Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 484 Sympathy

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At this moment, Tang Feng was not very scared.

Compared with normal humans, the little girl in front of him was just a little paler and a little colder, but there was nothing scary about her in other aspects.

Not to mention that Tang Feng was a master of the sixth level of the earth realm, and he also had a lot of magic weapons in his hands. Even an ordinary person with a little more courage would not feel scared.

Wu Jingjing looked at Tang Feng with tears in her eyes, barely stopped crying, her bloodless lips trembling, and she gently uttered two words: "I'm afraid."

Tang Feng reached out and touched her head gently, thinking of his niece, and felt infinite love in his heart, trying to make himself look very gentle: "What are you afraid of?"

Wu Jingjing's expression became more aggrieved: "No one is with me, it's dark and cold here, my parents are not here, I'm alone, I'm so scared."

In her trembling voice, there was infinite sadness and sadness, and tears in her big eyes.

Tang Feng felt even worse.

"Uncle, am I dead?" Wu Jingjing looked at Tang Feng and suddenly asked.

Tang Feng was stunned for a moment. He had never thought that he would be asked this question.

Wu Jingjing continued to sob and said: "Dad said that I was very sick. My family spent a lot of money on my treatment and said that I was dying. Am I dead now? After I die, will my parents not want me? Will I stay here alone?"

Tang Feng thought about it and answered carefully: "Jingjing, don't be afraid. Everyone will die. Death is not scary. After death, leaving this world, you will go to another world. It's like going from one place to another. Although your parents can't accompany you, you will meet other friends. So, you can't always cry like this, always so sad, new friends will not like you."

Tang Feng coaxed Wu Jingjing so patiently, not because he was afraid of saying something to irritate her and make her resentful more, but because he didn't want to hurt this young heart.

Wu Jingjing looked at Tang Feng, tears still flowing from her eyes: "I'm not afraid of death, after I die, it won't hurt. But my father and mother said that if I die, things will become very troublesome. They spoke in a low voice, but I heard it all. I don't want to die, and I don't want them to feel troubled. What should I do now? My parents must be in trouble."

Tang Feng looked at Wu Jingjing silently, his heart full of sadness and helplessness.

Although this little girl looks very young, her eyes have already shown a sensibility that is not in line with her age.

Tang Feng knows this kind of sensibility very well.

There is a saying that "poor children grow up early". As a thoroughly poor child, Tang Feng has long understood the meaning of this sentence, and knows better than anyone how helpless this kind of early growth and sensibility is.

If there is a choice, Tang Feng also hopes to be an ignorant child, go to school at the right age, indulge in the squandering youth, skip classes, play games, drink, fall in love, break up, graduate with peers, and experience everything that should be experienced.

But because of his family, this was a luxury for him. He could only be forced to choose to be sensible and be the head of the family.

Wu Jingjing, obviously, had been suffering from illness for a long time. Death had even become a kind of relief for her. However, she would rather endure the pain than worry about her parents.

Thinking about the beastly behavior of Wu Jingjing's parents and looking at the little girl in front of him, Tang Feng could only stroke her hair silently.

"I must have spent a lot of money on my treatment." Wu Jingjing pursed her lips, frowned, and looked very sad.

"How do you know?"

"My mother has been asking my father what to do with the money, and said that the duck flew away. Uncle, can ducks fly? When I saw ducks in the zoo, why didn't they fly?" Wu Jingjing showed a puzzled expression on her face, and continued sadly: "I want to ask my mother how ducks fly, but I can't move at all and can't say a word. Dad said no, he said he has a way, as long as my mother agrees."

Tang Feng felt angry.

Undoubtedly, the couple talked about the donations they got by fraudulent donations in front of Wu Jingjing's bed. Facing their dying daughter, they were concerned about what to do if they lost the money after Wu Jingjing died.

The man surnamed Wu thought of donating Wu Jingjing's body to divert the public's attention.

This poor little girl was a tool for them to make money when she was alive. Even after she died, her soul could not find peace.

Thinking of this, Tang Feng even felt like killing someone.

Wu Jingjing looked at Tang Feng cautiously: "Uncle, what's wrong with you? Are you unhappy? Don't you like listening to me? Then I won't say anything."

Tang Feng shook his head and quickly forced a smile: "Nothing, uncle likes you very much and is willing to talk to you. You continue to talk, I'm listening."

"Uncle, you are so kind." Wu Jingjing's face immediately showed a smile, "Others ignored me, those people put me in the car and locked me in a dark hut, no matter how much I cried No matter how much I yell, they ignore me. I’m so scared. My parents don’t care about me anymore, and they don’t come to see me. Uncle, is it because I’m dead that they feel troublesome and they don’t want me anymore?”

Tang Feng didn't know how to speak.

Naturally, the couple didn't care about Wu Jingjing's death. They were busy dealing with the media and supervisory agencies at the moment, trying to make up some excuse to keep the money donated by the unsuspecting well-wishers.

Among them, there are also two hundred yuan of his own. Tang Feng thought this, but couldn't say it out loud. After all, no matter how miserable these two people were, they were still Wu Jingjing's parents, and he really didn't want Wu Jingjing to feel sad.

After thinking for a long time, Tang Feng said: "No, your parents are too busy. When they finish their work, they will come to visit you."

"Then when will they come?" Wu Jingjing's face immediately showed an expectant look, and her watery eyes looked at Tang Feng with longing.

Tang Feng really couldn't bear to continue to lie to this innocent little girl, but he couldn't tell the truth and make her sad. In the midst of the struggle, suddenly an idea flashed in his mind, and a smile appeared on his face: "You really hope Will you see them soon?"

Wu Jingjing immediately nodded heavily.

Tang Feng's mouth curved: "This is easy, but you have to promise me something, and I will let you see your parents."

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