Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 280 Let’s take it easy

As a group of people downstairs watched, Tang Feng took an apple from the basin, shook it in his hand, and then threw it hard towards the stairs.

Apples, which are usually eaten as fruits, now whizzed out like cannonballs.

The strong man who rushed to the front had no time to react before he was hit on the head by the flying apple. Then, the strong man wailed, hugged his head, and rolled down the stairs.

"Oh, beautiful." Tang Feng upstairs raised his fist, opened his mouth, and cheered.

Then, he took out a pear from the basin, leaned back, and then threw the pear towards the stairs. The pear whizzed away and hit the head of the second strong man who was stepping on the stairs.


The people watching the excitement downstairs looked at each other in surprise at this scene. Who could have thought that someone could turn fruits like apples and pears into weapons?

Seeing his two companions being attacked and lying on the ground wailing, the strong men behind him still didn't believe it and continued to rush to the stairs.

However, as long as they stepped on the stairs, they would immediately be greeted by an apple or a pear. In just a moment, five strong men were lying at the entrance of the stairs.

After being hit on the head by the fruit, these tall and strong men lay there, wailing continuously, and none of them could get up again.

This time, the strong men learned a lesson. A group of people blocked the entrance of the stairs, and none of them dared to step on the minefield again. But even so, Tang Feng didn't intend to let them pass. Several more apples fell, and the strong men closest to the stairs were named.

Ten of his men were knocked down before they could even go up the stairs. Lu Chen was so angry that his face turned green.

"If you are a man, you will be hit with a hidden weapon. Come downstairs." Lu Chen raised his head, stared at Tang Feng, and shouted at the top of his voice.

Tang Feng stood upstairs, playing with the pear he had just taken from the basin. After hearing Lu Chen's words, he grinned and took a bite of the pear.

"You asked me to go down. If I really go down, don't regret it."

Before he finished speaking, he crossed the guardrail, turned over and landed lightly on the ground.

The strong men at the stairs hadn't reacted yet at this time. They stood there, looking at Tang Feng one by one, and none of them dared to rush over.

"What the hell are you all doing? Go, kill this grandson." Lu Chen's roar awakened these stunned strong men.

Tang Feng looked like a shrewd guy, how could he not see Lu Chen's provocation? Zhou Kun supported Li Liang and looked at Tang Feng from a distance, muttering in his heart.

At this moment, he felt regretful and grateful. He regretted coming to Jinyang alone rashly, and was grateful that Tang Feng could help him when he was in danger.

Seeing the remaining dozen strong men rushing towards Tang Feng with sticks, Zhou Kun was worried and anxious.

Today, if Tang Feng got into trouble because of him, he would have to avoid Li Kun when he met him in the future. After all, he got to know Tang Feng because of a dog fight with Li Kun.

He had fought with Li Kun for so many years, but in the end, Li Kun's friend was injured and disabled because of helping him. Zhou Kun was so embarrassed that he really couldn't see anyone again in the future.

"You want to die, then I'll grant your wish."

With a deep voice, Tang Feng grabbed a nearby tea table with one hand, took two steps forward, and grabbed another tea table with the other hand. He lifted up the two tea tables weighing more than 100 kilograms, and then threw them at the strong men who rushed up.

With a violent "bang", the two heavy tea tables flew several meters and hit the floor heavily, breaking into pieces.

This time, it was not that Tang Feng lost his aim, but that he had no intention of really hitting people with the tea tables. You know, these two tea tables weighed 150 to 160 kilograms. If they were thrown out with force and hit someone, it might really kill them.

But even if they didn't hit anyone, those brave men were frightened. Looking at the broken tea tables, the two strong men in the front were even more scared.

"Brother Tang, just go ahead and kill these guys. If anything goes wrong, I, Li Liang, will take responsibility." Li Liang, who was supported by Zhou Kun, finally came to his senses. He stood there and shouted at Tang Feng.

Li Liang was also a famous young master in Jinyang. Now, he was beaten up by Lu Guobao in front of so many people, and he was very angry.

"It's better to take it easy. Don't really kill anyone." Zhou Kun muttered in a low voice. He could see that Tang Feng must have been born with supernatural power. The reason why he dared to come downstairs was that he was completely fearless and didn't take the remaining strong man seriously at all.

Even those who have undergone special training can't do it like Tang Feng, who can pick up two coffee tables weighing more than 100 kilograms each with one hand, and then throw them high up, and accurately throw them to a place a few meters away.

Lu Chen, who had originally had a gloomy face, now looked solemn. When Tang Feng picked up the two coffee tables with one hand and threw them out again, in fact, his heart had already sunk to the bottom.

Seeing that those strong men were stunned by his move, Tang Feng clapped his hands in satisfaction, then took a step and walked towards this side.

Every time he took a step forward, those strong men could not help but take a step back. This scene would definitely be very funny in the eyes of those who didn't know. However, at this time, no one present could laugh, except Zhou Kun and Li Liang.

Although there were still a dozen strong men with sticks in their hands, none of them dared to approach Tang Feng. Tang Feng walked step by step to Zhou Kun and Li Liang.

He stood less than two meters away from Lu Chen, squinting at Lu Chen, and gently hooked his right foot, kicking the red-haired man who was still lying on the ground to Li Liang.

"Li Liang, man, revenge is not overnight." He didn't even turn his head to look at Li Liang, just a light sentence.

Looking at the red-haired man who was kicked in front of him by Tang Feng, and after hearing what Tang Feng said, Li Liang smiled coldly, broke away from Zhou Kun's support, bent his knees, and knelt directly on the red-haired man's stomach, then raised his fist and punched the red-haired man in the face.

Zhou Kun only glanced at Li Liang, without saying anything more, took two steps forward, stood next to Tang Feng, and faced Lu Chen directly.

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