Sendoh held the ball with both hands, and he stepped out with his left foot to test Kitano Taku.

But Kitano Taku's center of gravity was very stable, he spread his hands and kept adjusting the height, so Sendoh had no chance at all!

"What a tight defense!"As a player who is good at defense, Ikegami couldn't help but exclaimed after seeing Kitano Taku's actions.

Sendoh couldn't dribble forward at this time, and Kitano Taku put a lot of defensive pressure on him.

Seeing this, Sendoh immediately switched to dribbling with his back to the basket.

Sendoh's current height is 188CM. He is taller than Kitano Taku, and he has a great advantage in dribbling with his back to the basket. When

Kitano Taku saw Sendoh with his back to the basket, he immediately pressed close to him, trying to disrupt Sendoh's rhythm. Sendoh felt Kitano Taku's strength and couldn't help frowning slightly,"This guy's strength has become stronger again."

Sendoh knew that he couldn't fight a war of attrition with Kitano Taku, he had to make a quick decision!

In an instant, he started!

Sendoh suddenly turned around and rushed to the baseline!

But under Kitano Taku's close defense, Sendoh was squeezed out of the penalty area!

"Ah!"Everyone in Ryonan watched the duel between the two nervously, and they cried out in surprise unconsciously.

Although Sendoh was not in the penalty area, his expression was still calm. Suddenly, he stopped and opened his hands to shoot!

Kitano Taku immediately raised his hand to block the shot, but he did not jump up, as he was worried that it was a fake move.

Sure enough, Sendoh did not jump!

But at this moment, Sendoh suddenly jumped up, which caught Kitano Taku off guard.

Although Kitano Taku reacted quickly and jumped up almost at the same time.

But Sendoh had the height advantage, and at this time he actually leaned back, and the basketball flew over Kitano Taku's fingers!

Kitano Taku did not block it. The basketball drew an arc and went into the basket!

""Good fellow!!" Yuzuki's eyelids jumped, but he was so surprised not because of Sendoh's excellent attack.

It was because the ball just now was almost blocked by Kitano Taku...

"Height disadvantage, and Sendoh added a backward move, Kitano's bounce speed and bounce are really terrifying..."Uozumi stared at Kitano Taku. Every time he thought he knew how strong Kitano Taku was, Kitano Taku would exceed his expectations again.

Then it was Kitano Taku's turn, Sendoh was on defense!

Facing Sendoh's defense, Kitano Taku chose to attack head-on.

Sendoh's defense was also very good. Kitano Taku tried to break through several times but failed.

Everyone outside the court was thinking about how they should break through if it were their turn, but at this moment, Kitano Taku's eyes flashed.

He suddenly used a crotch dribble to pass the basketball from his right hand to his left hand. Sendoh's body tensed up, and he knew that Kitano Taku was going to break through!

But the next moment, Kitano Taku suddenly pushed off the ground and stopped and retreated!

With just this one move, he actually opened up a huge space between him and Sendoh!

And when Sendoh stepped forward to chase and defend, he had already jumped up and shot!

"Swoosh!" The basketball went into the net

""Oh oh!" Everyone exclaimed again, because Kitano Taku's movements were so fast and smooth.

Sendoh smiled and said to himself,"This guy is really hard to deal with."

In fact, Kitano Taku had the same opinion. One-on-one, he and Sendoh were indeed on par.

After the offensive and defensive training, Kitano Taku and Sendoh looked at Coach Tianoka at the same time, waiting for his instructions.

But at this time Coach Tianoka rubbed his hands, blinked quickly, and then coughed, and then said:" offense and defense are OK...."

"but...but..."Coach Tanaka thought for a long time, and finally said stiffly:"In the game, when facing this situation, you should pay attention to the position of your teammates. If your teammates have a good chance, you can pass the ball. Do you understand?"

Everyone looked at each other. Isn't this a one-on-one attack and defense exercise? This is about teammates again.

However, Kitano Taku and Sendoh gave face to Coach Tanaka. They answered seriously at the same time:"I understand."

Coach Tanaka clapped his hands,"Listen carefully! Our goal this year is no longer the top four in the county!!"

"We are going to make it to the national competition this year!!"

"Did you hear that?"Coach Tian Gang shouted

"I heard it!" All the players of Ryonan answered in unison.

""Very good!" Coach Tian Gang smiled,"Now let's do the sprint training! Whoever is the last one will be punished to run 10 laps!"

"ah..."Suddenly, there were wails.

Coach Tiangang was indeed very strict. This kind of training would make the players tired and even injured, but it could help the players consolidate their foundation to the greatest extent.

So even if everyone collapsed on the ground due to exhaustion, no one thought of quitting.

Everyone was waiting for the day when the national competition would begin..........

After a day of training, Kitano Taku and other first-year players cleaned up the court and returned to the locker room.

Kitano Taku took off his sneakers, a pair of Asics basketball shoes given to him by Coach Kitano. The shoes fit his feet very well. Although they were not as functional as future basketballs, they could protect the ankles well and facilitate jumping.

Kitano Taku took out a towel and wiped them carefully.

But at this moment, Kitano Taku suddenly found that his shoe uppers were a little damaged, which immediately made him distressed.

"It feels so good!" At this time, Yueyue raised his head and drank a large bottle of water, then laughed and said:"Although I am exhausted every day, as long as I stick to it, I feel a sense of accomplishment!"

Uekusa took off his jersey, then said embarrassedly:"I just want to eat now"

"Here~" At this time, Xiandao handed over a chocolate.

"Thank you!"Uekusa was overjoyed, took the chocolate, broke off a big piece and put it in his mouth.

Fukuda changed his clothes very quickly, and Yueyue asked curiously:"Fukuda, do you want anything else?"

"Um..."Futian responded, but it was clear that he didn't want to communicate with others.

"Hey, Sugahira, you changed so quickly too?" Yueyue looked at Sugahira again,"Is it a date?"

Sugahira scratched his head embarrassedly,"Not really~"

Yueyue suddenly became energetic,"Tell me what's going on."

Uekusa finally swallowed the chocolate at this time, he came to the rescue of Sugahira and said,"Yueyue, don't ask, instead of caring about gossip, why not think about next week's rookie competition?"

"Rookie Contest?" Kitano Taku stopped polishing his shoes and asked curiously,"What is that?"

Uekusa said in surprise,"Don't you know?"

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