station, the police colluded with gangsters.

He would not doubt that what Tang Feng said was fabricated. That Er Mazi forced a family to death and beat people into a vegetative state, but no one cared. Let's not talk about these first. Last night, Er Mazi led people to rob the house. After being arrested, it was only one night. Not only did he come out safely, but he also brought people to the door to retaliate. Based on this, the Ganting Town Police Station can no longer be said to be inactive.

After forcing himself to calm down, Zhou Cheng called Niu Zhanping, the director of the Ganting Town Police Station. At this time, Niu Zhanping was drinking tea and bragging with two subordinates in his office.


"I, Zhou Cheng."

After Zhou Cheng came up, he first introduced himself, and then started bombarding Niu Zhanping through the phone.

"Li Dapeng from the Dongcheng District Police Station has now been isolated for investigation. If you don't want to follow in his footsteps, then from now on, you have to clean up your mess, especially the matter of Ermazi. If you can't handle it well, then you can wait for investigation."

"Remember my words, Tang Feng is from your Ganting Town, you should be alert. If you offend him, you will definitely not end well." Finally, Zhou Cheng was still worried and specifically reminded Niu Zhanping.

In the office, Niu Zhanping stood there blankly, holding the phone in his hand. Even when the phone was busy, he didn't put his hand down.

"Chief, what's wrong?" The two policemen in the office looked at Niu Zhanping and asked in a low voice.

At this time, Niu Zhanping came to his senses and put down the phone, but at this time, his face looked very bad.

"Who let Ermazi go last night?" He looked at his two confidants and asked coldly.

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