Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 438 Sun Xiangzi is back

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In his spare time, Tang Feng went to the winery.

As the night deepened, the winery, which had been noisy all day, gradually became quiet.

The two comrades of the Stinger had also arrived. These two retired special forces soldiers came with their families. In order to settle them, Tang Feng specially asked Duan Lei to renovate two separate houses on the winery side.

Like Qiao Jiaojiao's house, these two houses have two bedrooms and one living room, with independent bathrooms and kitchens. With the addition of various furniture and appliances, the family can live there, and the conditions are no worse than commercial housing.

In order to reassure the two retired special forces soldiers, Tang Feng also used his father's relationship to send the two children to the public elementary school near the winery. As for their wives, they worked directly in the winery.

Without worries and high wages, these two former special forces soldiers and their wives were naturally happy and completely relieved to work in the winery.

The winery was really big, and it was definitely not enough to rely on two people to guard it. After thinking it over, Tang Feng simply pulled two fierce dogs from the farm.

Fierce dogs and special forces, this is definitely a high-level configuration. He believes that as long as there is no warrior breaking in, the safety of the winery will definitely not be a problem.

Qiao Jiaojiao's house, the lights were on, Tang Feng pushed the door open and entered. Qiao Jiaojiao was lying on the big bed in the bedroom in a daze.

"What's wrong?"

Tang Feng sat down beside the bed, stretched out his hand to turn Qiao Jiaojiao's body, let her head rest on his thighs, and then asked.

"Sun Xiangzi woke up, what should I do?" Qiao Jiaojiao looked up and looked at Tang Feng, and asked in a confused voice.

Tang Feng reached out and stroked Qiao Jiaojiao's fair cheek and smiled slightly.

"Feng, I'm scared. I really don't want to go back to that house, and I don't want to live the kind of life I used to. Otherwise, you can send me somewhere else." Qiao Jiaojiao said with a sob.

In Qiao Jiaojiao's mind, she never thought that Sun Xiangzi would wake up one day.

She has become accustomed to her current life, accustomed to the feeling of having Tang Feng by her side. Such a life and such a man make her obsessed and crazy. If she were to go back to that home and face that disgusting man again, she would rather die.

"Okay, don't be afraid, I'm here, I will let Sun Xiangzi divorce you obediently." Tang Feng said softly, gently hugging the soft body.

"Sun Xiangzi is a scumbag, how could he agree to divorce me." Qiao Jiaojiao bit her lower lip and choked.

"Believe me, within a week at most, Sun Xiangzi will take the initiative to ask for a divorce from you. At that time, I'm afraid that even if you don't want to divorce, he will force you to divorce." Tang Feng kissed the red lips and said with a smile.

Qiao Jiaojiao sat up, looking at Tang Feng with confusion and doubt on her face.

She couldn't think of how Sun Xiangzi, that scumbag, would take the initiative to divorce her.

"Feng, you don't really plan to give money to the Sun family, do you? If you really give them money, those gossipers in Tianjing Village will say bad things about you behind your back. I would rather not divorce than let you be pointed at by those people." Qiao Jiaojiao clenched her fist and said.

Looking at this considerate little woman, Tang Feng couldn't help but hug her again.

The reason why he likes this woman may be because of her kindness. This woman always thinks about others. Even if she encounters great difficulties, she will grit her teeth and bear it silently.

"Don't worry, I won't give a penny to the Sun family. As for Sun Xiangzi's divorce from you, I have other plans." Tang Feng said softly, smelling the fragrance on the hair.

"Okay, don't think about such troubles. If the sky falls, I will support you." Reaching out to turn the light body around, the four eyes met, Tang Feng lowered his head and sealed the red lips with his big mouth.

Sparse voices rang out, and then there was the graceful voice of a woman who was particularly beautiful.

When Tang Feng and Qiao Jiaojiao were in love, Sun Xiangzi was also sweating profusely in the luxurious suite of Pingyang Hotel in Pingyang City. As for his wife, he had long forgotten about her.

That night, Tang Feng did not go back to the farm. He drove back to the farm in the early morning of the next day.

Not long after returning to the farm, Erkui and Huzi hurried over.

"Brother, something big happened, something big happened again." Huzi shouted at the top of his voice as soon as he entered the door.

"What big thing happened again?"

Tang Feng sat on the sofa, drinking the tea cut by Mr. Zhu himself. On the table next to him, Mr. Zhu was playing chess with Xiaobai. Mr. Zhu was defeated by Xiaobai at this time and was almost sweating on his head.

Mr. Zhu is quite accomplished in Go, but unfortunately, he met Xiaobai, a goblin who has lived for hundreds or even thousands of years. His Go skills are really not good enough in front of Xiaobai. Almost every day, he can't make it through the day without losing more than a dozen games.

But this gentleman is happy to lose and win. In just a few days, his Go skills have improved. Now, although he still can't beat Xiaobai, he is not like before, and he can't even fight back.

Tea is brewed with spring water mixed with water from the fairyland river. It tastes sweet. After drinking it, the airflow flows through the body, making every pore of the body comfortable and comfortable.

Mr. Zhu now lives on the farm. Playing chess and making tea have become his biggest hobbies. Of course, at night, he will take Tang Feng or Du Ci to drink some wine by the reservoir. His life is so comfortable.

As for him, he has never had such a comfortable life in his life. He doesn't want to go back to the farm.

As for the idea of ​​returning to Jinyang, the old man has long thrown it to Java.

"Brother, do you know that Sun Xiangzi is back with a beautiful woman." Hu Zi came to Tang Feng, lowered his voice and whispered.

Is Sun Xiangzi so impatient to take Xiaoxue back to Tianjing Village! Hearing Hu Zi's words, a sneer flashed across Tang Feng's face.

"And brother, I heard that Sun Xiangzi is planning to divorce Sister Jiaojiao and marry that woman." Er Kui said.

"You don't know, brother. That woman seems to be very rich. She drives an Audi. Now, Sun Xiangzi is showing off a lot. It seems that all the brand-name suits he wears are bought by that woman." Hu Zi interrupted.

Tang Feng sneered in his heart. He paid Liu Siyuan to buy that Audi for Xiaoxue. He also paid for Xiaoxue to buy clothes for Sun Xiangzi. Sun Xiangzi was completely unaware of it and was still showing off everywhere.

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