Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 863 Joining

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"Tang Feng, come out, I want to talk to you!" Mr. Hua said to Tang Feng who was getting close to Shao Yangtou. Before Tang Feng could answer, he left the villa with his hands behind his back.

"I'll go out first and you guys can chat!" Tang Feng said and followed Mr. Hua out.

"Mr. Hua, I didn't mean it. I think it's better for Mengmeng to learn medical skills, because it's too dangerous to practice spirituality with you. You said you are the leader of the ninth group of China, how can you not have a few enemies? They may not be able to defeat you, but Mengmeng is not good enough and her skills are still weak. If she encounters any master, she will not be able to escape. "

Tang Feng thought that Mr. Hua called him out because of the issue of Mengmeng's apprenticeship. Before Mr. Hua could speak, Tang Feng threw out a bunch of reasons and stood on the moral high ground.

"No, that's not why I came to you." Hua Lao shook his head and turned around with Tang Feng on his back.

"What is that? Or is it about letting me join the ninth group? This is impossible, so stop wasting your breath!" Tang Feng guessed what Mr. Hua wanted to say.

"are you sure?"

"What do you mean by this?" Tang Feng frowned.

"How many spiritual cultivators and martial cultivators do you have on the farm now?" Hua Lao did not say, but asked a question.

"There are...only seven spiritual cultivators, and the rest are all martial cultivators." Tang Feng did the math and found that there were only himself, Stinger, Li Jing, Mengmeng, He Mingyang, Lan Meigui and Lan Xiner.

"Don't talk about these spiritual cultivators, just talk about martial cultivators. Do these martial cultivators know that you are a spiritual cultivator? Are they all loyal to you?" Mr. Hua pointed out what he meant directly.

"What do you mean..." Tang Feng also understood.

"Just like Shao Yang today, you can tell at a glance that he is a martial cultivator. If he knew that you were spiritual cultivators, would he still be so friendly to you? I guess if he knows today, there will be a group of people tomorrow if he knows that you are spiritual cultivators. People come to your house and kill you!" Mr. Hua said seriously.

After Hua Lao said this, Tang Feng also figured out something, that is, the subordinates he is looking for are all martial arts cultivators, not a single spiritual cultivator, and these people do not know that he is a spiritual cultivator. If, as Mr. Hua said, they find out that they are spiritual cultivators, they will definitely bite them back, and it will be dangerous then!

"Then what you mean is...let me join the Nine Groups of China?" Tang Feng understood what Mr. Hua meant and pointed it out directly.

"Yes, not only you must join, but all the spiritual cultivators around you must join!"

"This is impossible! I will not let them join the Nine Groups!" Tang Feng heard this and decisively refused. He could join by himself, but he would never agree to letting others around him join.

"I know what you are worried about. You are just worried that there are some dangerous tasks, right? If they perform them, they may be in danger. I can promise you that I will only let them name themselves in the nine groups and do not need them to perform tasks. But You! If we need you, you must go!" Mr. Hua gave in. In order to get Tang Feng, he no longer cared about the rules of the nine groups.

"This...can you let me think about it for one night and give you the answer tomorrow?" Tang Feng didn't know what to do now. This condition was indeed very tempting, and he really needed such an identity to protect himself and others around him. After all, few people in the national organization dare to provoke.

"Okay, I'll give you one night. If you make up your mind, go to the Bamboo House to find me tomorrow morning." After Hua Lao said that, he turned around and left without any hesitation.

After Mr. Hua left, Tang Feng just stood there, stunned for a long time before he came back to his senses, and then slowly returned to the villa.

When Tang Feng returned to the villa, only Li Jing and Qiao Jiaojiao were sitting in the living room. Qiao Jiaojiao was holding Li Jing's hand and chatting. She didn't know what they were talking about, but she looked very happy. Li Jing would also talk from time to time. He lowered his head shyly.

"Jiaojiao, where are they?" Tang Feng sat on the sofa, picked up an apple and bit it in his mouth.

"Mengmeng followed Mr. Dong and Long Chen to the Bamboo House. Mom has gone to bed. My brother-in-law took Shaoyang and Jiang Ning'er to the nearby villa. Feng Qian and Fu Mengyan also went back to rest." Qiao Jiaojiao went to bed one by one. Speak out.

"Why haven't you two gone to rest yet?"

"The two of us are waiting for you. You and Mr. Hua went out and didn't come back for so long, so we are waiting for you here." Li Jing spoke with a hint of resentment.

"Well, it's my fault that I didn't tell you when I would be back. Okay, you can go to bed now." After saying that, Tang Feng pulled the two women upstairs and entered their respective rooms.

Tang Feng had just recovered from a serious illness. There was an evil fire running around in his body, so he had to vent to Qiao Jiaojiao. After staying in his room for a while, Tang Feng quietly opened his room and walked to Qiao Jiaojiao. In front of the door, he turned the door handle directly.

Locked! How can it be locked? Jiaojiao didn't lock the door when I came here before! Why did you lock the door today? Tang Feng was a little confused, but he still knocked on the door.

Dang Dang Dang!

"Who is it?" Qiao Jiaojiao inside was obviously not asleep.

"I, Tang Feng!"

"Wait a minute!" There was a sound of footsteps coming from inside.

"Jingjing? Why are you here?" The person who opened the door for Tang Feng was Li Jing.

"Why can't I be here? Sister Jiaojiao doesn't dare to sleep alone at night, so I come to accompany her. But you, what are you doing here!" Li Jing was wearing a silk pajamas, with a white patch in front and a white patch at the bottom, which made Tang Feng unable to open his eyes.

"Ah? I... I came to ask Jiaojiao if she is hungry, so I can make her some midnight snack." How could Tang Feng say that he came to steal the fragrance and jade at this time, isn't that stupid!

"Hehe, then make us a small snack!" Li Jing smiled like a little fox. Since you came to ask us if we want to eat, you must be tired at night!

"Ah? Really eat!" Tang Feng had a bitter face. He didn't expect that he didn't steal the fragrance, but made a delicious meal for others.

"Of course, we won't wait for your kindness to go to waste! Knock on the door when it's ready!" Li Jing said and locked Tang Feng outside the door.

"Ah, what's going on!" Tang Feng sighed and went to the kitchen. Li Jing in the room was already laughing.

"Humph, I knew he would be dishonest once he recovered from his illness. Sure enough, I caught him!" Li Jing looked like a chicken that had eaten a fox, and she looked like a god.

"You treat him like this, aren't you afraid that he will treat you badly in the future?" Qiao Jiaojiao leaned on the bed, looking at Li Jing with a smile on her face. After going upstairs, Li Jing followed her into her bedroom and said that she wanted to sleep with her.

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