Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 850: Cultivating Relationships

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"What are you saying? I, the King of Hell, can't cure any disease?" Old Dong glanced at Old Hua with disdain.

"I only saw some people stuffing medicine into the patient's mouth and leaving it alone!" Old Hua was not willing to lag behind and fought back.

"Every doctor has a different way of treating patients. This is my way. Do you have any objections?"

"You..." Old Hua was speechless. After all, he was not a doctor and didn't understand these things at all.

Mengmeng, Li Jing, and Long Chen watched the two old kids fighting here, and they were so happy that they almost took out popcorn.

"I don't know if Brother Du Ci can find the Hanxing Fruit." Long Chen and the other three didn't look at the two old men.

"Hanxing Fruit? What's the use? Isn't my brother already well?" Mengmeng asked puzzledly with a lollipop in her mouth.

"If Brother Du Ci finds the Cold Star Fruit, the cold poison in your brother's body will be cured immediately, and his power will increase. If he can't find it, then my master can only find a way." At this point, Long Chen glanced at his master who was still arguing with Old Hua and sighed.

"Alas, my junior sister hasn't been found yet." Long Chen sighed again.

"You still have a junior sister?" Li Jing asked in surprise.

"Yes, the junior sister secretly ran down the mountain, and we haven't found her yet! We don't know where she ran to!" Long Chen said with some worry.

"Your martial arts are not low, she should be strong too, so don't worry too much." Li Jing comforted Long Chen.

"Don't mention it, we will definitely find her!"

At this time, Tang Feng's mother Qin Yueying took Qiao Jiaojiao out of the room. Qin Yueying's face was flushed, and she was very happy at a glance, while Qiao Jiaojiao was blushing.

Qin Yueying took Qiao Jiaojiao to sit on the sofa and greeted everyone. The two old men replied and continued to quarrel, ignoring the people next to them.

"Jingjing, how is Tang Feng? Is his diarrhea better?" Qin Yueying did not ask Dr. Dong, the doctor, nor Mengmeng, Tang Feng's sister. Instead, she asked Li Jing, which confused Li Jing.

"Ah! Auntie, that... Tang Feng is much better. Nothing happened. Don't worry." Li Jing was stunned for a moment, then said to Qin Yueying.

"Let's go. It's almost noon. Let's all stay here to eat." Qin Yueying stood up and said to everyone.

"Jiaojiao, you greet the guests here. Jingjing, you are good at cooking. Help me, an old lady!" Qin Yueying did not call Qiao Jiaojiao, but called Li Jing to help her cook.

"Oh, OK!" Li Jing agreed and accompanied Qin Yueying to the kitchen.

"Jingjing, you have been here for so long, but I haven't asked you where you are from!" Qin Yueying picked vegetables while watching Li Jing who was cutting meat.

"I don't have a home. I'm an orphan. I grew up in the mountains with my master. Later, my master passed away, so I took Mengmeng to Yanjing and have been here ever since." Li Jing said in a low voice.

"I'm sorry, Jingjing, I didn't know you..." Qin Yueying said a little embarrassedly.

"It's okay, I'm used to it." Li Jing took a break.

"What about Mengmeng? I don't think you two look alike at all!"

"Mengmeng was picked up by me in the mountains, and she grew up with me in the mountains since she was a child."

"Jingjing, what do you think of my Tang Feng?" Qin Yueying mentioned Tang Feng without knowing why.

"Ah?" Li Jing was stunned for a moment, not quite understanding.

"What do you think of my Tang Feng, and how does he treat you?" Qin Yueying said with some expectation.

"He... he's pretty good." Li Jing also understood what was going on, and said shyly.

"That's good, Tang Feng, this stinky boy, is a good person, but he's fickle! But, as long as he likes her, Tang Feng will definitely risk his life to care about her." Qin Yueying looked at Li Jing and liked her more and more.

Li Jing didn't know how to answer, she just said "oh" and lowered her head.

Qin Yueying didn't know about the relationship between Li Jing and Tang Feng, but after talking with Qiao Jiaojiao, she knew about Li Jing and Tang Feng.

Qin Yueying was originally against Tang Feng's philandering behavior, but after listening to Qiao Jiaojiao's words, she also figured it out. My son is so outstanding, it's right for him to have more women. Besides, these girls are all willing, and Tang Feng didn't force them. If these girls are willing to live in peace, it's okay to have more wives.

Qin Yueying looked at Li Jing who was cooking silently, and liked her more and more. She cursed in her heart, Tang Feng, this kid! Why do so many good girls like him! But my son's charm is inseparable from me as a mother! Thinking of this, Qin Yueying couldn't help laughing.

"Jingjing, if you think Tang Feng is good, you can live here, as long as you want, so that you can accompany me and cultivate your relationship." Qin Yueying said suddenly.

After saying this, Li Jing was shocked and almost cut her hand.

"Ah?" Li Jing exclaimed, because she really didn't know how to answer.

"You kid, what are you talking about! Okay, listen to auntie, you will live here in the future. Mengmeng also lives here. You can live with Mengmeng or have your own room." Qin Yueying made the decision directly.

"Auntie, this... this is not good." Li Jing said hesitantly.

"What's wrong with it? It's so convenient!" Qin Yueying smiled like a flower.

Qin Yueying wanted to hold her grandson too much. Currently, the only people in front of her were Qiao Jiaojiao and Li Jing. Du Mengyan and Feng Qian were indeed very beautiful, but they had nothing to do with Tang Feng. After listening to Qiao Jiaojiao's words, Qin Yueying liked Li Jing more and more. In the end, in order to hold her grandson, she had to let Li Jing live in her house. After a long time, she would have feelings for her and would not be afraid of not having a grandson to hold.

"Well, then, I will live in the same room with Mengmeng." Seeing Qin Yueying's enthusiasm, Li Jing couldn't refuse. After all, looking at the current relationship between herself and Tang Feng, Qin Yueying would definitely be her mother-in-law in the future, so she still had to build a good relationship now.

Li Jing went down the mountain at the age of 18. She has been in Yanjing, a place where fish and dragons are mixed, for so many years. She has seen all kinds of people and learned to speak to people in a human way and to speak to ghosts in a ghost way. However, this is the first time she has encountered a "creature" like a mother-in-law, so she has to learn to get along with her mother-in-law. After all, the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law in society has always been bad, and Li Jing is also afraid that she will not get along with Qin Yueying.

"Haha, okay, I'll go tell Mengmeng and Tang Feng later. Cultivate their relationship well, and then give me a big fat boy with Tang Feng!" Qin Yueying has had so many happy things recently that she was grinning from ear to ear.

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