The basketball team finally waited for Coach Tiangang to come back, but when they saw the angry Coach Tiangang, they knew that he couldn't solve the current situation.

Coach Tiangang's face was gloomy. He glanced at the other clubs who were training, then took a deep breath and said to everyone in a deep voice:"Although there are some unexpected things, don't be distracted...."

"Due to venue restrictions, today we will conduct a 5-on-5 half-court offense and defense training."

Coach Tanaoka tried to calm himself down. He didn't want his emotions to affect the players' condition.

Next, Coach Tanaoka divided the team into 3 groups. The three groups took turns to fight. The winning team could play on the court until they lost.

Kitano Taku and Uozumi, Ito, Fukuda, and Uekusa were in a group of five. The first group they had to face was Sendoh, Konosuba, Sugadaira, Inouchi, and Ehara. The third group was composed of Ikegami, Kawami and others.

They had to wait for the first two groups to decide the winner before playing against the winner.

Before the game started, Uozumi and Inouchi played rock-paper-scissors. As expected, Inochi's team got the ball.

The half-court offense and defense game adopts a 10-goal mode, that is, the team that scores 10 goals first wins.

The game officially begins!

Inochi passed the basketball to Sendoh. Facing Fukuda's defense, Sendoh made a direct mid-range shot and opened the situation.

But then Kitano Taku changed his color. He suddenly stepped back and made a jump shot. Jiang Yuan wanted to defend, but he could only sigh at the ball.

Kitano Taku's movement speed was too fast!

Then, Sendoh shook off Fukuda and went to the basket. Facing Yuzumi's defense, he still forced a jump and used a hook shot to hit the backboard!

"Oh oh!"

Xian Dao's words immediately caused exclamations from those around him!


Kitano Taku smiled slightly, he was not to be outdone, when it was their turn to attack, Kitano Taku shook his shoulders slightly in the face of defense, Jiang Yuan was stunned.

The next moment, Kitano Taku suddenly turned around and passed him.

At this time, Suga Ping in the inside and Inoue who came from the left had surrounded Kitano Taku.

But at this time, Kitano Taku didn't care and jumped directly!

Suga Ping and Inoue immediately stretched out their hands to stop him!

But at this time, Kitano Taku was holding the ball with his left hand, but he suddenly pulled the basketball to his right hand in the air!

This just got out of the defensive distance of Suga Ping and Inoue, and then Kitano Taku flicked his wrist, and the basketball went into the basket!


The screams rang out again!

Coach Tanoka's eyes widened!

The attack of Kitano Taku and Sendoh shocked everyone again.

At this time, other clubs who were training turned their heads curiously when they heard the basketball team's exclamations, wanting to see what happened on the basketball team's side.

Then, they saw the super exciting attack between Kitano Taku and Sendoh!

"Is this something a high school student can do?" a student from the Kendo Club exclaimed

"Ah! That player's upper body strength is so strong!"A muscular man from the Judo Club said in shock. He just saw Kitano Taku's precise one-handed pass across half the court.

"He is a pervert!" A girl's voice came.

The muscular man from the Judo Club nodded,"Yes, this kind of physical talent is indeed perverted."

"I'm talking about a mentally ill person!" the girl said again

""Huh?" The muscular man from the Judo Club was stunned. He turned around and saw a girl in a kendo uniform looking at Kitano Taku on the court with disgust.

She was Tsubakiya Kazuka. At this time, she had a ponytail and held a bamboo sword, looking very heroic.......

On the court, the game entered a fierce confrontation.

Fukuda received the pass from Kitano Taku and cut into the inside to layup, but Sendoh jumped into the air and blocked the basketball!

Yueyue took the opportunity to grab the ball and shot immediately.

But Kitano Taku rushed out horizontally and blocked the basketball.

""Oh, oh, oh!"

The wonderful performance of the basketball team has completely attracted the attention of everyone in the gym.

Even the coaches of several clubs are watching the game seriously.

They are all people who work in sports and know a little about basketball, but they have rarely seen a game of this level!

"Damn it! No wonder Tian Gang swore that the basketball team could enter the national competition. It turns out that there are two talented players in the basketball team this year!"The coach of the tennis club said jealously:"If the basketball team really enters the national competition, then our tennis club will never be able to hold our heads up!"

At this time, Coach Tian Gang's expression was very interesting. He always thought that Kitano Taku was an excellent player, but there was still a certain gap between him and a genius.

But now it seems that he was wrong. Maybe Kitano Taku is a genius like Sendoh....

"National tournament!" Coach Tanaoka opened his eyes wide,"Maybe we can really go this year!"

The game on the field has entered a critical moment. The two sides are tied at 9-9, and the ball is now in the hands of Sendoh.

From the beginning of the game, both teams scored one goal each, and neither team gave in.

The reason is that neither team can defend against the other's"ace" players.

So, now Sendoh's advantage is very obvious.

Inochi was dribbling the ball. Although he was the captain of his team, he chose to give the last shot to Sendoh.

"Sendoh, finish this game!" Inochi smiled slightly.

Sendoh dodged and caught the basketball, ready to attack!

But at this moment, his eyes flashed, because at some point, the person defending him changed from Fukuda to Kitano Taku!


Seeing Kitano Taku and Sendoh face off, the crowd outside the stadium suddenly shouted excitedly.

For a moment, everyone's attention was focused on these two people.

"Wow!" Ito turned around and looked around,"These two people have become the focus of everyone in such a short time!"

"Hey..."Coach Tian Gang raised his lips,"When they are on the stage of the national competition, they will definitely become the stars of national attention!"

On the court, Sendoh held the ball outside the three-point line at the top of the arc. This was not the first time he faced the defense of Kitano Taku!

Sendoh's expression was serious. He first stepped forward to stab Kitano Taku, shifting his center of gravity, and then suddenly dribbled away and forced his way into the inside!

"Passed it!" Yueyue said loudly

"Not yet!" Ikegami said calmly off the court.

As expected, just as Ikegami finished speaking, Kitano Taku suddenly stole the ball from Sendoh's side and knocked the basketball out of Sendoh's hand with one hand.

"Ah! How did he do that?!"

Yu Yue looked unbelievable.

Coach Tian Gang was also very shocked,"Most people can't steal the ball from Sendoh's breakthrough unless they commit a foul...."

"As for Kitano, that depends on his prediction!"

Coach Tanaka was right. Every defensive player will read the defense and make a certain judgment, and this judgment is based on years of accumulated experience.

Although Sendoh has tried his best to shift his center of gravity and distance himself, Kitano Taku still predicted his next move.

"What a troublesome guy~" Sendoh smiled, not showing any frustration.

Then, he stood in front of Kitano Taku,"Come on, it's your turn to attack now!"

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