Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 531 A Gift for Yao Ji

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"Qinglian Jue", this is the name of this practice method. The entire method is profound and abnormal. If it weren't for that weird energy, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to understand it even if he studied it for decades.

But now, after this practice method appeared in his mind, he didn't even have to be cruel to understand it, he just understood it directly, as if this method was originally part of his sea of ​​consciousness.

Initiation! Is this the legendary initiation?

With this thought in He Mingyang's mind, he became more and more in awe of Tang Feng.

When the entire technique was passed down, He Mingyang opened his eyes.

"Sir, from now on, if you have any instructions, Sir, Mingyang will definitely not refuse at all." He Mingyang said loudly.

Tang Feng smiled and nodded, extending his hand to signal.

"Get up."

After He Mingyang got up, Tang Feng took out several porcelain jars, and then downloaded a elixir suitable for He Mingyang.

"In this porcelain altar, there is a kind of strange spiritual water. Practitioners take it when they practice, and they can get twice the result with half the effort. And this elixir is a century-old elixir that can help you quickly give birth to your first child. A wisp of spiritual energy comes, and you can embark on the path of spiritual practice.”

He Mingyang stood there, staring at the elixir with cyan brilliance without blinking, and swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

A hundred-year elixir, a hundred-year elixir, such a treasure, no matter how much money you have, you can't buy it.

"For now, you can stay in Macau. If you run out of this spiritual water, just contact me directly and I will have someone deliver it to you." Tang Feng placed the porcelain altars on the table, and then Put the elixir into He Mingyang's hand.

He Mingyang took the elixir with both hands and held it carefully in his hands, as if he was holding his beloved one.

"Sir, what can I do for you?" He Mingyang asked, holding his beloved child in his hands and looking at Tang Feng.

"For now, you don't have to do anything. Just work hard to develop your own industry. When my industry starts to expand to Hong Kong, Macau and other overseas regions, I will use the power of your He family." Tang Feng said. .

"Mingyang understands what to do." He Mingyang smiled and nodded.

"Sir, there are 600 million in this card. You must not accept it." Then he took out a bank card from his pocket and handed it to Tang Feng.

Looking at He Mingyang and the card, Tang Feng smiled and shook his head, and finally accepted the bank card.

"By the way, when you are in Macau, help me pay more attention to the sea and help me find a good island. Maybe I will build a cave there in the future." Tang Feng thought of something and said to He Mingyang.

Hearing the words "cave mansion", He Mingyang's eyes lit up. "Monk, how can there be no cave mansion? From now on, I can be regarded as a monk. In the future, I will naturally follow my husband to practice. Then this The cave must be the best.

Thinking of this, he became interested in choosing islands on the sea.

"Sir, don't worry. Leave the matter of finding the island to me."

He Mingyang left, his steps were almost flying as he walked.

After He Mingyang left, Tang Feng stopped for a moment and went downstairs.

In the lobby on the first floor of the hotel, Li Ruohua was sitting on the soft sofa in the lounge area, drinking coffee and reading a magazine.

Seeing Tang Feng coming, Li Ruohua put down the magazine.

"When He Mingyang left just now, I saw that his face was red and he seemed to be in a very good mood. When he walked, he was almost floating."

Tang Feng sat down, picked up Li Ruohua's coffee cup, and took a sip.

"I heard that Macau is very beautiful and lively at night. Why don't we go out for a walk." Tang Feng suggested.

"Okay." Li Ruohua smiled and nodded.

Macau is indeed beautiful and lively at night. There is feasting, emeralds, gems, gourmet food everywhere. If you have money, this is paradise.

When we returned to the hotel, it was already eleven o'clock, and the two of them were carrying many large and small bags.

That night, Tang Feng hugged Li Ruohua and slept soundly.

In another part of the city, in a mansion, He Mingyang was completely insomniac.

The door of the study room was locked, and He Mingyang was sitting in front of the table. On the table were the porcelain altars and the century-old elixir that he had put in the wooden box.

Opening the box carefully, He Mingyang couldn't help but feel excited when he saw the elixir with green light spots flowing around it again.

Just like in a dream, he never thought that one day he would also be able to obtain the method of immortality.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, the "Qing Lian Jue" was so clear, and he knew everything was abnormal between the lines. The content and essence of this technique mentioned that when you practice to a high level, you can condense the golden elixir.

The word golden elixir is not unfamiliar to him. According to legend, gods and immortals will condense the golden elixir. Once the golden elixir is condensed, they can have powerful magic power and a long lifespan.

Opportunity, God has given it to me, and I, He Mingyang, must hold on tightly. Money is just an external thing. If you don’t bring it with you in life, you won’t take it with you in death. Immortality is what I long for. He Mingyang is like this in his heart. Talk to yourself.

In the hotel, when Li Ruohua fell asleep, Tang Feng took his mobile phone from the side and logged into WeChat.

There were several unread messages on WeChat, all from Yao Ji.

"Are you there?"

"Practicing? You don't talk."

"Well, I'm going to sleep."

Looking at these three messages, Tang Feng smiled.

Yao Ji is still in Wancheng, but judging from her inner dynamics, she seems to be preparing to leave the day after tomorrow.

Perhaps, before this woman leaves, I should send her a gift, Tang Feng thought to himself.

What kind of gift should I send to surprise this woman?

Tang Feng thought for a long time, and then his eyes lit up, and he got it.

Then, he found the WeChat of Night Wanderer and sent a message to him.

"Night Wanderer, go help me do something."

When it was dark, Night Wanderer was patrolling a city in the Earthly Immortal Realm. Coincidentally, this city was not far from Wancheng.

"Yes, senior." Hearing that familiar voice appear again, Night Wanderer was excited.

Since he became the Night Wandering God, he had never received so many immortal pills and immortal crystals, especially the profound immortal method. As a low-ranking god, he was not qualified to get it. But since he followed this senior, his wonderful life began.

"Go to Wancheng now. There is a girl named Yao Ji living in Yunlai Inn in Wancheng. I promised her that I would give her a surprise, but it is not convenient for me to go to the Earthly Immortal Realm now. Go and help me set up a lantern festival outside Yunlai Inn. Remember, I want to cover the entire canal outside Yunlai Inn with lanterns." Tang Feng sent this message.

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