Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 868 Horse Group

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How could Tang Feng let such a thing run away? He decisively ran up to chase it. If this horse is also a spiritual beast, then he would be rich!

Then a magical scene appeared. In the dark underground, a white horse was running in front, followed by a person. It stands to reason that the person would definitely not catch up with the horse, but the distance between the person and the horse was shortening little by little.

Tang Feng didn't know how far he ran. When he was about to catch the white horse, he saw the woods, the grass, and a group of horses eating grass. Tang Feng stopped and the white horse returned to the herd.

Tang Feng stopped catching the white horse, but sat on the ground and began to rest. While resting, he paid attention to these horses. These horses seemed not to leave the woods except to drink water by the river, but what about the white horse? How did it run around the cave?

Tang Feng rested for a while, but didn't stay here. He didn't alarm the herd of horses, but just found some dry branches on the outskirts of the woods and returned to the cave.

"Tang Feng, why did you take so long to come back?" Li Jing was getting impatient. No one knew what was underground. Tang Feng hadn't come back for so long, she thought something had happened, and was about to go out to look for Tang Feng.

"The woods are too far away, it will take a little time." Tang Feng put down the branches he was carrying and put them next to the pot.

The fish had been processed by Li Jing, and it was just about to be put into the pot. There was a lighter in Tang Feng's bracelet, so Tang Feng took the pot down and lit a fire.

"Jingjing, I'll go to the river to wash the fish and get some water. You wait here, don't go out." Tang Feng put the fish into the wooden barrel and went to the river with the barrel.

When he got to the river, Tang Feng first washed the blood off the fish, then got another bucket of water and put it on the shore. But he didn't leave, but returned to the river again. He was ready to see what was in the river.

Tang Feng took out his cell phone and illuminated the river. There was nothing in the river. Tang Feng shook the flashlight, but there was still no movement. Tang Feng took out the elixir, broke off a piece and threw it into the water.

After a while, there was indeed movement in the water. Tang Feng turned on the flashlight and illuminated the water surface. He saw a small black head with two long ears on it. It ate the elixir at once and then lay back in the water. However, Tang Feng could vaguely see a dark shadow under the water.

Tang Feng saw a little bit and didn't dare to stay any longer. He picked up the wooden barrel, picked up the fish and returned to the cave.

"Tang Feng, you must be tired. Sit on the bed and rest for a while. I'll cook." Li Jing helped Tang Feng up from the stairs, took the wooden barrel and the fish, patted the dust off Tang Feng's body, and prepared to cook.

"It's okay. You cook. I want to go down and see if there is a place nearby where I can get out." Tang Feng couldn't give up until he was at the end of his rope. Besides, there was still Li Jing. He didn't want her to live here for the rest of her life before she married him.

"Okay, be careful." Li Jing didn't say much. He understood Tang Feng's mood, so he only said one sentence.

Tang Feng nodded and climbed down the steps. Tang Feng walked to the side of the woods again. As expected, the horses did not leave. They were still eating grass there. Those who were full were strolling around in the woods.

The white horse was still eating grass with its head down, but it seemed to have noticed something while eating. It looked up at Tang Feng and continued to eat grass.

With just this one action, Tang Feng knew that this white horse was also a spiritual beast. If it was an ordinary horse, it would definitely not find itself in such a dark environment. This horse found itself and was still eating grass here without fear, which meant that it must be the leader of the herd. As long as I catch it, the whole herd will definitely come up to attack me. By then, even if I am in the sixth level of the earth realm, I will be trampled to death here.

So he couldn't act rashly. Tang Feng thought about it and broke off a piece of spiritual medicine and threw it in the woods. After a while, the horses began to get agitated, but no horse dared to go forward and eat the spiritual medicine. After a while, a few horses couldn't help but walk forward a few steps, wanting to eat the spiritual medicine, but the white horse neighed, and the horses retreated again. The white horse walked to the spiritual medicine, looked in the direction of Tang Feng, and ate the spiritual medicine directly. Turned back and returned to the herd.

If you want to subdue this spiritual beast, you can never rely on force, you can only slowly gain its favor. It's useless to stay any longer today, so Tang Feng picked up some branches to keep for the night, and then returned to the cave.

Li Jing had already prepared the meal. Seeing Tang Feng coming back, the two sat in front of the stone table and started eating. Tang Feng vomited after taking the first bite.

"I'm sorry, Tang Feng, I don't have any seasoning, so I can't make delicious food. I can only cook it like this." Li Jing saw Tang Feng spit out something and understood it immediately, because she also spit out the first bite she tasted.

This is underground, and no seasoning can be made, because there are no other plants except trees and grass, and there is no way to make some seasoning. Li Jing's seven-star gourd didn't have these things at all, so the food she made was the same as boiled in plain water.

"It's okay, I should have some in my bracelet later." Tang Feng said and began to look for his fairy cloud bracelet. After a while, Tang Feng found a bunch of seasonings.

"Tang Feng, how come there are such things in your bracelet." Li Jing picked up the seasoning and put everything back into the pot. Li Jing was a little curious, why did Tang Feng's bracelet have so much stuff in it.

"Hehe, when I first got this bracelet, I was bored, so I bought some things and put them in it. I wanted to go camping again, but I didn't expect that something delayed me and I didn't go, so there are all kinds of things in my bracelet." Tang Feng said and took out a tent, sleeping bag, pots and pans and various daily necessities from the bracelet.

"I don't think we are trapped here, but it's a bit like traveling here." Li Jing looked at these things with some surprise.

There are indeed some things in this house that can be used, but they are "second-hand goods" left over by others. There was nothing before, so I could only use this. Now I have it, who would be willing to use what others have left?

"If you don't talk about the seasoning, I can't even remember that there are these things in my bracelet." Tang Feng said and set up a tent next to the fire.

"Tang Feng, come over and have dinner. We'll set up the tent later!" Li Jing made the fish soup and grilled fish again. Looking at Tang Feng who was setting up the tent with great difficulty, her heart felt as sweet as if she had drunk honey.

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