Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 285: Immobilization Talisman

"Tianjiang·Jia's favorability towards you has increased again, because the favorability index has exceeded the critical point. Tianjiang·Jia has become your first diehard fan. No matter what you do, he will support you unconditionally." The WeChat system prompt appeared.

After seeing this system prompt, Tang Feng's mouth was almost unable to close with a smile. A diehard fan will never betray. From now on, he can really train this former little heavenly soldier with all his strength, and no longer have to worry that Tianjiang·Jia will betray him one day.

"Xiaojia, transfer 100 points of public virtue to me first, I need it."

Soon, the system prompted that Tianjiang·Jia gave 100 points of public virtue. Tang Feng hurriedly used this 100 points of public virtue to download the fixed body talisman from the ordinary treasure bag.

The aura fluctuations of this talisman were very clear.

Tang Feng looked at the great wizard of Southern Xinjiang, Mod, again. Although he had been chatting with Tianjiang·Jia through the virtual phone for so long, it was done in each other's consciousness and divine awareness. In the outside world, only a short second had passed.

"Mod, I will give you one last warning. Leave here immediately, otherwise, you will be in trouble." With the immobilization talisman in hand, Tang Feng also had full confidence.

"In this case, we can only see the real results with our hands." Master Mod, as a wizard of Southern Xinjiang, naturally could not retreat just because of Tang Feng's words. As soon as he spoke, the stick in his hand was raised.

"%……&¥#*#¥%" Master Mod muttered something in his mouth, and Tang Feng could not understand a word.

On the dark stick, black mist surged out. This black mist, centered on the red bead, turned into a mist snake.

This old guy must be chanting a spell. I can't let his spell finish, Tang Feng thought to himself. The foundation of Dantian was running, and a stream of spiritual energy flew out from it, passed through his palm, and sank into the immobilization talisman.

With the infusion of spiritual energy, the quiet immobilization talisman was activated, and in a ball of faint blue light, this immobilization talisman from the fairyland flew out.

Master Mod was also quite extraordinary. At the moment when the immobilization talisman was not activated, he noticed something strange, but when he raised his head and looked at Tang Feng's raised palm, everything was too late.

Although this identity-fixing talisman is just a common talisman, you have to know that it came from the hands of a heavenly general. If it was in the fairyland, I'm afraid it wouldn't even be able to fix a fairy beast, but in the mortal world, especially in an abandoned place like Earth Star, it is almost invincible.

The only thing Master Mode did was to let out a huge roar. From his mouth, a stream of black blood spurted out and sprayed on the stick in his hand. The size of the mist snake, which had not yet taken shape, suddenly increased.

A sense of crisis, not only Master Mode felt the emergence of crisis, but Tang Feng also felt the emergence of crisis at this moment, and this crisis came precisely from the mist snake that Mode transformed.

In the future, if you encounter a wizard, you must never give him any chance. When the opportunity is right, rush up to do it. At this time, Tang Feng muttered in his heart.

The immobilization talisman broke through the light and flew towards Mode, facing the mist snake.

"Buzz" When the two came into contact, Tang Feng could hear the vibration in the air, an explosion wave that could not be detected by the naked eye spread throughout the room with the place where the two collided as the center.

Lu Chen, who was standing next to Master Mode, was hit by the invisible explosion wave without knowing anything. His poor little body flew up from the ground and hit the wall heavily. When he fell to the ground, he was already unconscious.

What on earth was this, which actually contained such a terrifying power? Master Mode, who was standing opposite, saw that the mist snake he had spawned with his blood essence suddenly disintegrated after colliding with the talisman. He was horrified.

"No, I have to fight to the death." The strong sense of crisis forced Mode to go crazy. He knew that now, he had to fight to the death, otherwise, what awaited him could only be death.

He frantically mobilized the magic power of the wizard in his body, and another mouthful of blood sprayed on the bead on the top of the stick in his hand. The strange blood light, in the blink of an eye, turned the whole room into a sea of ​​blood.

In this bloody light, a thumb-sized, golden-yellow bug flapped its two pairs of wings and flew out of the bead.


When Mod's heart was bleeding when he shouted "Explode", he had lost a lot of money today. This golden bug was found by him in a thousand-year-old royal tomb deep in the southern border. Its potential is many times stronger than any other kind of Gu worm.

"Golden flying Gu larvae have pure royal blood. This Gu worm can be traced back to its origin after nine metamorphosis and become the original wild beast Golden Swallowing Sky Python. Level evaluation: Saint level." At this time, the WeChat system prompt appeared in Tang Feng's mind.

Since the WeChat system was upgraded, even if Tang Feng did not take the initiative to open his mobile phone and log in to WeChat, the WeChat system would send some important discovery prompts directly to his mind. This change is very user-friendly and very practical.

After looking at the detailed information sent by the WeChat system, Tang Feng was a little dumbfounded. If this golden flying insect could really complete nine transformations, wouldn't it mean that it could even devour the entire thirty-three heavens?

It seems that in the era of dragons, phoenixes and unicorns, a golden sky-swallowing python was born between heaven and earth. Except for the strongest people of the level of Zulong Daozu, few people can be the opponent of this sky-swallowing python.

Since this little Gu worm is so valuable, I can't just watch it explode like this, Tang Feng muttered in his heart.

"Fix" He raised his finger and pointed forward.

With his voice, the flying immobilization talisman burst out with a brilliant light, which instantly wrapped the golden flying Gu larvae that were also flying.

The power of the immobilization talisman burst out at this moment. Mod poured the mana into the body of the flying Gu larvae. Under the power of the immobilization talisman, it was fixed alive and could no longer make the flying Gu larvae explode.

At the same time, Tang Feng moved, his feet exerted force, and the whole person burst out.

The power of the peak of the fourth door of the earth realm, once it bursts out, it is absolutely invincible in this small room.

While Mod was stunned, Tang Feng had already approached him, and his powerful fist hit Mod's chest hard, knocking the slightly hunched body away.

As a veteran Southern Xinjiang wizard, even when Mod was knocked away, he did not forget to fight back, and the stick in his hand burst out a black mist again.


After a short spell chant, the black mist burst with a bang, and some dark green juice splashed. Tang Feng could only instinctively step back, and at the same time, he tried his best to block his face with his arms to avoid being disfigured by the strange juice.

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