Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 305: Dog Fighting Contest Begins

Although the water from the Immortal Realm River is not a healing elixir, it still has a good healing effect on ordinary wounds. Those wounds, sprinkled with the water from the Immortal Realm River and then pressed with something, stopped bleeding quickly.

Wolves are extremely tenacious creatures. After being fed the water from the Immortal Realm River, none of the dozen wild wolves lying in the pool of blood died.

After all this trouble, it was three or four o'clock in the morning.

"Let's take these wolf cubs back first."

In the farm, the two large iron cages bought earlier are now useful again. More than a dozen wild wolves have been moved into the iron cages.

"Hu Zi, go get some raw pork." Tang Feng told Hu Zi.

Hu Zi nodded, took the two young men, and quickly left. When he came back, he brought a large pot of raw pork, which was prepared for lunch and dinner on the farm.

Locked in the cage, these wolves, who were still a little dying, were full of fear and anxiety. Their green eyes stared at the people outside the cage, grinning and making low sounds.

"Okay, let's go back to sleep." After dividing the pork into small portions and throwing it into the cage, Tang Feng dozed off and waved his hand, signaling everyone to go back to sleep.

Then, everyone went back to sleep, and Tang Feng took Su Yuan back to the RV.

"You've been gone for two or three days, and you didn't even call me when you came back, leaving me alone in the empty room." Su Yuan lay on the bed, revealing a pair of white legs, looking at Tang Feng with beautiful eyes, and said a little sadly.

"I say, beautiful girl, you are idle every day, why don't you find something to do?" Tang Feng took off his coat, revealing his muscular body, and asked with a smile.

"Then, how about you find something for me to do." Su Ying lay there with a bright smile.

My aunt, you are the heir of Changhe Group. There are so many subsidiaries and factories under Changhe Group. If you want to work, you can go anywhere, Tang Feng said to Su Ying with a playful smile.

"I know that Lin Mengjia quit her company and now works for you. If she can do it, why can't I?" Seeing that he didn't speak, Su Ying got up from the bed, came to the bed here, and said with a pout.

Su Ying's body came closer, and the faint body fragrance came to Tang Feng's face.

The age of more than 20 years old is the best time for a woman. Su Ying is beautiful and has a good figure. The key is that she has a unique temperament that ordinary girls don't have. Such a woman has a lot of temptation for any man.

At this late night, Su Ying was only wearing a thin nightgown. When she leaned forward, a piece of spring light on her chest was looming.

"You don't know, because of her job-hopping, his father treats me as an enemy. Every time we meet, he doesn't look at me in a good face." Thinking of Lin Mengjia's job-hopping, Tang Feng had to smile bitterly.

While speaking, his eyes involuntarily glanced at Su Ying's chest. It was so white that he couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

What a beautiful person, but it's a pity.

"Hehe, so you went to meet her parents with her?" Su Ying pouted, her sexy body leaned on Tang Feng's shoulder, and asked with a smile.

However, although she had a smile on her face, there was a hint of loss in her eyes.

"That's not the case. I went to her house because of her grandfather. As for me and her, it's impossible." Tang Feng shrugged and said.

"Why? Does she look down on you?" Su Yuan looked at his profile and asked softly.

"Maybe, it's because we are not from the same world." Tang Feng thought for a while and said in a deep voice.

Su Ying nodded, not really understanding, and didn't dwell on this topic any more.

"By the way, I was serious about what I said just now. I also want to do something."

Looking at the little woman lying on his shoulder, Tang Feng smiled bitterly again. What was going on?

"Okay, I'm going to open a big food store in the city to sell the food I produce here. Otherwise, you can be the store manager for me." After thinking about it seriously, Tang Feng had an idea.

Maybe Su Ying didn't have much business experience and had never worked as a store manager, but as the daughter of Su Changhe, she must have inherited the merchant gene in her body. There would be no pressure to manage one or two stores.

"Okay, have you found a storefront? If not, I can find a way." Su Ying was in high spirits.

"I have a good storefront on hand, near Pingyang Square." Tang Feng responded.

Speaking of the store, Tang Feng has to thank Yang Peng. That rich man Yang not only gave him 10 or 20 million in cash, but also gave him a Mercedes s600, a villa, and a two-story store near Pingyang Square.

"When do we start business?" When asking, Su Ying playfully used the ends of her hair to play with Tang Feng's face.

"We have to do a simple decoration first, and then we'll open it." Tang Feng replied with a smile.

You better stop teasing me, damn girl. If you provoke me, I'll kill you on the spot.

That night, Tang Feng didn't fall asleep until five in the morning. As for Su Ying, she fell asleep in his arms while chatting, and the two of them slept in this small bed all night.

The next day, Su Ying took the key to the store and left the farm happily.

After breakfast, Tang Feng simply packed himself up and drove the Ford Raptor with the Stinger, carrying the Tosa Fighting Dog and Erha towards the city.

First arrived at the Rhine Peninsula, where the two sisters Lin Mengjia were already waiting.

When they arrived at Cheng Fei's dog fighting arena, the parking lot outside the dog fighting arena was already full of cars, and even the road outside was full of cars. At a glance, these hundreds of cars were all good cars, and there were even luxury cars worth millions.

You know, just the registration fee alone is more than 100,000. This dog fighting competition is not something that ordinary people can afford. Those who come here today are either rich or noble.

"I didn't expect it to be so lively here." Lin Mengyao was like a curious baby, looking left and right, full of curiosity.

Of course, what made her most curious were the two fierce dogs following Tang Feng, especially Erha, the king of expressions.

Although she was not a dog lover, she still knew something about these common dogs. This was the first time she had seen such a big Husky since she was a child.

The appearance of Tang Feng undoubtedly attracted the attention of many people. Of course, it was not because he was so famous, but because of the two fierce dogs around him, whether it was Tosa Fighting Dog or Husky, they were a bit surprisingly big, comparable to Tibetan Mastiff.

Compared with the coldness of Tosa Fighting Dog, Erha, the king of expressions, could not hide his silly nature even if he grew up. Walking on the road, his pair of small eyes looked left and right, and his expressions were not to mention how rich they were.

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