Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 482: One step further

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At that moment, Lin Mengjia's heart was in her throat.

When Tang Feng returned to normal, Lin Mengjia breathed a sigh of relief. At the same time, she found that her back was soaked with sweat, which showed how nervous she was just now.

Director Zhang said: "I have just contacted the administrator of this teaching building, and he will send the keys right away. Assistant Tang, do you need us to prepare anything else?"

Tang Feng was slightly surprised: "Preparing things? Don't you just need to open the door? Are there any other things you need?"

Director Zhang looked a little embarrassed: "Well, um, I watched the show on TV, catching ghosts and so on. You need to prepare some magic weapons, such as peach wood swords, yellow paper, and sacrifices. You Don’t you need it?”

Tang Feng was really angry and funny. Director Zhang regards himself as a ghost-catching master, but his receptive ability is really strong. Less than an hour ago, he was a qualified atheist university teacher. In the blink of an eye, he is so calm with himself. Speaking of these ghost-catching tools.

Tang Feng waved his hand at him: "Nothing is needed. You can leave when the door opens. I can go in by myself."

"Then I'll leave it to Assistant Tang." A rare smile finally appeared on Director Zhang's face, but it was fleeting.

He was already feeling nervous. If it wasn't for his responsibilities, he wouldn't have come to this place.

Although he had come here often before, he didn't feel anything unusual. But when he heard Tang Feng say that Wu Jingjing's ghost was here and created a lot of resentment, he felt that his hair stood on end.

When I didn't believe in ghosts and gods at first, I didn't think anything of it, but now I think about it, not only is Wu Jingjing's body here, there are also two other anatomy teachers. In addition, there are various kinds of formalin soaked in the specimen room. human tissue.

Since Wu Jingjing has a ghost, what about others?

Director Zhang's imagination was running wild here, and he didn't say anything out loud, but the more he thought about it, the more frightened he became, and his legs were shaking constantly.

Tang Feng didn't know everything that Director Zhang was thinking. Seeing him like this, he just felt scared. As a normal person, an ordinary person, it is human nature to feel scared in this situation, and Tang Feng did not laugh at him.

Lin Mengjia seemed to want to refute Tang Feng's words, but remembering the promise she had made before, she could only shut her mouth. However, the look she looked at Tang Feng showed that she was expressing silent protest.

The administrator of the teaching building did not know what happened, but he would naturally not disobey Director Zhang's request.

When he came to the door of the third anatomy room with a large bunch of keys, he saw Director Zhang waiting here with two strangers, including a stunning beauty. He couldn't help but look surprised: "Director Zhang, who are these two? "

Director Zhang forced a smile and pretended to be relaxed: "This is Mr. Lin from the Datang Foundation, and this is Assistant Tang. They came to our school for a donation inspection."

Originally, Director Zhang did not need to talk to an ordinary building manager about these matters. Normally, he would only talk about them roughly and would not introduce the two of them at all. But at this time, Director Zhang wanted to hide the nervousness in his heart, and he couldn't reveal that the two people were here to catch ghosts, so he revealed their identities.

The building manager actually didn't care what the two people did, it was just a casual chat. When Director Zhang said this, he remembered that there had been rumors about this in the school before, so he didn't feel strange. I just don’t understand why people from the Foundation would want to enter an anatomy laboratory.

While using the key to open the door of the anatomy room, the building manager said: "There are three areas here, the specimen storage area, the refrigeration area, and the experimental area. I don't know where you are going, I will take you there."

His words were obviously addressed to Tang Feng and Lin Mengjia. As a teacher at Pingyang Medical College, Director Zhang naturally knows how to divide the areas.

Tang Feng looked towards Director Zhang.

Director Zhang understood immediately and said quickly: "I won't bother you, just give me the key. You go back first, and I will give you the key when we leave."

The building manager nodded happily and immediately handed a bunch of keys to Director Zhang.

His duty is to look after the building, and he should keep these keys. But since Director Zhang said this and it would save him the trouble, why wouldn't he do it?

After the building manager left, Director Zhang handed the key to Tang Feng: "Generally, teachers usually keep it in a refrigerator at minus 30 degrees. The iron door inside is the refrigeration area, and you can see the refrigerator after entering. I don’t know exactly which cabinet Wu Jingjing’s body is stored in.”

"It doesn't need to be so clear." Tang Feng took the key and saw that as the door of the third anatomy room opened, black mist spewed out, and the crying immediately became louder. He knew that Wu Jingjing's soul would not lie obediently in the refrigerator with her body. As long as he entered the refrigerator area, he should be able to see her.

Lin Mengjia and Director Zhang could not see or hear anything.

She nervously looked into the third anatomy room, but was stopped by Tang Feng.

Tang Feng stood in front of Lin Mengjia and shook his head seriously: "You and Director Zhang leave first and wait for me outside this building."

"Didn't you say there was no danger? Why do you want me to go so far away?" Lin Mengjia protested immediately, "I can not go in, but I have to wait for you here."

Tang Feng shook his head again: "If you don't keep your promise, there will be no next time I promise you anything."

Lin Mengjia immediately pouted in dissatisfaction: "Isn't it the same here and outside?"

"If it is the same, why not go outside?"

"I--" Lin Mengjia stamped her feet in hatred, and regardless of Director Zhang still beside her, she shouted at Tang Feng angrily and aggrievedly: "I am still worried about you, you fool!"

Tang Feng is certainly not a fool. He knows Lin Mengjia's concern for him very well, but he has no choice but to play dumb.

So, Tang Feng still had a stern face: "You standing here and worrying outside will have the same effect. I am afraid that being here will hinder my work. Director Zhang, please take General Manager Lin away first."

Director Zhang nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

If he still can't see Lin Mengjia's feelings for Tang Feng, then he is a real fool.

At first, he just thought that Lin Mengjia valued this assistant very much, but now it seems that she is more than just valuing him, she clearly likes him!

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