On Sunday, it was drizzling.

Today, Coach Tiangang was kind enough to give everyone a day off, because even he was worried that the players' bodies could not bear it.

Futian covered his head with the hood of his clothes and walked out of the house without an umbrella.

During yesterday's training, he was severely reprimanded by Coach Tiangang again. Although he looked fine on the surface, he was extremely disappointed inside.

"Why is he so strict with me alone?"

Fukuda kept asking himself in his heart. He also wanted to get the same attention as Sendoh. Every time he saw Coach Tanaka talking to Sendoh with a smile, he felt very jealous.

"I want to get attention!"

"I want to get applause!"

"I want to be like Xiandao!"

Futian clenched his fists, and suddenly pulled off his hood, letting the rain pour down on his head.

Then, he suddenly ran!

He seemed to want to use the rain to wash away all the resentment in his heart and take away all the grievances!

Futian ran wildly in the rain, and when he ran around a corner, he suddenly passed by a figure.

"Is it him?! Sendo?"

It was Sendo who passed by him. At this time, Sendo was wearing a raincoat and holding a fishing rod. He smiled and greeted Futian,"Hi! Futian!"

"What are you doing?" Futian looked at Sendoh,"Going fishing?"

Sendoh smiled and said,"Of course, it's rare that I don't have to train on Sunday, it feels great to go fishing on a rainy day~"

"Do you want to join us?"

Faced with Xiandao's invitation, Futian was a little confused. After a long pause, he said,"No....No...I want to go to the basketball court..."

"You really work hard~" Xiandao said sincerely:"However, sometimes a combination of work and rest will achieve twice the result with half the effort."

Futian shook his head. His goal was the person in front of him.

Xiandao was a true genius. He could combine work and rest, but Futian knew he couldn't. If he didn't work harder than Xiandao, he would never be able to stand beside Xiandao.

"I am leaving..."Futian said goodbye to Sendoh, but he decided to seize every opportunity to train.

Sendoh looked at Futian's back, raised his lips, and then walked towards the beach.......

It was a rainy Sunday, and Ryonan High School was completely silent.

Fukuda felt the quiet atmosphere and walked straight to the basketball court.

As expected, he heard the sound of a basketball hitting the ground outside the basketball court."It should be him."..."

Futian pushed open the door of the basketball hall, and it turned out to be the person he thought of, shooting the ball.

Kitano Taku!

A genius like Sendoh!

Kitano Taku was dribbling the ball, and suddenly he started, and Futian stared at Kitano Taku closely.

Then, there was a sound of soles rubbing against the floor, and Kitano Taku stopped in a hurry, then bounced up, leaned his whole body back, and shot the ball!

""Swish!" The basketball went into the net!

A sudden stop and fadeaway jump shot!

This superb technique shocked Fukuda.

As far as he knew, Kitano Taku had never used this trick in a game!

That was to say, Kitano Taku probably hadn't used his full strength yet!

Sendoh was the kind of genius that you could tell was very strong at first glance, while Kitano Taku was a bottomless monster....

"Oh? Fukuda, are you here for extra practice?" Kitano Taku noticed Fukuda at this time.

Fukuda looked at Kitano Taku without saying anything. He just changed his clothes and started practicing.

Looking at Fukuda's appearance, Kitano Taku smiled slightly,"It's meaningless to practice by yourself. How about a one-on-one?"

Fukuda was stunned. He thought about it and finally nodded,"Okay!"

Holding the basketball, Fukuda took the lead in attacking!

Kitano Taku stood in front of him with his arms open. He wanted to take this game seriously.

Fukuda dribbled the ball, his body shaking constantly, trying to interfere with Kitano Taku's judgment.

Then, he suddenly changed direction, lowered his center of gravity, and broke through to Kitano Taku's right side!

"Not bad~" Kitano Taku nodded secretly, Futian's progress is obvious. When he first joined the team, he couldn't do this kind of action!

This move is a method that Futian practices every day. At this moment, he has passed Kitano Taku half a body.

But at this moment, Kitano Taku's hand actually poked the basketball away from behind Futian!

"Damn it!"

Fukuda cursed inwardly, but he was not discouraged. If he could defeat Kitano Taku so easily, he would not believe it.

"Come again!" Fukuda picked up the basketball that flew out of the baseline and passed it to Kitano Taku.

Kitano Taku said in a deep voice:"You are too bad at protecting the ball when you break through, so you can't become a main force at all!"

"What?!" Fukuda was shocked. He didn't expect that the usually kind Kitano Taku would say such a thing.

"What? If you think what I said is wrong, then prove it to me!"Kitano Taku showed a disdainful expression.


Fukuda was furious. He stood in front of Kitano Taku with an expressionless face and started his second attack.

This time, Fukuda still used the same trick, but he strengthened the protection of the ball. Two people rushed to the basket.

Fukuda suddenly jumped up and shot!

But what greeted him was Kitano Taku's big block!

"Bang!"The basketball was fanned and flew out!

"You don't even do a fake move, don't you know how to do it?" Kitano Taku mocked again.

Gritting his teeth, Fukuda still had no expression on his face, but his slightly trembling body showed his restless heart.

Then, they started the third attack.

This time, Kitano Taku easily stopped Fukuda's attack by using his body to block the attack, and finally forced a shot out of desperation, but it was a three-pointer.

"Your basics are too poor, and your legs are weak, how can you play basketball?"

Fukuda clenched his fists, he was on the verge of rage!

However, Kitano Taku obviously did not intend to let him go,"Basketball is a man's sport, you are so weak, just forget it!"

Fukuda's self-esteem suffered a huge blow, he could no longer bear it, Fukuda yelled:"Asshole! Sooner or later I will surpass you!"

"Come on then!" Kitano Taku hooked his finger.

Then the fourth attack of the two began!

This time the confrontation between the two became more and more intense, and Futian even used fouls.

Half an hour later, Futian knelt on the ground powerlessly.

In this half hour, he launched more than 10 attacks in total, but without exception, they were all blocked by Kitano Taku.

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