Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 8 New Features of Super WeChat

"Senior, please say something." Tianbing·A was about to cry because he couldn't contact Tang Feng.

Being transferred to the personal guard camp by the great general Hu Wei was a great opportunity for every Tianbing. If he could get Hu Wei's favor, reward and guidance, he might be promoted to Tianjiang in one step.

Of course, if Tianbing·A, a transfer student, could not get Hu Wei's favor, the consequences would be very serious.

In the mortal world, Tang Feng, who had just returned to the lotus root field, finally saw the message sent by Tianbing·A after logging into WeChat. After knowing what happened to this little Tianbing in the past two days, he couldn't help laughing.

He didn't expect that his second-hand Walkman would actually change the fate of a Tianbing. But for him, this was a good thing, and a great thing.

"Tian Bing·Jia, I already know about you. This time you were transferred to the personal guard camp by Hu Wei, which is a great opportunity for you. I can help you get Hu Wei's favor and even help you get promoted to Tian Jiang." After reading Tian Bing·Jia's inner thoughts in his circle of friends, Tang Feng turned on the show-off mode.

When he heard this familiar voice in his consciousness, Tian Bing·Jia shed excited tears.

Senior has been helping me without asking for anything in return, but I was still doubting the senior before. I was too selfish. Tian Bing·Jia touched his tears and strongly condemned himself in his heart.

"Senior, senior, you are really my reborn parents. This time, if you help me get the favor of the great Tian Jiang Hu Wei, Xiao Jia will repay you with all my strength."

Hehe, using a Walkman, an obsolete electronic product, to buy a Tian Bing, this business is really a big profit. Although this little Tian Bing is just a lowly Tian Bing now, with his own help, God knows how high he can climb.

As long as this guy is not rigid and can lower his face to flatter, and with the many earthly things I sent him, he will definitely be able to rise to the top. If this guy can succeed in getting promoted, then through him, I will be able to get more treasures in the fairy world.

The great general Hu Wei also coveted the Walkman. If I gave him another similar Walkman, he would like it, but because he had seen the Walkman before, he would not be too surprised. It would be difficult for Tian Bing·Jia to win his favor.

What if Tian Bing·Jia gave Hu Wei an MP4? Even if it was an old MP4, I believe this great general would regard it as a treasure. At that time, he would inevitably give Tian Bing·Jia many benefits.

With a decision in mind, he rode his motorcycle to the city again, searched everywhere, and finally found an old MP4. He downloaded some songs from the 1980s and sent them to Tian Bing·Jia in the fairy world through WeChat.

Looking at this MP4 which is more advanced than the previous Walkman, Tianbing·Jia was overjoyed, and at the same time, his respect for Tang Feng, the senior, reached a new height.

This time, he had no doubts about Tang Feng's request, and all five portions of soil and two fairyland weeds were delivered at the first time.

In the lotus root field, looking at the fairyland weeds in his hand and the five portions of soil in the fairyland, Tang Feng still felt a little regretful. He had no public morality. Now, he only had a WeChat that could connect to the fairyland, but because of his lack of public morality, he could only get these most useless soil and weeds.

Fortunately, the products of the fairyland are absolutely not ordinary products. This most useless soil, in the mortal world, has become a powerful growth accelerator, and the weeds have become a fairy grass medicine that makes people quickly become stronger.

At eleven o'clock in the afternoon, the ordered fry finally arrived. More than a thousand fry were thrown into the lotus root field. After sprinkling some fairyland soil, Tang Feng was free again.

In the evening, after having dinner in the shack, he took out his old rattan chair and lay down under the fruit tree to cool off. The night sky was full of stars, and the reservoir in the distance was dead silent, with only a few places where faint lights could be seen.

In this dead silence and darkness, for the first time in his life, Tang Feng felt lonely. Although Heizi and the three little guys were lying next to him, he was still lonely in his heart.

He casually took out his mobile phone and logged into WeChat, and unexpectedly found that someone had requested to add him as a friend.

Clicking on the other person's avatar, it was a short-haired beauty, but looking at the facial features, it seemed familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

After thinking about it, he couldn't remember it, so he simply accepted the other party's friend request.

"What are you busy with?" Soon, the other party sent a message, and judging from the tone, it seemed that he knew him.

It couldn't be with those boring WeChat merchants, he thought so in his heart, but he was not sure, so he replied to the other party with a message "I'm bored alone, counting stars under the fruit tree."

"There doesn't seem to be anyone over there at the reservoir, aren't you scared being alone over there?" Only a few seconds later, the other party sent another message, and at this point, he was sure that the other party must know him.

He looked at the other party's profile picture again and again, and it was still somewhat familiar, but he still couldn't remember it. In his impression, he didn't know such a woman, and she was such a beautiful woman of the same age.

Confused in his heart, he entered the other party's circle of friends through the other party's profile picture.

"Because the target is a mortal, entering the other party's friend circle requires a little bit of ethics. Do you want to enter?" Immediately afterwards, he received a system prompt. After seeing this system prompt, he was dumbfounded.

What the hell! If you enter the circle of friends of ordinary people, why do you still need to charge public ethics? This updated WeChat is too demanding for money.

Maybe, something unexpected will happen! Things always need to be considered from two aspects. Entering the circle of friends of immortals does not require spending public morality, but entering the circle of friends of mortals requires spending public morality. There may be some secret hidden in this.

Curiosity kills the cat. Instigated by curiosity, Tang Feng still spent a little bit of morality to enter the circle of friends of this short-haired beauty.

After entering the other party's circle of friends, there is nothing in it except a single message. Looking at that message again, it is more like posting a mood talk, with a strong flavor of talking to oneself.

"Tang Feng, Yaoyao and her parents have said that a man like him will be a bachelor for the rest of his life. Of course I already know this. Why do they need to tell me? However, I think he is quite interesting. , I couldn’t sleep at night, so I would tease him secretly and have some fun.”

Seeing this message in Moments that was similar to what he said, Tang Feng suddenly remembered the Moments of Tianbing Jia and Silver Horn Boy. The messages in their Moments were actually their inner thoughts. Could it be that what he was seeing in front of him This piece of information is also what the other party is thinking at this time!

From this message in the circle of friends, he was basically sure of the other party's identity. This was the short-haired beauty who went on a blind date with him last week, named Wang Ting.

Since Wang Ting said that she contacted her secretly, it is obviously contradictory for her to post such a message in her circle of friends that anyone can see. Look at the empty circle of friends. There are no photos, so it should be clear that this is not Wang Ting’s WeChat Moments, but her inner world.

Inner world! When these four words appeared in his mind, he suddenly sat up from his wicker chair. Could it be said that I can really enter other people's inner world through WeChat!

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