Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 300: Domineering Director

Because what he got at the beginning was just the inculcation and inheritance, he didn't need to understand it himself, and he absorbed and mastered this part of the medical knowledge on his own. Therefore, he was able to master the acupuncture techniques for treating kidney diseases in the memory of the Medical Saint.

Although he had sufficient experience and skills for acupuncture for the first time, he was still a bit clumsy, so that when the first silver needle was inserted into the acupoint, it almost went wrong.

Fortunately, the medical knowledge in his mind was very magnificent, and his understanding of the acupoints of the human body had reached a level that ordinary people could not reach. When he made a mistake, Tang Feng adjusted in time and finally successfully put the silver needle into that acupoint.

After the first silver needle fell into the acupoint, it was much smoother. As the silver needles fell from his hands one by one, his needle dropping speed became faster and faster. In the end, he didn't even need to use his eyes to find the acupoints. His fingers fell and the silver needles fell accurately into the acupoints.

Lin Mengjia was standing at the back, her beautiful eyes staring at Tang Feng's hands from beginning to end, watching those not-so-slender fingers, like magic, sinking silver needles into the acupuncture points, her heart seemed to be touched by something, an indescribable feeling surged up.

How many secrets are hidden in this man that she doesn't know, such thoughts lingered in her mind.

After Tang Feng dropped the last silver needle in his hand into the acupuncture point on the old woman's forehead, he straightened up and wiped the sweat. This acupuncture that looks very easy is actually not easy at all, because each needle needs to call on the spiritual energy in the foundation of Taoism to activate.

"Wait a few more minutes, and when the energy of the acupuncture point takes effect, the old woman will wake up." After exhaling a breath of turbid air, he said.

"Mr. Tang, can my mother really wake up?" Lv Guobao asked Tang Feng with excitement on his face.

Tang Feng smiled and nodded, and his eyes shifted to the old woman on the bed again.

"What are you doing? What are you doing?" At this moment, the door of the ward was pushed open, and a middle-aged male doctor in a white coat walked in with several doctors and nurses.

This middle-aged male doctor, with a pointed face and monkey cheeks, saw the old woman on the bed with silver needles all over her body, and then he frowned, stared at several people, and shouted loudly.

"Who pierced these silver needles?"

"I" Tang Feng tilted his head and looked at the arrogant doctor in front of him, and replied lightly.

"You? Who are you? Who told you to give acupuncture to patients privately? If something happens to the patient, can you afford it?" The middle-aged male doctor stared at Tang Feng and shouted loudly.

That's right, we don't have a medical license, and giving acupuncture to people in other people's hospitals is really not well thought out. Facing the doctor's scolding in front of him, Tang Feng smiled bitterly in his heart and secretly blamed himself for not thinking.

"Director Zhao, he is my friend, a...Chinese medicine doctor. I asked him to help my mother with acupuncture. If anything unexpected happens, I will take responsibility." Lv Guobao stood up at this time and took the responsibility on himself.

"Humph, you are responsible? Can you afford it? If someone gets into trouble in our hospital, you may come back and blackmail our hospital. I have seen many people like you." Director Zhao snorted coldly and said in a yin-yang tone.

From the tone, you can see that this guy is not a good bird.

Tang Feng curled his lips and looked at the time. It was almost time, so he bent down and took out the silver needle.

"Go call the security guards and ask them to come over." Director Zhao said to a young doctor behind him with a cold face.

"Young man, let me ask you, do you have a doctor's license and a medical license?" Then, he stared at Tang Feng and asked coldly.

At this time, Tang Feng was taking out the silver needle, and all his energy was focused on the silver needle. Although he heard the question from Director Zhao, he could not be distracted and did not answer.

"Are you deaf or dumb? Didn't you hear me asking you a question? Take out your medical license and doctor's license." Seeing that he didn't respond, Director Zhao got angry and cursed.

Tang Feng was still taking the needle and still didn't answer him. Of course, Tang Feng didn't have a doctor's license and a medical license, and he couldn't take out these two things at all.

"Don't you have one? Without a doctor's license and a medical license, you are practicing medicine illegally. I tell you, today, you are in big trouble." Director Zhao snorted coldly and said in a yin-yang tone.

A young female doctor at the door approached an old nurse next to her and whispered, "Head nurse, what happened to Zhao Bapi today? Why is he so angry?"

"You don't know, Zhao Bapi studied Chinese medicine with Mr. Liu in our city, but because of medical ethics, he was driven out by the old gentleman. Since then, he has been resentful of Chinese medicine. This young man is unlucky and ran into Zhao Bapi. It's an unprovoked disaster." The old nurse first glanced at Director Zhao, and then said in a low voice.

After taking out the last silver needle, Tang Feng picked up the old woman's wrist again, took her pulse, and nodded slightly.

The doctor's medical knowledge is really beyond words. Just this acupuncture, the dying old woman, unexpectedly rejuvenated again, especially in the kidneys, a new kidney qi was nurtured.

With the existence of this kidney qi, it can ensure that the old woman can spend the next few days safely.

When he put the old woman's wrist back on the bed, the unconscious old woman opened her eyes faintly.

"Old woman, you're awake."

"Can you hear me? If you can, nod."

The old woman on the bed looked at him with her somewhat distracted eyes, and then nodded with difficulty.

"I used this acupuncture method to help the old woman give birth to a new kidney qi, which can last for three days. During these three days, although she will be very weak, she will not get sick again." Tang Feng stood up and looked at Lu Guobao and said.

"Mr. Tang, thank you, thank you." Looking at his mother who had woken up, Lu Guobao's body was trembling with excitement, and his voice was a little choked when he spoke.

"Okay, it's getting late, we should go back." Tang Feng smiled and said to Lin Mengjia.

Lin Mengjia also looked at him, with a faint smile on her beautiful face.

"Who told you to leave? Stop right there." When Tang Feng was about to leave, Director Zhao spoke again, shouting at Tang Feng in an imperative tone.

Tang Feng stopped, turned his head, and looked suspiciously at the cold-faced Director Zhao.

He was a little puzzled. He hadn't offended Director Zhao, so why did this director target him as if he were an enemy?

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