Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 298 Seriously ill person

"Sister, my friend's mother is sick and hospitalized. She is now in the First People's Hospital. The surgery costs 300,000 yuan. I don't have that much money on hand. Can you lend me some first?" Lin Mengyao said anxiously on the other end of the phone.

"Is it a very important friend? Male or female?" Lin Mengjia did not immediately agree or refuse, but asked Lin Mengyao about her friend's information.

Tang Feng sat there, looking at Lin Mengjia, who was a little bit outrageous with her calmness, and his head was sweating. People are so anxious, and you still have time to ask about this. This elder sister is really competent.

"It's a man, but not a boyfriend." Lin Mengyao obviously understood the meaning of her elder sister's question, and answered concisely.

"You are willing to ask for 300,000 yuan to help him. So, you are interested in him?" Lin Mengjia asked.

This woman is too much, Tang Feng is completely speechless.

"Nothing like that, we are just very good friends, and I just happened to meet him, I can't just ignore it." Lin Mengyao firmly denied it, and from her tone, she couldn't tell anything.

"What a coincidence, then let me ask you again, after you lend him this 300,000, can you be sure that he will return the money to you in the future?" Lin Mengjia asked again.

Yes, although this sounds a bit unpleasant, it makes sense. Hearing Lin Mengjia's question, Tang Feng nodded in agreement. There is no love without reason in this world. It is easy to lend money, but it is difficult to ask for it.

Lin Mengyao on the other end of the phone was silent for a while, as if she didn't think of how to answer her elder sister's question for a while.

"You are in the hospital, I'll go there now." Lin Mengjia said after thinking for a while.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Mengjia looked at Tang Feng and smiled apologetically.

Tang Feng stood up and shrugged his shoulders.

"Let's go, I'll go with you."

Lin Mengjia smiled lightly, nodded, turned around and went to the sofa, put on her coat, and left the villa with Tang Feng.

Arriving at the hospital, on the fifth floor of the No. 2 inpatient building, the corridor was quiet.

Tang Feng and Lin Mengjia got out of the elevator and looked into the corridor. At the end of the corridor, they saw Lin Mengyao's figure.

On the bench sat a man and a woman, who were about the same age as Lin Mengyao.

Hearing the footsteps here, Lin Mengyao turned around and saw Lin Mengjia, especially Tang Feng, frowned, but still waved.

After approaching, Lin Mengjia glanced at the young man on the bench. The man raised his head, revealing a handsome and regular face. From the perspective of physiognomy, he gave people a good feeling, steady and not frivolous.

"Yaoyao, come here." Lin Mengjia said to Lin Mengyao, and turned to the other side.

Lin Mengyao nodded to the woman next to the young man and followed Lin Mengjia.

Tang Feng looked at the two sisters who left, then walked to the door of the ward next to him and looked inside through the glass.

There were two beds in the ward. The bed near the toilet was empty. On the bed near the window, an old woman was lying. The old woman was unconscious at this time. There were various tubes and lines on her body. There was a monitor on the table next to her.

After a little consideration, he pushed open the door and walked into the ward.

Although his voice was gentle, it still startled the two young men and women on the chairs next to him. They looked at each other, got up, and followed him into the ward.

Tang Feng walked to the front of the bed, reached out and took the old woman's hand, put his fingers on the old woman's wrist, mobilized the spiritual energy in the foundation, and injected it into the old woman's body.

After inheriting the medical knowledge of the medical saint, he was quite familiar with this method of cutting pulse with spiritual energy.

The young couple stood nearby, looking at Tang Feng with confusion, not knowing what he was doing.

Outside, the sisters Lin Mengjia, who had been talking for a long time, also came into the ward. After seeing the scene in the ward, they were obviously stunned, especially Lin Mengjia.

Judging from Tang Feng's actions, he was obviously feeling the pulse of the old woman, but as far as Lin Mengjia knew, Tang Feng didn't seem to know medical skills. Why did he suddenly have the urge to feel the pulse of the old woman?

Not long after, Tang Feng opened his eyes and put the old woman's hand back on the bed.

"Insufficient kidney qi leads to kidney failure, and it is very serious and has endangered her life." He frowned slightly and said in a deep voice.

Hearing his groaning, both Lin Mengyao and the young couple widened their eyes and looked at him in shock.

"Tang Feng, why haven't I heard of you? Have you studied medicine?" As careful as Lin Mengjia was, she noticed the changes in the expressions of her three sisters and became more and more puzzled. She looked at Tang Feng and couldn't help asking.

"I know a lot of things, but you don't know them. If you put one tenth of your work energy on me, you will find that I am almost omnipotent." Tang Feng smiled and said narcissistically.

Hearing his almost narcissistic words, Lin Mengjia pouted and rolled her eyes at him.

"As far as the current medical level is concerned, there is no other way to treat renal failure except to replace the kidney, right?" Lin Mengjia said after thinking for a while.

"Yes, sister, the doctor just said that a kidney transplant is needed, but there is no suitable kidney source now. We can only ensure vital signs first, and then slowly look for a matching kidney source." Lin Mengyao nodded in response.

Lin Mengjia nodded silently and sighed in her heart. It is not easy to find a matching kidney source. There are countless kidney disease patients at home and abroad. Every year, countless people die while waiting for a kidney source.

"Then there is no match between him and his sisters and brothers?" Lin Mengjia looked at the young man and asked.

Lin Mengyao shook her head with a helpless expression.

"He is an only child. He has done a kidney matching test and is not a match."

"Western medicine must have only one way to transplant a kidney, but if you take the path of traditional Chinese medicine, there is also a way besides transplanting a kidney." Tang Feng's words were very sudden, so sudden that several people present were a little overwhelmed.

"Tang Feng, do you mean that you have a way?" Lin Mengjia came back to her senses first and asked uncertainly.

Tang Feng shrugged his shoulders and nodded.

"There is indeed a way."

Lin Mengjia showed a hint of joy on her face, but Tang Feng's next words made her lose any smile.

"Don't be too happy, there is a way, but it requires two special things." Tang Feng curled his lips and said slowly.

"What two things do you need?" Lin Mengjia asked.

"The first thing is very simple, a set of good silver needles, and the second thing is more troublesome, a hundred-year-old silver flower grass, and as far as I know, this hundred-year-old silver flower grass only grows in places with abundant spiritual energy. In this bad year, it is not easy to find it." Tang Feng said.

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