Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 70 Shopping in the Mall

Chen Yan got into the car with some conflict in her heart. After sitting down, she carefully fastened her seat belt.

"If you want to go to the city, I will drive you there. I also want to buy something for my sister's daughter." Thinking of the gift he promised to his niece Yaya, Tang Feng decided to go to the city.

"Let's go to the city." Chen Yan hesitated for a moment and decided to follow Tang Feng to the city.

On the way, the two of them rarely spoke. Tang Feng concentrated on driving the car. Chen Yan sat in the co-pilot seat, looking out the window, and didn't know what she was thinking.

Tianlong International Mall, the largest shopping mall in Pingyang City. When parking, Tang Feng was thinking, would this mall also be opened by Zheng Guagua's family? However, judging from the name, it should be.

I don't know what the Zheng family is like now. I think it's very lively. Thinking of Zheng Guagua, he laughed heartlessly. How could he know that the Zheng family is really in chaos now. All the family members are in trouble and no one has a good life.

For the Zheng family, in the past two days, they finally understood what bad luck meant. There were always big and small things happening at home. Even their company, which was originally going smoothly, suddenly became turbulent. Not only was the company's working capital swept away, but even the core projects had problems and were about to fail.

Zheng Fulai had a bandage on his head and smashed everything in his office. In just half a day, he actually received five resignation letters. What made him angry was that all of these resignations were middle-level leaders of the company, and they were all very capable people.

What made him even more unacceptable was that after these people resigned, they all went to their mortal enemy of Tianlong International.

These company's management talents were all discovered and cultivated by him with great effort, but now, they were just given to the Liu family for nothing. When he thought of Liu Heping's stinky face, he was indescribably angry.

What happened? Why did so many things happen in just two days? Not only was things going well at home, but so many things happened at the company. Zheng Fulai groaned in his heart, holding his head in pain.

It was really bad luck. It seemed that God had completely abandoned their Zheng family. Everything went wrong and they were unlucky.

In his troubles, he remembered what his son said, and then he remembered the rural boy named Tang Feng. Last night, he asked Maozi to teach that boy a lesson. He didn't know how Maozi dealt with it.

Thinking about this in his heart, he called Maozi and called several times in a row, but no one answered the phone.

What is this guy doing? Why doesn't he even answer the phone? Zheng Fulai frowned and muttered, and then called Maozi's trusted younger brother again. This time, the call went through.

However, the news he received immediately stunned him. Maozi was crazy and incontinent. Now, he was sent to a mental hospital.

Maozi is indeed crazy. If anyone is tortured by a female ghost for half a night, it would be strange if he doesn't go crazy.

As the initiator, Tang Feng didn't care about the madness of this Pingyang gangster at all. In fact, from the beginning, he had decided to scare this gangster to death, so as to eliminate the trouble forever.

Maozi is a typical social cancer who does evil in Pingyang City. If you offend this kind of person, don't expect to have a good life. Since there is no reconciliation and it may endanger the safety of his family, Tang Feng doesn't mind using means to get rid of him.

Standing in front of the French window, Zheng Fulai didn't react for a long time. The words of Maozi's confidant kept lingering in his ears. He felt a little absurd, but he couldn't help but believe it. Could it be that there are really ghosts and gods in this world!

Maozi's madness reminded him of his own family. If one or two incidents could be accidents, how could it still be accidents if they kept happening!

Could it be that Tang Feng really had the power of gods and ghosts? Thinking of this, he could no longer sit still.

No, I have to go meet this Tang Feng. If the whole thing was really caused by him, then I must deal with it as soon as possible, either get rid of this person, or pay a price that satisfies the other party and let him get rid of the bad luck imposed on his family.

Zheng Fulai didn't know at this time that he was actually standing on the edge of a cliff. If he was determined to get rid of Tang Feng, but failed to kill him in the first place, their Zheng family would have to bear Tang Feng's wrath, the incomplete thunder talisman from the fairy world.

The magnificent thunder was enough to easily blow up the Zheng family's villa and the people in the villa, leaving no residue at all.

The second floor of Tianlong International Mall is all women's clothing. Walking along the aisle, looking at the price tags of women's clothing on the shelves next to him, Tang Feng was secretly shocked. The clothes here, a casual short-sleeved shirt, can easily cost seven or eight hundred, or even thousands. If it were in the past, he would not even dare to look at it.

Chen Yan followed Tang Feng and walked aimlessly. At first, she looked at a dress, but after seeing the price of the dress, she did not even dare to try it on. Such a simple dress cost nearly three thousand yuan.

Her family's situation was already very ordinary. After her father passed away, it was even worse. She relied on her mother's part-time job to make ends meet. Except for the New Year and festivals, she was reluctant to buy clothes. Even if she bought clothes, it was at most a hundred yuan of street stall goods.

She certainly likes clothes that cost thousands of dollars in the mall, but for her, they are like treasures that are put away in the cabinet and out of reach.

When walking through a store, Chen Yan slowed down her pace and looked inside the store. There, the model was wearing a water blue jumpsuit. Water blue was her favorite color. She had seen this style when she was in Yanjing and wanted to buy one, but she couldn't bear to buy it.

"Let's go in and take a look." Tang Feng noticed her movements, looked into the store, saw the water blue jumpsuit, and said.

He had also seen that the reason why Chen Yan only looked at the clothes and didn't try them on was because she didn't have much money and couldn't afford those clothes. Now she stopped and stared at the water blue jumpsuit. I'm afraid she likes it very much.

Chen Yan stood there, took another look at the dress, and then shook her head. She knew that the price of this jumpsuit would not be cheap. Since she couldn't afford it, why bother herself?

She is indeed a good girl. If it were another woman, she would have made a lot of money with her good looks and figure. Looking at Chen Yan, Tang Feng said with emotion.

"Let's go in and take a look. It's free." He reached out and gently grabbed Chen Yan's arm, without giving her a chance to hesitate, and took her into the store.

Chen Yan panicked for a moment when her arm was grabbed by the man's strong hand, but she soon calmed down. She could see that the man next to her was not intentionally taking advantage of her.

"Welcome to Yiweilian"

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