Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 806 Researching the Formation

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Feng Qian only heard about the beauty and skin, and didn't listen to what Tang Feng said before, she just snatched it from Tang Feng's hand and threw it into her mouth.

He Mingyang saw that Tang Feng directly gave Feng Qian a jade bottle, which contained at least two Xiao Huan Dan, and he was even more impressed by Tang Feng's extraordinaryness, giving such a valuable thing away casually. He secretly said in his heart that it was a waste. Feng Qian had never practiced martial arts, she was just an ordinary person, and they would definitely not have as much effect as martial artists after eating it.

"I suggest you go back to your room now and prepare to take a shower, otherwise don't blame me if you make a fool of yourself later." Tang Feng kindly suggested to Feng Qian.

"Then I'll go back and take a shower now." Feng Qian ran back directly after saying that.

"Let's go, you also eat the Xiao Huan Dan directly, and I'll protect you." Tang Feng also stood up and walked towards the villa.

After finding an empty room in the villa, Tang Feng turned around and said to He Mingyang: "You can practice here, I will protect you."

"Thank you, Master." He Mingyang sat cross-legged on the ground and took out a small pill.

Feng Qian, on the other side, had just entered the door when black things began to appear on her body, with a strange smell, which made Feng Qian feel sick.

"It's so dirty, so disgusting. No wonder big brother asked me to come back to take a shower." Feng Qian ran directly into the bathroom and started to take a shower, but these dirty things were very difficult to clean. Feng Qian spent a lot of effort to clean them up.

Half an hour later...

"Wow, is this still me?" Feng Qian looked at herself in the mirror and couldn't believe it. Although she was very beautiful before, she was completely different now. Her skin became tight and smooth, and her whole person was radiant. She was in a completely different state from before.

"Go and let big brother see it." The first person Feng Qian thought of was Tang Feng.

"Big brother, big brother, where are you." Feng Qian called Tang Feng in the villa.

Tang Feng came out of the room when he heard the voice. Just as he was about to speak, he saw Feng Qian at this time. Even though he had seen so many beauties, he was still amazed.

Tang Feng now had no words to describe Feng Qian. He was just slightly stunned, but Feng Qian still noticed it.

"How is it, are you amazed by me and fall in love with me?"

"Tsk, I will like you, a little girl." Although his eyes couldn't help looking at Feng Qian, he couldn't lose verbally.

"Humph~ You just don't dare to tell the truth. Where is Brother Mingyang? Let him come out, he will definitely tell the truth." Feng Qian was about to go into the room to find He Mingyang.

"He is practicing now, and it is estimated that he will not wake up until the evening. Don't disturb him." Tang Feng grabbed Feng Qian.

"Oh, okay then." Feng Qian was a little unhappy that she became beautiful, but no one shared it.

Seeing her like this, Tang Feng said helplessly: "Okay, you are beautiful, you are the most beautiful, let's go, I will take you to the beach to catch crabs."

Feng Qian smiled and happily followed Tang Feng.

"Big brother, do you like me?" Feng Qian, who was catching crabs at the beach, turned her head and looked at Tang Feng, and asked for some reason.

"Of course, you are so cute, and now you are so beautiful, who doesn't like you?" Tang Feng didn't even raise his head.

"No, it's that kind of love." Feng Qian said shyly.

"What kind?" Tang Feng raised his head and asked curiously.

Tang Feng really didn't know what to think of Feng Qian now. If it was just an ordinary friend, then the two treatments had already surpassed the relationship of ordinary friends. If it was to treat Feng Qian as his woman, Tang Feng was not ready yet, so now he could only play dumb.

"Oh, you stupid wood." After saying that, Feng Qian ignored Tang Feng and ran straight back to the room.

"Humph, beat you to death, stupid brother, stinky brother, you don't understand me at all." Feng Qian leaned on the bed and hit her big bear. This bear was bought for her by Tang Feng after he got off the plane. Feng Qian was very happy at that time, and now she directly regarded the big bear as Tang Feng.

Feng Qian had never been in contact with other men since she was a child. The first time she ran away from home, she met Tang Feng, who "rescued" her from her own bodyguard. She still remembers how handsome he was at that time. Then, under the overpass, her cold poison attacked and she almost died there. It was Tang Feng who saved her again, and it was the kind of embarrassing way of saving her. Feng Qian's face turned red again when she thought of this. Then she went to her own home. Does this count as meeting the parents?

Feng Qian was thinking about it here, and Tang Feng had already started to spread the fry.

"Come, put all these there." Tang Feng directed the workers to throw the fry into the sea. When the workers left, Tang Feng touched his chin. "If you put the fairy water of Yaochi in like this, there will definitely be some big sharks outside the farm. This fairy water can't flow out."

"Kui Jia, are you there? I have something to find you." Tang Feng went straight to Kui Jia.

"My lord, I'm here. Do you have any instructions?" Kuijia said respectfully. This was the sponsor, and he was also a great god with unknown background. Kuijia dared not offend him.

"Have you arranged a formation to prevent things from going out of the barrier, but let things from outside in?" Tang Feng was going to put the fairy water from Yaochi into the sea, but he couldn't let the fairy water flow out, and he wanted to let the sea water from outside flow in.

"My lord, this is a bit difficult. I have prevented things from coming in from outside, but I have never prevented things from going out." Kuijia was also helpless. This was the first time he heard of such a request.

"Hey, do you have any books about formations? Send me one." Since Kuijia said so, Tang Feng couldn't force him, so he prepared to study it himself.

Ding~ You received the "Compendium of Formations" sent by Kuijia. It takes 1,000 merit points to download. Do you want to download it?

Tang Feng silently said in his heart, yes.

A paragraph of knowledge about formations flowed into Tang Feng's brain.

Half an hour later...

"This formation is really not simple! I still have to study it slowly." Tang Feng sighed.

He found a lot of paper and pen, and prepared to practice on paper first. It didn't matter that he practiced, but Feng Qian and He Mingyang were hungry. He was immersed in studying the formation. When He Mingyang woke up at night, he saw him scribbling on the paper, but he didn't dare to disturb him.

No one cooked, Feng Qian and He Mingyang were hungry. There was no fast food restaurant or supermarket on this island. There was no choice but He Mingyang to cook, because Miss Feng didn't know how to cook at all, and the food He Mingyang cooked was completely different from that of Tang Feng. But there was no other way, so he had to bite the bullet and eat.

The next night...

"Ah, it's too complicated to figure out in a short time. Let's go out and cook." Tang Feng thought it was the day before, but he saw that the kitchen and the dining table seemed to have been swept away.

"What's going on? How come it's like this in just one afternoon?"

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