Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 467: Taking over Shenglong International

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Win Sheng Long International

Tang Feng did not continue this topic, but closed his eyes and stopped talking. Firstly, it was because he felt that Huo Yafei, a woman, was very extraordinary and should keep a proper distance to avoid getting burned. Secondly, he really felt very tired now and needed a good rest.

Every time I treat someone's illness, I feel that my spiritual energy is greatly depleted. I don't know how to alleviate this situation. When Yang Chan contacts him again, ask her.

Tang Feng thought so in his heart.

Seeing Tang Feng's slightly tired look, Huo Yafei stopped talking, but still looked at Tang Feng with a faint smile on her face.

After sending Huo Yafei away, Tang Feng breathed a sigh of relief, took out his mobile phone, and couldn't wait to contact Yang Chan, but to his disappointment, Yang Chan was not online.

After the last two people met, Yang Chan had very little contact with him in the recent period. Although Tang Feng knew in his heart that Yang Chan often "disappeared" like this. After all, in the fairy world, many places are his own abilities. What cannot be touched is that when Yang Chan is in retreat or meditating, he cannot contact her.

But for some reason, Tang Feng felt vaguely worried in his heart, as if Yang Chan's disappearance this time gave him a very bad feeling.

What could be bad? Now Yang Chan is very happy in the fairy world. Apart from not being able to see her often, which is quite a bit regretful, everything else is booming. Cosmetic shops and candy shops are booming, and the Queen Mother and the Jade Emperor are doing well. He also admires her very much. It can be said that Yang Chan is many times happier now than when she first met him.

Tang Feng thought this way to get rid of that worry, and then swiped his phone to read other news.

Good news came from Jiaohua Tianzun, Kuijia, Yuelao, and Taibaijinxing. Thousands of merits have been accounted for. After excluding those returned to the system, there are still a few hundred left. Although this number is in Tang Feng's current situation. It seems that he is no longer satisfied, but compared to the negative number, it is still better, not too much.

Several people left messages to Tang Feng. They just wanted to buy some new goods and hope to open branches in other fairy cities. Tang Feng looked at these and smiled from ear to ear. This meant that a large number of merits were about to be credited. , and his cultivation level will become higher and higher. Although the goal of staying with Yang Chan is still far away, there is a glimmer of hope after all. Even the slim hope fills Tang Feng's heart. joy.

Tang Feng agreed to these people's requests one by one, thinking that he would go to Pingyang again tomorrow to purchase some needed things.

After processing this information, Tang Feng entered the lottery again. For several days, he found nothing good in the drift bottles, which almost made him lose the mood to pick them up. Today's luck obviously did not get better. It's still a small thing with little value.

"Let me go, is there a bug in WeChat?" Tang Feng couldn't help but muttered, "If this happens again next time, I will uninstall you!"

Although he said this, Tang Feng was naturally reluctant to uninstall it. Everything he had now was thanks to WeChat.

My originally good mood turned a little depressed.

Tang Feng put down his cell phone, walked slowly to the balcony, pushed open the huge glass door, and felt a cool air blowing in. The sky became increasingly gloomy, and snowflakes were slowly falling.

It's snowing.

Tang Feng took a deep breath of fresh air and felt a little better.

I don’t know if it will snow in the fairy world, and I don’t know what Yang Chan is doing at the moment.

When he thought of Yang Chan, Tang Feng's heart was filled with warmth.

Xiaobai walked in with a sugar bun in his hand, saw Tang Feng standing alone in front of the door, and called softly: "Master, do you want to give the sugar bun to Madam today?"

Sugar didn't turn around, just shook his head and said, "You can take care of it for a few days."

Xiao Bai's face immediately burst into joy, and his voice was filled with joy, and he nodded repeatedly: "Okay, thank you sir."

It seems that she really likes this kitten.

Tang Feng smiled slightly: "I will go to Pingyang tomorrow and bring you a cat that looks like Sugar Bao'er."

Xiaobai was still holding Sugar Bun'er, with a somewhat hesitant look on his face, and said: "Although he is just an ordinary kitten, I think the feeling Sugar Bun'er gives me cannot be replaced by other cats. This is about It's what people call fate." As she spoke, she kissed Tang Bao'er's little ear lovingly.

Tang Feng also understood in his heart that the kitten was not another object and could not be replaced by the same thing. However, he had already made up his mind to give the candy bag to Yang Chan, and naturally he would not change it again.

So, Tang Feng turned to look at Xiao Bai standing at the door, deliberately changed the subject, and said with a smile: "You have lived for thousands of years, and you are still so sentimental. I heard that women age easily if they worry."

Xiaobai pursed his lips and smiled and stopped talking.

In the evening, Lin Mengjia called and reported to Tang Feng about the negotiations with Shenglong International.

Although it is such a huge investment, it would take several or even dozens of rounds of negotiations at other times. Any small clause would take hours of verbal battles. Without a month's work, the contract would probably not be negotiated.

However, in this extraordinary period, Zheng Fulai was already overwhelmed. How could he still be so fussy about other issues when he got a lifeline like the Datang Foundation? As long as Tang Feng invested one day earlier, his losses would be stopped in time. As a smart businessman, Zheng Fulai, who has been struggling in the business world for so many years, certainly knows how to make choices. Although the conditions proposed by Lin Mengjia made him feel painful, he accepted them almost completely at the first time.

"In other words, now you have become the largest shareholder and actual president of Shenglong International, and enjoy the controlling rights." When Lin Mengjia's voice came over, there was a hint of excitement.

Although Lin Mengjia, as the daughter of Lin Zeshou, was raised in wealth, she was not very enthusiastic about money, but after she signed and negotiated such a business, and made Tang Feng get what he wanted, she was still quite proud.

"You are really my lucky goddess." Tang Feng did not hesitate to praise him, "With you here, I am really relaxed and happy as a hands-off shopkeeper."

"Then are you going to reward me well?" Lin Mengjia's voice was even more joyful.

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