Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 315: The second day of competition

"Let's go, let's go see our home." Yang Chan looked at Tang Feng with her beautiful eyes and said softly.

Tang Feng nodded woodenly, followed Yang Chan happily, and went into the bamboo building holding hands.

This bamboo building built with immortal arts is extremely exquisite. Inside, even the furniture is complete. The layout with a strong ancient Chinese style makes Tang Feng feel like he has traveled through time.

"I don't have much time left here. I'm afraid it will take a long time to come back next time. Remember to prepare some fun things from Earth for me in advance." In the bamboo building, Yang Chan said softly, leaning against each other.

Lowering his head and smelling the special fragrance in the hair, Tang Feng really wanted to hold the person in his arms like this until the end of time, but he also knew that it was impossible. Immortals and mortals are separated, and Yang Chan's ability to project into the lower world has already violated the immortal rules.

"Chan'er, I really want to hold you like this until the end of time." Tang Feng would never say such bitter words in the past, but now, he feels that it is natural to say it, and he doesn't think there is anything bitter about it.

"I also want to be with you like this, for the rest of my life, but, as immortals and mortals are separated, we can only meet in this way, but I believe that sooner or later, we can be together." Yang Chan snuggled in Tang Feng's arms, tender and affectionate.

Daozu was sealed for a thousand years. For immortals, a thousand years is just a matter of a snap of the fingers, but for mortals, it is a particularly long time. Who in this world can live for a thousand years?

However, Tang Feng did not feel any pressure about this. Even if he could not become an immortal, he did not believe that with the help of various immortal pills, he could not live for a thousand years.

"Well, I will go to the fairyland to find you after the seal of Daozu is broken."

The time lovers spend together is always so short. Half an hour passed unknowingly. When Yang Chan's figure gradually turned into a little fairy light and dissipated in his arms, he felt lost in his heart.

After staying in the bamboo building for a long time, Tang Feng reluctantly left here. When leaving the valley, he specifically told Heizi and the python not to allow anyone or any creature to enter the valley again.

When returning to the farm, Sister Li had already prepared the meal, and everyone was waiting for him.

"Okay, let's eat."

After breakfast, Tang Feng and Sting drove a pickup truck, carrying Erha and Tosa Fighting Dog, and left the farm and rushed to the dog fighting field.

Maybe because of the wonderful performance of Tosa and Erha yesterday, when they came over, people passing by stopped and greeted him. As for the female guests, they came up one by one to take photos with Erha.

The shameless Erha is not shy and never refuses strangers. Every time he takes a photo, he poses in various poses and expressions, showing his expression to the fullest.

Tang Feng and Du Ci followed behind, and they could only smile bitterly. It's enough for anyone to have such an idiot.

"I'm here." Cheng Fei came over after seeing Tang Feng.

While speaking, Cheng Fei's eyes intentionally or unintentionally glanced at Erha, and the corners of his mouth twitched several times, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end, he swallowed the words that were on the tip of his tongue.

Cheng Fei really wanted to say, brother, you let your Erha give up, its lack of moral integrity has seriously affected the competition. If all the fighting dogs follow suit, how can the dog fighting competition be held? Just hold a horse racing competition.

"It's almost time. Get ready. I'm afraid it will be a tough battle today."

Tang Feng shrugged his shoulders indifferently. Although there were several good fighting dogs participating in the competition this time, he didn't believe that any of them could compete with his two dog kings.

The two chatted for a while, and not long after, the broadcast sounded.

Then, the numbers of the fighting dogs in the first round of today's competition were announced.

Half of the fighting dogs that came to participate in the dog fighting competition this time were eliminated after yesterday's round of competition, and a small part of the winning part could not continue the competition due to serious injuries.

So, there are only more than 90 fighting dogs participating in the competition today.

Originally, there were ten competition venues, but today they were reduced by half, and the space of each competition venue was much larger. Sitting in the stands, it is more intuitive and clear.

More than 90 fighting dogs, ten in each round, that is, nine rounds, if calculated based on 20 minutes per round, it is more than three hours, and it will definitely be finished before twelve o'clock.

The first number called on the radio was Tosa Fighting Dog's, which was a good start.

Obviously, because Tosa Fighting Dog's expression yesterday was too good, most people were optimistic about Tosa, so everyone tacitly did not bet on Tosa Fighting Dog's opponent.

Facts have also proved that this is a wise choice. The purebred black back that looked very fierce did not last a round in Tosa's mouth, and his neck was bitten off and died completely.

The bloody scene set off the entire dog fighting arena, with cheers and screams.

Tang Feng stood outside the arena, turned his head and looked at the stands, looking at the screaming spectators, and there was a silence in his heart. The twisted human nature was perfectly interpreted here, of course, the interpretation also included this twisted world.

The second round started soon. In this round, the most eye-catching performance was a fierce dog that looked very similar to an African hyena. Judging from its size, it was half a head taller than the Tosa fighting dog.

This fighting dog, which was suspected to be a hyena, was also very ferocious during the fight. The equally fierce Caucasian dog was bitten to pieces by it. In the end, the entire neck was almost bitten to pieces, and it itself was only slightly injured.

In the third round, there were no fighting dogs that performed too well. The game was really tragic. Even the winning side was covered with scars. Two of them fell to the ground when they walked out of the arena and never got up again.

In the following rounds of the game, Tang Feng made bets one after another. Facts have proved that his vision is still very good. In these few shots, every time he missed, he bet on all of them and made a small profit of 10 million.

What made Tang Feng a little depressed was that he saw that it was already the eighth round, but he still didn't hear Erha's number on the radio.

In the eighth round, another hunting dog stood out. It was a brown-red Tibetan mastiff with an ugly face, which reminded people of the legendary devil Tibetan mastiff, that is, the Tibetan mastiff that was taken away by wolves and raised.

This ugly Tibetan mastiff was almost trampling its opponent. Its bloody mouth bit off one of the hind legs of the Tosa fighting dog. During the whole process, the pit was filled with the miserable cries of the Tosa fighting dog.

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