Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 477: 15 million turnover

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Secretary Li sat there, looking at Mr. Zhu opposite, with many thoughts in his mind.

He never thought that the person behind Tang Feng would be this person.

As far as he knows, Vice Governor Zhu was seriously ill as early as half a year ago and has been recuperating in Jinyang. There has been no news from him for more than half a year. Some people are even saying that this person is suffering from the disease. Terminal illness, time is running out.

But when I look at him now, I see that this person is in good spirits, and when he walks, his steps are steady, and he doesn't look like someone who is sick.

"Shou Chun, I heard the conversation you had with Tang Feng just now upstairs. If those directors are really moving closer to you, then we can stop embarrassing them." Mr. Zhu was the first to speak. .

Mr. Zhu also didn't talk nonsense and got straight to the point.

Tang Feng was sitting next to him, drinking tea by himself. Since his husband came downstairs, he could have some free time. As for these official matters, he was too lazy to get involved. If he could avoid leisure, he should try to avoid leisure. Bar.

After Li Shouchun heard Mr. Zhu's words, his tense nerves finally relaxed.

His brain was spinning rapidly, thinking of many possibilities.

The Vice Governor Zhu in front of me has been in Shanxi Province for half a year, but because of his health, he has always been marginalized by the power of the provincial party committee. If this continues, he may have to retreat.

Now that this person seems to have recovered from his illness, he will definitely return to Jinyang next. Moreover, based on this person's ability, there will probably be a fight between dragons and tigers in the official circles of Jin Province. At this time, he It needs support.

Maybe this person is sending a signal to himself.

"Vice Governor Zhu, are you ready to return to work?" After careful consideration, Li Shouchun looked at Mr. Zhu and asked.

To outsiders, this is just a common question, but when people who are familiar with this question hear this question, they can grasp something deeper inside.

Mr. Zhu put a smile on his face and nodded slightly.

"I have been treating diseases here in Tang Feng these days, and the disease has already recovered. Although the life here is comfortable, people always have their own burdens to bear. I have also cultivated myself. It’s been a long time, it’s time to go out to work.”

"Vice Governor Zhu's physical recovery is a blessing to the people of Jin Province. Shouchun believes that under the leadership of Mr. Jin, Jin Province's economy will definitely take off." Li Shouchun said loudly with a smile on his face.

Sure enough, they are all foxes. If you don't have high IQ, you won't understand what they are saying.

Tang Feng sat there, looking at these two old foxes who were smiling happily, and couldn't help but complain in his heart. Fortunately, he often took various spiritual substances, and his brain was brighter than ordinary people. Otherwise, he would really have listened. I don’t understand the conversation between these two.

Li Shouchun came in a hurry, but he was also in a hurry. However, when he left, Tang Feng could see that the Pingyang secretary was in a relaxed mood.

After seeing off Li Shouchun, only Tang Feng and Mr. Zhu were left in the living room of the villa.

"Sir, are you planning to take over this Li Shouchun?" Tang Feng looked at Mr. Zhu and asked with a smile.

"Pingyang is a major population and energy city in Jin Province. If Li Shouchun can secure his position as the top leader in Pingyang, he will be of great help to me in the province in the future." Mr. Zhu said. .

For so long, both Tang Feng and Mr. Zhu have recognized each other, and some secrets can no longer be hidden. In a certain respect, they are already standing in the same boat. People.

"Official matters are too troublesome. From now on, I'd better not get involved. All I can do is support my husband with force and financial resources to ensure that he is healthy and will not be threatened by others." Tang Feng sat lazily on the sofa and said without interest.

For him, the waters of officialdom were too deep and dirty, and he didn't want to be in it and make his life too tiring.

After hearing his words, the smile on Mr. Zhu's face faded, and his deep eyes looked at him like this for a long time.

"The pond in Pingyang is too small. I'm afraid it won't be able to accommodate a big dragon like you sooner or later. When I return to Jinyang this time, I will pave the road for you there first. When you plan to come to Jinyang for development, you can come here at any time. ." Mr. Zhu said in a calm voice.

"Jinyang, I think it's better not to go. If Pingyang can no longer accommodate me one day, then I will go to the sea, buy a desert island, develop myself there, and become a local emperor there." Tang Feng hehe Said with a smile.

"This is a good idea and worth considering. When you turn the island into a paradise, I will go to your place to retire." Mr. Zhu was very thoughtful and even thought about things after retirement.

"Well, one day, if I buy an island and become the owner of the island, I will build you a house on the island. When you retire, you can live there, enjoying the sun and fishing every day." Tang Feng said with a smile.

The old man and the young man chatted about the future events, and unknowingly, they had already waited until late at night.

The next day, Datang Liquor opened as usual, but today, no one from the Work Safety Bureau and Health Bureau came.

Anyone who pays attention to the direction of the wind will understand that these departments have given in.

There is no way, they have to give in. Just because of a Tang Dynasty wine shop, two city bureau chiefs were defeated. This has undoubtedly sounded the alarm for everyone. This Tang Dynasty wine shop is not easy to mess with. There are people behind it.

Because of this incident, the wine shop has been in charge for many days, and many drunkards have been deprived of food. Now that the wine shop is open again, these drunkards are like cats smelling fishy smells, and they all run over.

Duan Lei has received Tang Feng’s notice in advance, so the supply prepared today is sufficient, and a full 500 bottles of Tang Dynasty wine are open for sale.

But even so, it didn’t last until dark, and the 500 bottles of Tang Dynasty wine were sold out.

With a turnover of 15 million, even if Duan Lei has made full mental preparations, his heartbeat is still a little accelerated, and he is looking for heart pills everywhere.

The Hu family's spy hidden in the dark reported the hot business of the wine shop to Mr. Hu, which further stimulated Mr. Hu and made him more determined to seize the Tang Dynasty wine.

Late at night, the Tang Dynasty Winery was quiet.

Several black shadows quietly climbed over the back wall of the winery and entered the winery. After entering the winery, they quickly rushed to the small warehouse.

Not only was the speed extremely fast, but they also walked briskly without making any sound.

In the darkness, two pairs of green eyes swayed, staring at these uninvited guests.

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