Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 475 Who took advantage?

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Seeing the serious expression on Tang Feng's face, Lin Mengjia felt even more uneasy. She glanced at the gate of Pingyang Medical College again. Although she still didn't see anything, she showed a look of fear on her face. She hesitated and asked: "Then, should we go in? Is it dangerous inside? There are still many teachers and students here. Should we notify them to move?"

Tang Feng shook his head slowly: "Even if this school is not large, it is also a university. If we ask everyone to move for no reason, it will probably cause a lot of noise. We can't give a reason. Besides, this resentment is still spreading outward and will soon affect other people outside the school. Can we ask everyone around to move away?"

Lin Mengjia nodded speechlessly.

It seems that in such a harmonious society, if they tell the president of a university that your place is haunted and you should move away quickly, they may be regarded as mentally ill.

Moreover, the panic and public opinion caused by this are probably something they cannot bear. Even though the Lin family is a big family in Pingyang City, and Tang Feng is now thriving, if he is really considered to be the creator and spreader of such misleading rumors, the consequences will be extremely serious.

After hesitating for a while, Lin Mengjia said hesitantly: "The only thing to be thankful for is that the school is about to have a winter vacation, and the students will leave soon, and there will be few people left. And the customers of these commercial places around are mostly students. With the vacation, they will also close down, and most of the businesses will leave."

"That's good news." Tang Feng nodded seriously, "The fewer people there are, the less damage will be caused if an accident happens."

Lin Mengjia asked Tang Feng with a questioning look: "But, what should we do now?"

Tang Feng smiled: "Let's go in and take a look. Before we see the truth, no one can be sure what to do."

As he spoke, he started the car.

"It's so dangerous in there! You have to think it over!" Lin Mengjia grabbed Tang Feng's hand anxiously, her face full of panic: "That ghost can create such a formation in broad daylight, I'm afraid it's not simple, are you sure?"

Tang Feng looked like he was thinking seriously: "I can't say it now without seeing it. I have to see it first to see whether I can deal with it."

Hearing Tang Feng say this, Lin Mengjia's expression became more uneasy: "This kind of thing is not a joke. If something really goes wrong, it will be a big trouble. Otherwise, let's go back first."

Tang Feng actually agreed and agreed: "Okay, anyway, I also think the matter is more serious, it's better to have less trouble than more. As for what will happen to the people inside, it's none of our business."

"Hey, Tang Feng, wait a minute." Lin Mengjia's face showed hesitation again, looking towards the direction of the school gate, with a complicated expression, showing that she was struggling in her heart, "Otherwise, let's go in and take a look?" When she said this, her voice was very low, and she looked at Tang Feng with a tentative look.

Tang Feng couldn't help laughing. He had known for a long time that Lin Mengjia would not be indifferent to the safety of so many people here, so he deliberately said this to tease her.

When Lin Mengjia first learned about the situation here, her first reaction was not to escape, but to let the people inside move. Tang Feng could clearly see her kindness from this point.

As Tang Feng thought, even if Tang Feng showed that he was not sure, Lin Mengjia still wanted to save people.

Tang Feng smiled and started the car: "Mengjia, I'm going to drive."

Lin Mengjia realized that her hand was still holding Tang Feng's hand. She blushed immediately and quickly retracted her hand.

In fact, the two had the experience of "sleeping in the same bed" before. Although they both knew that nothing had happened, they were so close that night. Logically speaking, holding hands like this was nothing. Lin Mengjia was not a conservative person. She usually had some physical contact when talking with men, and she didn't think there was anything wrong.

However, at this moment, just being smiled at by Tang Feng, she felt a sense of embarrassment.

Tang Feng continued to laugh and said, "You obviously took advantage of me, why do you think I did something?"

"Stop talking!" Lin Mengjia glared at Tang Feng in an angry way.

Tang Feng laughed again, but did not speak again, but drove towards the gate.

Lin Mengjia rubbed her hot face with her hands and took a deep breath, as if she was still angry.

Tang Feng barely suppressed his laughter.

When the Mercedes-Benz 600 drove to the gate, the security guard came up and saluted politely: "Sorry, no vehicles from outside the school are allowed to enter the school."

Lin Mengjia frowned and looked very cold: "I have an appointment with Director Zhang Haoran of your administrative affairs department, please contact him." She was not putting on airs in front of the security guard, but Tang Feng had just made fun of her, and her mood had not fully recovered.

The security guard did not mind her indifference at all, just nodded: "Please wait." It seems that he has long been accustomed to this attitude towards visitors.

Then, he returned to the security room and dialed the internal phone.

Through the window, Tang Feng and Lin Mengjia could see him nodding constantly, then he put down the phone and walked over with a smile on his face: "Come in, both of you." He said this and pressed the remote control to open the door.

"It's really worthy of being a university, the quality of the security guards is so high." Tang Feng sighed sincerely while driving.

He remembered that he was always driven away by the security guards when he went to other places before, and he had suffered a lot of anger.

Lin Mengjia smiled lightly and didn't say anything.

However, she knew in her heart that the security guards were so polite to Tang Feng not because the quality of the university security guards was high, but because the car Tang Feng drove, any security guard would know that it was a luxury car at a glance, and that the people in the car were either rich or noble, and it had a local license plate.

This car drove to the school, and the people in it might know some leader, so how could they show him a bad face?

After the car slowly drove into the gate of Pingyang Medical College, Tang Feng felt the oppressive atmosphere more and more.

Lin Mengjia was also a little nervous, so she was very sensitive to Tang Feng's serious expression and couldn't help but ask quietly: "What's wrong? Is it serious?"

Tang Feng nodded: "Yes."

Lin Mengjia almost held her breath.

Although she couldn't see anything in her eyes and didn't feel anything special, she was obviously more nervous when she heard Tang Feng's words, and her eyes were full of fear when she looked around.

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