Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 848 Apologize or Not Apologize

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"Tang Feng, I'm back!" Li Jing ran into the room with excitement, just in time to see Tang Feng and Qiao Jiaojiao being affectionate, and suddenly became cold.

"Xiao Jing is back, Tang Feng has been talking about you, afraid that you are in danger." At this time, Qiao Jiaojiao's experience as a person who has been through it was reflected.

Qiao Jiaojiao stood up, walked to Li Jing and held Li Jing's hand, and took Li Jing to Tang Feng's bedside, put Li Jing's hand in Tang Feng's hand, and secretly flicked Tang Feng's hand.

Tang Feng was stunned on the bed on the spot, and then reacted and grabbed Li Jing's hand tightly.

"You two chat, I'll go cook for you." After saying that, Qiao Jiaojiao walked out of the room and closed the door.

"Li Jing!"

"Tang Feng!"

"You talk first!"

"You talk first!"

After saying this, the two smiled at each other.

"Let me first tell you, you...didn't get hurt this time?" Tang Feng asked, holding Li Jing's hand tightly.

"No, it went very smoothly, I've got the Huanxin Grass." Li Jing's face was as red as an apple.

"That's good, as long as you're not hurt." Tang Feng was relieved.

"Your cold poison hasn't recurred!" Li Jing asked with some concern.

"No, after you left, Long Chen gave me a silver needle, which controlled the cold poison in my body, and it hasn't recurred since you left." Tang Feng looked at Li Jing with deep affection.

"Just now... Sister Jiaojiao, what do you mean..." Li Jing lowered her head while speaking, but her face was already red to the root of her neck.

"What do you mean? Don't you understand?" Tang Feng looked wretched.

"You...let go..." Li Jing blushed and tried to break free of Tang Feng's hand.

"Ah!" Tang Feng shouted.

"What's wrong? Are you okay? I didn't mean it, are you okay?" Li Jing thought she had touched the silver needle, and she didn't dare to move for a moment.

"Wait, I'll go call Long Chen!" Li Jing was about to run out.

"Jingjing! Don't leave me!" Tang Feng pretended to be heartbroken.

"I won't leave you! I won't leave you!" Li Jing turned around and grabbed Tang Feng's hand.

"Jingjing, do you know? I'm dying!" Tang Feng coughed.

"No, I've brought the medicine back. When you heal your injuries, you can suppress the cold poison. Even if there is no Hanxing Fruit, you can slowly refine it!" Li Jing explained bit by bit.

"It's useless. The cold poison has spread all over the body during your absence! Even if I take back the Hanxing Fruit now, it's useless." Tang Feng coughed again.

"Impossible! Impossible! How could this happen!" Li Jing sat on the ground all of a sudden, her face dull.

"Jingjing, now that things have come to this, I want to ask you, do you love me?" Tang Feng looked at Li Jing affectionately.

"Love! I love you! I will be yours for the rest of my life!" Li Jing came back to her senses and said firmly to Tang Feng.

"Since you love me, then kiss me!" Tang Feng said, closing his eyes and pouting his lips in a lewd manner.


"Tang Feng, you bastard! You dare to lie to me! When you get better, I will beat you to death!" Li Jing saw Tang Feng like this, how could she not know that Tang Feng was lying to her. She slapped Tang Feng in the face.

"Ah! Li Jing, you hit me!" At this time, Tang Feng was like a resentful woman, covering his face with his hands.

After hitting him, Li Jing regretted it a little, because it was too heavy. But seeing him like this, I still felt good in my heart. Forget it, I feel good anyway, I will give you some compensation!

"Who told you to lie to me, apologize to me quickly! Maybe I will be happy and give you some rewards." Li Jing hugged her arms and said proudly.

"What reward? You tell me first, and then I will consider apologizing!"

"Apologize or not!"


"Apologize or not!" Li Jing grabbed Tang Feng's ears.

"Say! Say! Say! I apologize! I was wrong!" Tang Feng admitted his mistake decisively.

"That's better. Don't lie to me in the future, okay? Do you know how scared I was just now?" Li Jing was about to burst into tears.

"I'm sorry, I was wrong."

"Okay, I'll give you a reward this time because you admitted your mistake automatically."

When did I admit my mistake automatically? It was you who pulled my ear, otherwise I wouldn't admit my mistake.

\u0026nbsba~ Li Jing kissed Tang Feng on the face directly.

"Is there any more if I admit my mistake now?" Tang Feng said shyly.

"Bah! Shameless! I'll go find Long Chen to treat you." Li Jing ran out of the room with a red face.

"Alas, if I had known there was such a benefit, I would have admitted my mistake earlier. If I had admitted my mistake myself, would the reward be better?" Tang Feng said to himself, with a wretched face.

At this time, inside the bamboo building of Mr. Hua...

"Master, I have something to tell you." Long Chen looked at the two people who were still fighting and said helplessly. I really don't know what's the point of these two old men hurting each other like this every day, they might as well drink tea and go fishing.

"If you have something to say, just say it, there are no outsiders here!" Dong Lao was hurting each other with Hua Lao, and was suddenly cleaned up by Long Chen, and said a little disappointed.

"Master... you forgot to treat the cold poison for Brother Tang Feng..." Long Chen reminded Dong Lao, if he didn't remind him again, he would probably forget about Tang Feng.

"What day is it today?" Dong Lao frowned.

"The next day, there is one day left before the onset time you said."

"It's not time yet, come find me when it's time!" Dong Lao continued to quarrel with Hua Lao.

"But Master, the situation may not be very good now..." Long Chen said hesitantly.

"What's wrong, is it an early onset? Impossible, I calculated that he will have an onset in three days!" Dong Lao scratched his head in confusion.

"What are you talking about? Cold poison? In Tang Feng's body? What's going on?" Hua Lao asked in surprise.

"Master, I think it's better for you to go and see it yourself, because this... is more serious!" Long Chen said worriedly, because he only knew how to treat it, but he still couldn't do it in practice.

"Let's go, let's go and see!" Dong Lao got up and walked out of the room, and Long Chen followed behind him.

"Wait for me! I'll go see it too!" Hua Lao also stood up and followed the two.

"Why are you following us! We are doctors, aren't you?" Dong Lao turned around and choked Hua Lao.

"I... I am the elder, I should look at my younger generation!" Elder Hua stiffened his neck.

"As far as I know, you and Tang Feng are not related!" Elder Dong turned around and raised his eyebrows.

"I... I went to his house, what does it have to do with you!" After saying that, Elder Hua raised his head and walked straight forward, ignoring Elder Dong.

"Hahahahaha!" Elder Dong stroked the beard on his chin and laughed.

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