Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 450 Lihua Daixue

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"Tang Feng?"

She called out this name in her heart, but looking at the strange face, she couldn't believe it.

In her eyes, the strange face that was close at hand gradually changed, from strange to a familiar face.

When she saw this familiar face, she was stunned for a moment, and then she couldn't hold back anymore, tears burst out.

Looking at the tearful look of the little woman in front of him, Tang Feng sighed, reached out and removed the tape on her mouth.

After he untied the rope on Jing Guan's hand, the little woman threw herself into his arms, hugged his nose, buried her whole face in his chest, and burst into tears.

Tang Feng squatted there, maintaining the original posture, allowing the little woman to vent in his arms.

After a long time, Jing Guan had vented enough and raised his head. The makeup on his delicate face was all smudged, and tears hung on his face, looking like pear blossoms instead of snow, which looked very interesting.

"You bad guy, why did you scare me?" Jing Guan wiped his tears and pouted to Tang Feng.

"Okay, don't cry, it's safe now." Looking at Jing Guan's pitiful appearance, Tang Feng smiled and comforted him.

"Look, you wet my clothes."

Jing Guan lowered her head and looked at Tang Feng's chest, and then she saw that Tang Feng's clothes on his chest were already wet, obviously, wet by her tears. Looking at the wetness, her face couldn't help but blush.

"Where are the robbers outside?" After a moment, Jing Guan finally returned to normal, looking at Tang Feng, and asked in a low voice.

"Including this one, all five robbers have been dealt with." Tang Feng said with a smile.

While talking, there was a sound of hurried footsteps outside.

"Okay, we should go out, otherwise Jing Tian will be worried." Hearing the footsteps, Tang Feng stood up, reached out, helped Jing Guan up from the ground, and said.

As soon as he walked out of the clothing store, a dozen fully armed special police surrounded him outside the door. After seeing Tang Feng and Jing Guan come out safely, these special police lowered their guns.

"Auntie, you are not injured, right?" Jing Tian trotted up and carefully checked Jing Guan.

"I'm fine, thanks to Tang Feng's timely arrival." Jing Guan forced a smile, shook his head, and looked at Tang Feng with beautiful eyes.

"Tang Feng, thank you." Jing Tian looked at Tang Feng and said with a smile on his face.

Tang Feng smiled back and said nothing more.

Over there, Shangguan Jiaqian stared at the robber in the clothing store whose chest was dented by Tang Feng's slap, and was stunned for a long time.

She had only seen this kind of inhuman power in her master, and she didn't expect that the little man she met after coming to the mortal world also possessed this terrible power.

The body of the robber leader was still thrown at the entrance of the stairs. The man's neck was crushed alive.

"Tang Feng, this time, I owe you a big favor." Zhou Cheng walked up, looked at Tang Feng with a complicated expression, and said.

After the incident of foreign armed robbers taking hostages, Zhou Cheng had already made the worst plan, but he never thought that this terrible situation was finally resolved by Tang Feng alone. Except for the five robbers, no hostages were injured or killed.

After this incident, he, the director of the city police station, will not be criticized by name, but will be commended by the provincial department. In the future, this will also become an important resume in his career.

"If you say that, I'll be relieved." Hearing Zhou Cheng's words, Tang Feng smiled and said.

"Director Zhou, if there is nothing wrong here, I'll leave first."

Five robbers, one dead and four injured. As the instigator, Tang Feng was unwilling to stay in the crowd for too long to avoid unnecessary trouble.

"Then you go first. I'll treat you to a drink later." Zhou Cheng nodded.

"Jia Qian, do you want to come with me? I have something for you." Tang Feng turned to look at Shangguan Jiaqian and said with a smile.

Shangguan Jiaqian hesitated for a moment and looked at Zhou Cheng. Zhou Cheng smiled and nodded to her, acquiescing.

When leaving the mall, the number of people watching the excitement outside did not decrease, but increased. The streets were full of dark crowds. Tang Feng and Shangguan Jiaqian took Jing Guan and Jing Tian with great effort to squeeze out of the crowd.

"Jing Tian, ​​Jing Guan, what about you two? Are you going home now?" Tang Feng started the car, drove out of the parking lot outside the mall, and after getting on the main road, Tang Feng turned back and asked Jing Tian and Jing Guan.

Fortunately, these two little women are not from ordinary families. They have seen the world and have recovered after resting for this period of time.

"I don't want to go home. Otherwise, you take me and my aunt to your farm." Jing Tian hesitated for a moment, looked at Tang Feng, and said in a low voice.

Thinking of what happened just now, Jing Tian was still a little scared. Although the gang of robbers had been subdued, she was still afraid. There were still accomplices of the robbers. She always felt safer staying with Tang Feng than anywhere else.

"Okay, but you'd better call Uncle Jing and the others first, so that they don't worry." Tang Feng nodded, said a word, and continued to drive.

In the old city, when Jing Tian's parents learned that Jing Tian and Jing Guan were with Tang Feng, their hearts dropped to their stomachs. After telling the two to pay more attention to safety, they hung up the phone.

Back to the farm, Tian Zhengguang also came.

Xiaobai and Mr. Zhu were playing chess on the pier. Tian Zhengguang stood behind Mr. Zhu and gave him advice to fight against Xiaobai together.

But even if the two of them joined forces, they were still defeated by Xiaobai. Tian Zhengguang stood behind them, anxiously jumping up and down, but there was nothing he could do.

Seeing Tang Feng coming back, Xiaobai prepared to get up.

"You continue to play. You don't need to entertain here." Tang Feng said to Xiaobai.

Following behind Tang Feng, Jing Tian and Jing Guan, the two women, did not say a word from beginning to end. Their beautiful eyes curiously looked at Xiaobai who was playing chess with Mr. Zhu and others. In their hearts, they were full of curiosity about this beautiful woman.

"Tang Feng, who is that woman in white?" After entering the villa, Jing Tian asked Tang Feng curiously.

"She is my personal nanny." Tang Feng took a cup of water from the table next to him and said casually.

Personal nanny! Is there such a beautiful and elegant nanny? Jing Guan and Jing Tian naturally did not believe Tang Feng's words.

"You two drink some water first, and go upstairs to sleep for a while. I have something to say to Officer Shangguan." After pouring water for Jing Guan and Jing Tian, ​​Tang Feng said.

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