Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 516 Midnight Bar

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"Brother Tang, if you are free, I will take you to a fun place." After breakfast, while others were not paying attention, Zheng Guagua leaned into Tang Feng's ear with a playful smile.

Looking at his look, Tang Feng knew that what he was talking about must not be a well-behaved place.

But Tang Feng didn't have much interest. During this period of time, he had been to many such places, especially in Honggang, where it was considered an emperor's enjoyment. After tasting the delicacies of mountains and seas and then eating those side dishes, he always felt bland. Especially this kind of transaction based on money made him feel even more boring.

Seeing Tang Feng's lack of interest, Zheng Guagua laughed along and added: "It's a nightclub owned by a friend of mine. The girls there are very young, and there are many college students."

Tang Feng originally wanted to refuse, but when he heard about college students, he suddenly remembered the case that Shangguan Jiaqian had mentioned, and raised his eyebrows slightly: "Are there any girls from Pingyang Medical College?"

"Yes, as long as it's a university like Pingyang City, you can find it if you can name it." Zheng Guagua thought Tang Feng was interested, and immediately got excited: "What, Brother Tang, do you like uniforms? Wearing nurse uniforms? "

What is this guy thinking about? Tang Feng rubbed his temples and said helplessly: "I want to find a nurse uniform. Can anyone wear it? Do you have to find someone from a medical school? I'm such a picky Virgo! Besides, I'll just find someone who can wear it." How about a little nurse!"

Zheng Guagua scratched his hair and laughed: "Then, Brother Tang, why did you ask Pingyang Medical College?"

"Just asking. What's the name of your friend's nightclub?" Tang Feng changed the subject inadvertently.

"Golden Autumn Rich Family."

Colorful lights flashed on the dance floor, deafening music mixed with people's excited shouts, and men and women twisted their bodies wildly.

On the circular stage in the middle of the dance floor, a dancer with a hot figure wearing a black gauze top and leather hot pants danced seductively around the pole, revealing her snow-white breasts and slender white thighs that trembled with her movements. Every movement of raising one's legs caused a burst of screams from the audience, and from time to time he cast a charming look at everyone in the audience, which made the atmosphere on the dance floor even more heated.

But not everyone is so passionate.

Qin Xiaoman sat alone in a dark corner, the calmness on his face seemed incompatible with the lively scene, not only calm, but also with a hint of sadness.

She looked at her watch and saw that it was already past midnight. At this time of day, she had already entered into a dream as she lived a regular life. It was rare to stay up late today, which made her look a little tired after working all day. Her face was lightly made up. She showed a touch of tiredness. Although the surroundings were so lively, her eyelids already felt a little heavy.

Qin Xiaoman rarely comes to places like bars. Today, if it weren't for Zhao Ning's insistence, she wouldn't have come.

Thinking of Zhao Ning, Qin Xiaoman couldn't help but look worriedly at the dance floor. However, even though the colorful lights were flashing, the dance floor was still dim, reflecting the excitement and passion on everyone's face. Everyone was dancing and intertwined. As she danced, she could not see Zhao Ning's shadow.

Zhao Ning is Qin Xiaoman's colleague and a teacher in the field of clinical medicine. She is usually cheerful and popular. Today is her birthday and she has invited her colleagues and friends to celebrate. Qin Xiaoman was not in the right mood to participate in such an occasion, but because it was Zhao Ning, he agreed.

Originally, everyone held a birthday party for her after get off work. It was already very late when they left, but she wanted to come to the bar again. Qin Xiaoman was unwilling, but her friends all catered to her. Next, in order not to be disappointed, I had to follow everyone, but I didn't expect that the women who were usually quiet and lady-like would all start having fun after entering the bar, and they disappeared in the blink of an eye. Only Qin was left. Xiaoman sat alone in the corner.

Wu Yue's case and Huang Mingde's incident have made Qin Xiaoman exhausted mentally and physically, and he is not in the mood to dance at all.

"Xiaoman, let's play together!"

Just as Qin Xiaoman secretly covered her mouth and wanted to yawn, Zhao Ning suddenly appeared next to her, which shocked her and drove her away from her drowsiness.

Zhao Ning's forehead was covered with beads of sweat, her face was flushed whether it was hot or tired, and her eyes were full of excitement. She was obviously very happy. She stretched out her hand to pull Qin Xiaoman and shouted loudly: "Sit alone." What’s the point! Everyone is playing, come on! Don’t look so sad, others will think we are bullying you!”

"Stop making trouble, Zhao Ning, let's go back! We have to go to work tomorrow!" Although he couldn't hear clearly what Zhao Ning was saying, he could guess that she wanted to drag him to dance. Qin Xiaoman couldn't help but shook his head secretly, He also shouted in Zhao Ning's ear to let her go back.

"What? I can't hear clearly!" The music was too loud. Zhao Ning shook his head and continued to pull Qin Xiaoman: "Let's go! Let's dance!"

Qin Xiaoman waved his hand and shook his head. Seeing that Zhao Ning was indifferent, he raised his wrist and pointed at Zhao Ning's watch: "It's too late! I'm going back! You -"

Before she could finish speaking, someone had already taken Zhao Ning's hand and dragged her onto the dance floor. It was a strange man who seemed to have struck up a conversation with the people who came with him when he just entered the bar. Unexpectedly, he After a while, it seemed that he and Zhao Ning had become familiar with each other. Qin Xiaoman frowned slightly, knowing that Zhao Ning drank too much and would not remember what he did tonight when he wakes up tomorrow.

So many single women drank a lot of wine. In a place like a bar, it is easy to get into danger. Who should ask their boyfriend to come and take care of them before leaving first? Qin Xiaoman thought. She opened her bag and took out her mobile phone. She wanted to call Zhao Ning's boyfriend, but found that the phone was out of battery and turned off. She couldn't help but sigh.

Everyone drank a lot of wine at the birthday party, but Qin Xiaoman was in a bad mood and said she was not feeling well. She only drank half a glass of red wine. After the others entered the bar, they ordered drinks. I think Qin Xiaoman was the only one who was sober in the group.

Thinking of this, I thought I couldn't leave everyone alone, but seeing that it was almost midnight, should I risk my life to accompany the gentlemen and wait until they were satisfied? Thinking of this, Qin Xiaoman sighed softly again.

And Qin Xiaoman didn't know that there were several pairs of eyes staring at her less than ten meters away from her. Those eyes were full of greed and ferocity when hungry wolves stare at their prey.

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