Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 260: Hu Zi's Marriage

When Xing Beizi went home and told his wife exactly what Tang Feng said, his wife was so happy that she cried. If Xing Beizi hadn't pulled her, Tang Feng's wife would have come over with eggs to kowtow to Tang Feng to thank him.

With Tang Feng in charge, Xing Beizi and his wife felt confident. They found a matchmaker that day. After everyone discussed it, the two matchmakers carried their things and went to Hu Zi's girlfriend's house.

"Brother, do you think Xiao Min's family will agree?" Since learning that the matchmaker went to his girlfriend's house to propose marriage, Hu Zi was like taking stimulants, and the whole person became extremely excited.

"You and Xiao Min have feelings for each other. The remaining problem is nothing more than money. As long as it can be solved with money, it is not a problem. Don't worry, let's wait a little longer. When the matchmaker comes back, we will know what conditions her family has proposed." Looking at Hu Zi who was fidgeting, Tang Feng took a breath and said lazily.

In Tang Feng's eyes, problems that can be solved with money are not problems. Xiao Min is a civilized and sensible girl. I think her parents are not the kind of people who would sell their daughter for money.

With nothing to do, Tang Feng simply sat in front of his notebook again, watching the changes in the stock market and the stocks he bought, which kept rising. He felt comfortable.

The power of the God of Wealth's gold coins is approaching its end. Today is also the last gluttonous feast. How much can be earned in the end depends on this morning and afternoon.

Among the dozen stocks, Beitai's trading growth is the most fierce. This stock, which was just listed today, soared from the issue price of three yuan per share to nine yuan in just two hours, tripling.

There are also three other stocks that are also triumphant all the way. By twelve o'clock, they have all made a lot of money.

In this morning, five stocks that Tang Feng bought hit the daily limit, and some made profits and some lost money. Even with the power of the God of Wealth's gold coins, one of the dozen stocks still hit the daily limit.

At almost one o'clock, Xing Beizi called and the matchmaker came back from Xiaomin's house.

Xiaomin's parents made three requests in total: a gift of 98,800 yuan, a car that can shelter from the wind and rain, and a house in the village.

The gift of 98,800 yuan is a conscience price at present. In the first half of this year, the gift of several young people who got married in the village was more than 100,000 yuan.

A car is also a necessity for marriage at present, and Xiaomin's parents only want a car, but they didn't say what grade of car they want, just that it can shelter from the wind and rain. Obviously, they didn't make things difficult for Huzi's family in this regard.

As for the house in the village, Xing Beizi had already approved the foundation for Huzi and renovated the house. As long as it was decorated and furniture was bought, it would be complete.

It can be seen that Xiaomin's parents are reasonable people who really care about their daughter.

"Uncle, our Huzi has met a good family. Since they really want to make this marriage happen, we can't let them down. You can let the matchmaker give them a definite message now. Tomorrow, we will go to give the betrothal gifts."

"As for the car, we can't let others look down on it. I will take Huzi to see the car later." Tang Feng said thoughtfully on the phone.

"Okay, okay, Xiaofeng, uncle will follow your arrangements." Xing Beizi was sitting with the matchmaker at this time. After hearing Tang Feng's words, he nodded happily.

After hanging up the phone, Xing Beizi breathed a sigh of relief, and his heart, which was hanging in his heart, was completely settled in his stomach.

Since his eldest son lost money in gambling, he always had to rely on sleeping pills to fall asleep at night these days. His eldest son got married, and his second son was older, so marriage became his worry.

"Beizi, you are a good person who gets rewarded. You helped Tang Laosan's family when they were in trouble. Now, their eldest son not only paid back your family's money, but also gave your son Huzi a job. Now, even Huzi's marriage is arranged by them." The matchmaker also heard the conversation between Xing Beizi and Tang Feng on the phone, and said with emotion.

Yes, good people will eventually get rewarded, but you still have to meet someone who knows how to repay kindness, like Tang Feng. Xing Beizi's heart was also full of mixed feelings, smiling and nodding repeatedly.

"Xiaofeng said on the phone that he would go to deliver the betrothal gift tomorrow. As for the car, he will take Huzi to the city to see new cars in the next two days." Xing Beizi said to the matchmaker after calming down.

"Tang Laosan's eldest son, it's really this." The matchmaker said Tang Feng, and couldn't help but raised his thumb.

"Fuck, hurry up and make some good dishes. Today, I want to have a couple of drinks with Brother Dagen." Xing Beizi shouted outside the house.

"Okay, okay, I'll do it right away." Xing Beizi's wife responded and happily went to the kitchen to cook.

On the farm, at noon, Hu Zi's girlfriend Xiao Min came over on an electric bike.

"Hu Zi, do you think your parents can agree to the conditions proposed by my parents?" Xiao Min and Hu Zi sat next to each other in the warehouse and asked worriedly.

Looking at his girlfriend, Hu Zi smiled and said, "Now, our affairs are all decided by Brother Xiaofeng. When my dad came over, Brother Xiaofeng mentioned our marriage and he said that all the money we spent on the wedding would be paid by him."

"Hu Zi, are you telling the truth? You won't lie to me, right?" Xiao Min asked excitedly with her eyes wide open.

"Do you think Brother Xiaofeng will cheat on me?" Hu Zi grinned, smiling brilliantly.

"Of course not, so... we can really get married!" Xiao Min thought for a while, shook her head seriously, and then became happy and smiled.

"Just now, when Brother Xiaofeng was talking to my father on the phone, I was eavesdropping on him. He said that he would ask the matchmaker to go to your house to give the betrothal gift tomorrow, and then he would take me to the city to buy a new car." When talking about buying a car, Hu Zi became more and more excited.

"Hu Zi, but have you ever thought that although your father helped Brother Xiaofeng's family back then, he also paid off your family's foreign debts, and also let you work on the farm. He no longer owes your family anything. How can we take his money for granted when we get married?" Xiao Min thought of something, and the smile on her face disappeared, and she said softly.

Hu Zi, who was originally excited, stiffened his expression after hearing Xiao Min's words.

Yes, even if Brother Xiaofeng said that the money was loaned to his family and would be deducted from his salary in the future, given Brother Xiaofeng's character, he would definitely not deduct his salary. How could I be so shameless as to take so much money from Brother Xiaofeng?

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