Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 464: Ready to Go

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After hearing what Du Ci said, Zheng Guagua widened his eyes and looked incredible.

He could never have imagined that such a beautiful woman with a beautiful face, who was very elegant and profound, and was more than enough to match any man of any status, was just Tang Feng's nanny here.

Du Ci had seen countless people with his sharp eyes, so how could he not see Zheng Guagua's thoughts about Xiao Bai? He deliberately said it lightly, which made Zheng Guagua feel uncomfortable.

Sure enough, Zheng Guagua showed a very distressed expression. Although he did not speak, Du Ci could clearly see from his mouth shape that he wanted to say the words "waste heaven's gifts".

After seeing Zheng Guagua off, Tang Feng picked up the phone and dialed Lin Mengjia's number: "Hi, beautiful girl, what are you busy with recently?"

Lin Mengjia's voice with strong jealousy came over: "Manager Tang, do you still have time to call me? I thought you were busy dating big stars and making scandals."

Tang Feng couldn't help but laugh: "In my mind, Miss Lin is the real big star. She can obviously make a living with her face, but she still relies on her talent. She looks like an idol, but she also has strength."

"Don't give me that. This kind of sweet talk can be used to deceive other ignorant girls, but it's useless to me!" Although Lin Mengjia said this, her voice sounded smiling, and she obviously didn't mean to be angry at all.

Which woman doesn't like to hear praise? And this praise comes from the man she likes?

"Mengjia, I have something serious to tell you." Tang Feng stopped joking, "Zheng Guagua came to see me just now."

Tang Feng told Lin Mengjia about the matter. Lin Mengjia was silent for a few seconds, then asked: "How many shares of Shenglong International do you expect to get to feel satisfied?"

Sure enough, they had a tacit understanding. Before Tang Feng could tell her intentions, Lin Mengjia had guessed everything he was thinking.

Tang Feng stood up and said calmly: "I want to raise 600 million yuan."

Lin Mengjia couldn't help but take a breath and blurted out: "You want to control the company?"

At this moment, Shenglong International has reached a critical moment of life and death. Tang Feng only needs to invest 200 million to become a major shareholder, but he is not satisfied, but directly invests 600 million. Then the Zheng family's company will probably change its surname to Tang.

"If you want to play, play big." Tang Feng answered simply.

"But you have to think about it. The business of shopping malls is not as prosperous as it was ten years ago. After the development of e-commerce, with their lower prices, more flexible business methods, and more direct supply, they quickly occupied a large area of ​​the market, and caused the market share of physical stores to shrink rapidly. Although Shenglong International, a large shopping mall, looks very beautiful, its daily turnover is not optimistic. Otherwise, the Zheng family would not be so anxious and even face bankruptcy." As a person who is familiar with the market and understands the inside story of this aspect, Lin Mengjia's worries are not unreasonable. The huge impact of e-commerce on physical shopping malls is obvious to all. Tang Feng smiled slightly and said, "I have also considered what you said, but physical stores have some advantages that e-commerce cannot match. If I take over Shenglong International, then naturally I will play to its strengths and avoid its weaknesses to make it develop." If someone else said these words to Lin Mengjia, she would definitely sneer and think it was a fool's dream and bragging. But since these words came from Tang Feng's mouth, Lin Mengjia had to consider them. "Since you insist, I will fully cooperate. Leave the negotiation to me." Lin Mengjia said confidently, "You can wait to become the boss behind Shenglong International. I'm afraid Zheng Fulai will have to work for you in the future."

Tang Feng certainly trusted Lin Mengjia a hundred times. When he was negotiating with Lin Zeshou, Lin Mengjia would not be soft-hearted when facing her biological father and strive for the greatest benefit for the Datang Foundation. This time the negotiation target is Zheng Fulai. Tang Feng believes that Lin Mengjia will make him get what he wants.

"I'm at ease with you doing things." Tang Feng smiled, "I've always wanted to see the top floor of Shenglong International Building."

The two talked a few more words before hanging up the phone. Tang Feng remembered the kitten and hurried back to his room to see Xiaobai playing with it.

When Xiaobai saw Tang Feng coming in, he waved a long feather up and down to let the kitten chase it, and said with a smile: "This kitten is so cute and beautiful, and very well-behaved."

Tang Feng said "hmm" and nodded. Without Xiaobai's words, he could naturally see how good-looking this kitten was, and could even describe it as beautiful.

"Sir, why did you suddenly think of raising a cat?"

Tang Feng smiled and said: "It can be regarded as a coincidence. It asked me for help on its own."

"Help?" Xiaobai showed a puzzled expression on his face.

Just when Xiaobai looked at Tang Feng, his hand moved a little slower. The kitten jumped up from the ground to a height of one meter, grabbed the feather in one go, snatched it from Xiaobai's hand, and protected it with its claws very proudly, and called to Xiaobai.

Tang Feng looked at it and couldn't help but be speechless. This little guy, who was determined by the veterinarian not to survive today in just a few hours, is now so lively and fearless.

Seeing Xiaobai's puzzled look, Tang Feng recounted what happened before, and then said: "If it hadn't looked at me and cried pitifully, I wouldn't have noticed it at all. It survived because of its own efforts."

Xiaobai smiled slightly, looked at the kitten who was still showing off with a very loving look, and said: "Animal intuition is actually very strong, much more sensitive than humans. For example, on the eve of an earthquake, many people can't feel it, but animals can. Among the many people watching, it must have felt your strength and understood that only you can save it, so it tried its best to ask you for help."

Tang Feng nodded.

Xiaobai asked again: "Then, sir, do you plan to keep it here?"

Tang Feng smiled and shook his head: "Of course not, I plan to give it to your wife."

Xiaobai said "Oh", and there was a clear look of disappointment on his face.

"What? You like cats too? Then we can raise a few here. Du Zi just said that he would go to the village to collect a few cats." Tang Feng looked very disapproving. The countryside is so big now, and there are already many animals raised. What's the big deal about raising a few more cats?

Since Xiao Bai likes it, then just raise some.

Even if he raises a group of them, he can afford it.

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