Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 876 I give myself to you

Chapter 876 I give myself to you

"You mean it's the monster in the river?" Li Jing asked Tang Feng in surprise while feeding the rabbit.

When the little black rabbit heard this, his eyes rolled up, as if to say, "You are the monster!" But since there was the spiritual medicine, he didn't bother with Li Jing.

"Yes, it is the little monster. I didn't expect it to be so cute." Tang Feng laughed and touched the little rabbit.

Xiaobai, who was standing by, snorted in dissatisfaction when he saw the little black rabbit being so favored.

"You are cute too, okay!" Li Jing glanced at Xiaobai, stood up and took out a spiritual medicine and fed it to Xiaobai's mouth. Xiaobai stopped and stopped being restless.

If a cultivator saw Tang Feng and Li Jing wasting spiritual medicine like this, he would be furious. Such a spiritual medicine is a priceless treasure outside, but when it comes to them, the spiritual medicine is fed to spiritual beasts like grass.

"Jingjing, let's go up and rest. It might be dangerous here. It's safer to go up." Tang Feng suggested. It's night now. There might be all kinds of animals coming out. It's safer to go up to the house.

"But you are like this." Li Jing looked at Tang Feng's physical condition and was a little worried.

"It's okay. I can do simple exercises now." Tang Feng stood up and moved his body.

"What about the two of them?" Li Jing raised her hand. The little black rabbit held the elixir in its mouth and looked at Tang Feng cutely.

On the other side, Xiaobai heard that they were going up, snorted, nudged Li Jing with his head, turned around and ran back to the woods.

"It's gone, what are you going to do?" Tang Feng lowered his head and looked at the little black rabbit, but the little black rabbit ignored Tang Feng and lowered his head to eat his own elixir.

"It looks like we have to take it up." Tang Feng looked at the little black rabbit and said to Li Jing.

"Put it in the bucket, and carry it up." Just like that, the little black rabbit was put into the bucket, Tang Feng climbed in front, and Li Jing followed behind carrying the bucket.

Because Tang Feng's arm and leg were injured by the black tiger, the two of them took a lot of effort to get into the house. When they got into the house, except for the little black rabbit, both of them were exhausted.

Li Jing and Tang Feng packed up and went into the tent, and put the little black rabbit alone in a corner of the tent. The little black rabbit didn't make a fuss, just lying there.

This time, Li Jing didn't say anything to Tang Feng, and took off her clothes directly, and she was naked and lying in Tang Feng's arms.

"Jingjing, what are you doing? Put on your clothes quickly!" Tang Feng was surprised.

"Tang Feng, today you let me know how much you love me, and in this place, the two of us live one day at a time, and no one knows what will happen tomorrow. I don't want to die without giving my most important thing to the person I love, so I am going to give myself to you, please treat me well in the future." Li Jing closed her eyes after she finished speaking, waiting for Tang Feng to kiss her.

"Jingjing, put on your clothes first." Tang Feng did not touch Li Jing, but asked Li Jing to put on her clothes.

"Huh? Why? Don't you like me?" Li Jing opened her eyes and asked in confusion.

Tang Feng sat up, and Li Jing also sat up. Tang Feng picked up a piece of clothes and put it on Li Jing with great perseverance.

"It's not that I don't like it, it's that I can't. I said I must take you out, so even if I want you, it's after I go out, not in such a simple place. I want you to be my princess." After Tang Feng finished speaking, Li Jing threw herself into Tang Feng's arms and cried.

"Tang Feng, I love you!"

"I love you too!"

The little black rabbit on the side saw this scene and quickly covered his eyes with his little paws, but he still showed his little eyes from time to time.

Tang Feng and Li Jing slept in each other's arms all night, and Tang Feng did not touch Li Jing at all. What Tang Feng said was indeed his heart, but because of physical reasons, he didn't even get over his hand addiction. When he got up the next day, Tang Feng sighed and regretted it.

"Tang Feng, you should stay in the house to recover from your injuries. I will take care of you from now on! I am the leader of the Seven Evils after all. When I come to your place, I am like a child being taken care of by you. I will also let you see my strength!" After saying that, Li Jing put Xiao Hei, who was still eating spiritual medicine, into the bucket and went to the river.

Xiao Hei is Xiao Hei Rabbit. This is the name Li Jing gave to Xiao Hei Rabbit. Under the powerless resistance of Xiao Hei Rabbit, he could only silently accept this earthy name.

After leaving the cave, Xiao Bai was waiting for Li Jing at the entrance of the cave. Li Jing rode on Xiao Bai, holding Xiao Hei, who was lying in the bucket, and ran to the river.

"This is too difficult to catch!" After failing n times, Li Jing sat on the ground and gave up catching fish.

"I really don't know how Tang Feng caught it. It's so dark here, and these fish are much more cunning than the fish outside. I can't catch them at all!" Li Jing muttered to herself in annoyance. When Li Jing turned around and saw Xiao Hei, who was still eating spiritual medicine, he came up with an idea.

Xiao Hei, who had been eating the spiritual medicine, suddenly found that the spiritual medicine in his hand was gone. After searching around, he found that there was a spiritual medicine in Li Jing's hand, which was the one he had just eaten, and there was his tooth mark.

"If you want to eat spiritual medicine, you have to catch fish!" Li Jing pointed to the water.

Xiao Hei pointed at the spiritual medicine unconvinced, and then pointed in the direction of the cave, meaning that the spiritual medicine was given by Tang Feng, why should he listen to you.

"Hehe, now I am your mistress, you have to listen to me!" Li Jing didn't say much, and directly grabbed Xiao Hei and threw him into the water.

Xiao Hei fluttered on the surface of the water for a few times, and then reluctantly went underwater. Sure enough, after a short while, Xiao Hei caught 5 fish, faster than Tang Feng. After Xiao Hei caught 10 fish, Li Jing finally returned the elixir to it.

"Well done! But don't say you caught them when you go back, just say I caught the fish, you hear?" Li Jing threatened Xiao Hei again, but Xiao Hei didn't have time to pay attention to her, and ate the elixir by himself.

Seeing it like this, Li Jing no longer worried about the face of the Seven Evils Lord, so she rode on Xiao Bai and took Xiao Hei back to the cave. After giving Xiao Bai a elixir, Xiao Bai jumped away, and Li Jing took Xiao Hei and the fish to the house.

"Tang Feng! I'm back! Look at the fish I caught, how about it, amazing!" Li Jing said to Tang Feng proudly.

"So amazing, caught so many!" Tang Feng said in surprise after taking a look, he knew how difficult it was to catch the fish here, and he only caught a few with the elixir.

At this time, Xiao Hei jumped out, pointed at the fish, then pointed at himself, and made a few swimming movements, which scared Li Jing so much that she picked him up.

"It means that it saw me catch the fish in the river with its own eyes." Tang Feng was a little confused. Xiao Hei didn't mean that, right?

"I'll go cook for you!" After saying that, Li Jing carried Xiao Hei and the fish to the iron pot. (http://) "Rural Friends Circle" only represents the author Ping Fang's views. If you find that its content violates national laws, please delete it. http://'s position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform.

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