Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 469 Lin Mengjia's Work

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Lin Mengjia was indeed very busy, extremely busy. What she said was not to take credit for herself, but it was indeed the case.

When Tang Feng walked into Lin Mengjia's office, he saw her holding a mobile phone in one hand and a phone in the other. She was talking to two people at the same time, and she was still able to do it in an orderly manner. Moreover, there was a female assistant standing next to her, holding a thick stack of documents in her hands and saying something to her. Lin Mengjia nodded and shook his head from time to time, indicating to the assistant to mark.

In this way, he could handle everything in an orderly manner without any panic. Tang Feng had to admire Lin Mengjia's ability, and he also felt secretly proud of himself.

Seeing Tang Feng walk in, Lin Mengjia's brows, which had been slightly furrowed because she was so busy, straightened out and smiled brightly at him. Then she raised her chin and motioned for him to sit down in a group. Wait a moment on the sofa.

Lin Mengjia's action was both arrogant and charming. The obvious gesture of frequently ordering others was intertwined with the smile on her face, which was uniquely cute.

Tang Feng smiled slightly. He was willing to do anything asked by such a beautiful woman. He sat down on the sofa. A secretary immediately came up and poured him hot tea with a respectful attitude.

Although Tang Feng rarely appears at the Datang Foundation, almost no one working here knows that he is their real boss, the BOSS behind the scenes. However, Lin Mengjia has already greeted his secretary before. If Tang Feng comes, regardless of whether he has made an appointment or not, , no matter what she is doing, she must let him go. Even if she is not in the office, Tang Feng can come and go freely.

Although the secretary was confused about such an order, she couldn't ask too many questions and could only carry it out to the letter. When she saw Tang Feng, she still didn't know Tang Feng's identity, but based on Lin Mengjia's attitude alone, She knew that this man was definitely not an ordinary person, so she looked at him with the utmost respect.

"Okay, Mr. Zhao, I am very grateful for your trust and support for the Datang Foundation. I also thank you very much for your enthusiasm in helping poor students. I believe that our cooperation will be very pleasant. We will meet to discuss the specific matters in detail. Goodbye." Lin Mengjia put down the landline phone in her hand and continued talking to the mobile phone: "Director Zhang, I will go to your school for a field trip this afternoon - no, it is not in a hurry, and there is no need to prepare anything. I hope to see it. To the most real look. Well, I understand your concerns, but the purpose of our foundation is to provide every poor student with practical help and provide them with work-study opportunities. Okay, that's it, we decided this afternoon. See."

After the two phone calls in his hand were finished, Lin Mengjia pointed to a line on the document in the assistant's hand and said: "Change this article. It is not to provide quarterly statements, but to provide them every month, and as much as possible. of detail.”

The assistant hesitated for a moment and said softly: "Isn't this a bit too harsh?"

Lin Mengjia shook his head and his voice was very stern: "We need the other party to provide absolutely transparent funding directions and make it public. Every money we spend must be spent on the people who need it most. I don't want to see anyone If the other party feels that monthly reporting is a demanding requirement, then there is no need for us to cooperate with them.”

"Okay, Mr. Lin, I understand." The assistant turned the document in his hand to the next page, pointed to it, and wanted to continue to ask Lin Mengjia the next question: "Mr. Lin, look here -"

Lin Mengjia waved her hand: "Xiao Chen, please go out first. Leave this contract here for now. I will look at it when I come back in the afternoon."

There was some hesitation in the assistant's eyes, and he reminded: "Mr. Lin, the other party is very urgent about this contract."

"No matter how anxious you are, you can't delay your meal. You've been busy all morning, go and take a rest." Lin Mengjia put her hands on the table and crossed them casually, looking very comfortable, but with an indifferent smile, "Oh, wait for the call to my landline. Please ask Tingting not to answer the call. Tell them that I have an appointment and contact me at another time."

The assistant understood that Lin Mengjia had clearly told herself that it was impossible for her to read the contract now. However, according to her usual understanding of Lin Mengjia, she has always been a workaholic. Even during lunch break, she almost always works overtime. She asks her secretary to bring a simple work meal and continues to work as fast as possible while eating. Why is it like this at noon today? What about the abnormality?

The assistant was sure that Lin Mengjia definitely didn't really want to rest, so it must be because of the man who had just arrived.

She glanced at Tang Feng, wondering why Lin Mengjia, who was usually aloof, would smile at him so rarely.

Although this man looks handsome and well-dressed, it can be seen that the price is high. However, there are usually wealthy and handsome men who come to Lin Mengjia. Whether they are business partners or her admirers, there are also men who are more handsome than the man in front of her, but she has never seen Lin Mengjia favoring anyone. add.

What is so special about the man in front of me?

Is he very rich?

But for Lin Mengjia, is she short of money? Do you value a man just because he has money? Obviously this is impossible!

With these questions in mind, the assistant put the contract on Lin Mengjia's desk, looked at Tang Feng in confusion, and then walked out of the office.

Tang Feng then stood up, with a smile on his face, walked to Lin Mengjia's face, and said with a smile: "It seems that Mr. Lin is really busy. I came at the wrong time and disturbed your work."

Lin Mengjia tilted her head slightly, her long hair hanging down, looking extremely charming, and smiled at Tang Feng: "You, the big boss, are relaxed, and we, the workers, will naturally be busy." As she spoke, she closed the laptop in front of her and pushed it aside. With a relaxed smile on her lips, she stood up and continued: "Where is the reward you promised me?"

Tang Feng put his hands on his shoulders and said very generously: "You can choose any hotel in Pingyang."

Lin Mengjia said with a smile: "In that case, I won't be polite. Please follow me, Mr. Tang."

As she spoke, she walked out the door.

Tang Feng smiled slightly. Although he didn't know where Lin Mengjia would choose, since he was here today, he decided to accompany Lin Mengjia for dinner and thank her properly. No matter where she went, he would follow her. So, he followed her without any hesitation.

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