Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 818: Finding Kung Fu

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Mengmeng specially prepared a chance for Tang Feng to be alone with Li Jing, but now Tang Feng saw Mengmeng like this, and didn't pay any attention to Mengmeng at all, but Li Jing blushed.

"Do you think Mengmeng will be fine?" Tang Feng asked worriedly.

"No, don't worry." Li Jing replied and stopped talking.

"By the way, you said that when you picked up Mengmeng, your master had not died yet, so why didn't you teach Mengmeng martial arts later?" Tang Feng asked puzzledly.

"This is a long story. When I picked up Mengmeng,

the master planned to wait until Mengmeng was older before teaching, but later he died unexpectedly. I brought Mengmeng to Yanjing. I was only 18 years old at the time and couldn't make any money. I looked for jobs everywhere, and they were all for my body. I beat up several powerful bosses, and my life became more difficult." Li Jing said expressionlessly.

"Then what?" Tang Feng continued to ask.

"Then...then I didn't plan to teach Mengmeng martial arts. I wanted her to be an ordinary person, but later I saved a few people. They were just like me, with skills but being excluded everywhere."

"So you formed the Seven Evils, and then worked for money to kill people?" Tang Feng guessed what happened next.

"Yes, even if our martial arts are great, we still have to make a living, but we can't do anything except killing people."

"Can you tell me about the Seven Evils?" Tang Feng asked curiously.

"Seven Evils, according to the ranking of strength, I have always been the boss since its establishment." Li Jing raised her head with some pride.

"What about the others?" Tang Feng already knew Li Jing's strength.

"The second one is Liu Tao, and others call him Sword Gentleman. Because he uses a soft sword and has a good reputation. The third one is the big knife Li from last time. The fourth one is called sissy by others, and is good at using poison. The fifth one is the hidden weapon king, and the sixth one is called Xiaobing, who is good at bayonet, but is actually a non-mainstream one. The seventh one is Mengmeng."

"If I say I want Mengmeng to practice martial arts, do you agree?" Tang Feng asked tentatively. After all, he is the later brother, and he still has to consider this sister when doing things.

"This... Actually I don't want her to practice martial arts..." Li Jing was a little reluctant.

"But it still depends on her own opinion. After all, she is also grown up, and she doesn't want to know nothing like she did at the beginning." Li Jing thought about it and said.

"Okay, if she wants to learn, I will do my best to teach her." Tang Feng agreed immediately.

"The dishes have been washed, why hasn't Mengmeng come out yet? Go and see." Tang Feng said to Li Jing. After all, it's a girl going to the bathroom, and it's not good for a big man like him to go there.

Li Jing nodded and walked to the bathroom door.

"Mengmeng? Mengmeng? How are you? Why haven't you come out yet?" Li Jing knocked on the door outside.

But there was no movement inside, no answer at all.

Tang Feng and Li Jing looked at each other, and Tang Feng decisively knocked on the door.

Bang! The door opened. Mengmeng didn't even take off her pants, sitting on the toilet, leaning against the wall and sleeping.

"Brother, sister, how did you get in?"

Tang Feng and Li Jing were speechless.

"I'll go find a worker to change the lock."

"I'll go clean up the room."

After saying that, the two left, leaving Mengmeng with a confused face.

"You two can sleep in this villa tonight. I'll ask Mengmeng about martial arts training by the way, and it will be convenient for you to clean up the room." Tang Feng suggested that Li Jing and Mengmeng live here.

"Okay." Li Jing agreed readily, and she didn't even know why she agreed so quickly, without even thinking about it.

"Mengmeng, do you want to learn martial arts?" Tang Feng took Mengmeng to his room.

"Learn martial arts? Sister Jing won't let me learn." Meng Meng was a little depressed.

"Now she doesn't care. If you want to learn, I'll teach you."

"Really? Then I want to learn!" Meng Meng jumped up excitedly.

"Stop, sit down first. Tell me why you want to learn martial arts." Tang Feng picked up the water cup and took a sip of water.

"I want to protect Sister Jing! And I want to protect you!" Meng Meng stood up, with a serious face.

"Okay! Then I'll teach you. Go back and eat this first, then take a shower, and go to bed after the shower." Tang Feng took out a small Huandan from the bracelet.

"Is it that simple? Can I become a great master like you?"

Tang Feng looked at Meng Meng's serious face, and he couldn't help but have a few black lines on his head.

"This is just something to improve your physique. Come to my room tomorrow morning and I'll teach you again, but don't tell your sister Jing about this medicine, understand?" Tang Feng repeatedly instructed.

"Well, I know, this is a little secret between the two of us." After saying that, he jumped away.

"I don't have any good skills, so I have to give my sister the best one. But who should I ask for it?" Tang Feng began to rule them out one by one.

Taishang Laojun? He should have a lot of elixirs, and it is unlikely that there will be any good skills for girls to practice. Kuijia? He probably doesn't have any heavenly soldiers. Yang Chan? She has been busy with the Queen Mother and the Jade Emperor recently, so she probably has no time to care about me. Taibai Jinxing should have it, after all, he is a popular person around the Jade Emperor, and he should have a lot of skills.

So Tang Feng took out his mobile phone, found Taibai Jinxing's WeChat, and sent a voice message.

"Taibai Taibai, are you there?"

"Goddess, please tell me, I'm here." Taibai was wearing the suit given by Tang Feng recently, with a cigar in his mouth, and his life was so comfortable.

"Taibai, you have been with the Jade Emperor for so many years, there should be a practice for girls, can you give me one?"

"This practice is there, but..." Taibai Jinxing's meaning was self-evident.

"Don't worry, as long as the practice is good, I won't treat you unfairly."

"Okay, I'll pass it to you right away." After hearing this promise, Taibai Jinxing passed the practice to Tang Feng on the spot.

Damn, these gods are not willing to give up until they see the rabbit. Fortunately, I made some money from running a farm, otherwise it would not be enough to support you. Tang Feng thought bitterly in his heart.

Ding~ You received the practice "Nine Turns of Ice Art" from your friend Taibai Jinxing, and it requires 5,000 merit points to download. Do you want to download it?

Damn! This guy is not only robbing money, but also robbing merit points! Forget it, for my sister, I will tolerate you this time.

"Download!" Tang Feng gritted his teeth and said.

I saw a blue light flying out from the mobile phone in my right hand and landed on Tang Feng's left hand. There were only five words on this book, Nine Turns of Ice Art. It looked no different from the Green Lotus Art, but the Green Lotus Art was only 1,000 merit points. I had to talk to this old man.

"Taibai, tell me about the Nine Turns of Ice Art!" Tang Feng suppressed his anger.

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