The Kanagawa Prefecture Basketball Rookie Tournament was held at the Kanagawa Prefectural Basketball Stadium.

The venue here is not as big as the comprehensive gymnasium in the comics, which is just right for the rookie tournament.

The Ryonan team was led to the basketball stadium by Coach Tanaoka.

Although this competition was for first-year players, second- and third-year players still came to the basketball stadium. They came to feel the atmosphere of the competition in advance.

Coach Tanaoka said to Inuchi,"You take everyone to the stadium, I'll go handle the competition procedures."

"Yes!" Ito waved his hand and led everyone into the basketball court.

The gymnasium was large, but there were not many spectators, and the attention to the rookie game was still too weak.

But at this moment, a cheer came,"Ryonan! Ryonan!"

"Come on! Come on!"

Kitano Taku looked up and couldn't help laughing. He saw Kanemaru waving a flag, and behind him there were about 20 cheering members of the support group cheering for Ryonan.

Kanemaru was still winking at Kitano Taku, motioning him to look to the other side.

Not far to the left of Kanemaru was a girl. The girl wore a pair of glasses, her long hair was tied up behind her, and she was petite, about 150cm tall.

Although the girl was very petite, her momentum was not inferior to Kanemaru. She raised her hand and led the cheering members behind her to cheer.

"Could this girl be Kanemaru's girlfriend?"

While Kitano Taku was thinking, Ito beside him suddenly whispered,"Look! It's Hainan!"

Everyone turned their heads and saw a team of tall players standing on the other side of the gym.

They were wearing purple and gold uniforms. Although their faces could not be seen clearly, a sense of oppression came over them.

"really...Are all the players from Hainan also present?" Jing Nei's forehead was sweating without him noticing. He looked at a player standing in front of Hainan and said in a deep voice,"Monster!...Amu..."

"them...This is our strongest opponent this year!" Jing Nei said slowly.

Yueyue, Uesuga and others also looked as if they were facing a powerful enemy.

Even the usually leisurely Xiandao looked a little solemn.

""Hey~" At this moment, a chuckle was heard. The person who laughed was Kitano Taku, and he raised the corner of his mouth,"Are you sure Hainan is our strongest opponent?"

"Huh?" Inochi was a little confused. He didn't know what Kitano Taku meant by that. If it wasn't Hainan, could it be Shoyo?

Kitano Taku put his hands in his pockets and said confidently:"Hainan is one of the top four teams in the country, so our strongest opponent should be last year's champion Sanwang Industrial, right~"

After listening to Kitano Taku's words, everyone was stunned at first, and then they all laughed.

Yes, they are going to enter the national competition this year!

Then their biggest opponent is of course Sanwang Industrial.

"Good!" Jing Nei also knew that he was a little too nervous. He was the captain of the team. If even he was afraid, what about the other players?

"Although Hainan is strong, we are also strong. It is still unknown who will be the number one in Kanagawa this year!"

Kitano Taku's words made everyone return to normal and also inspired their fighting spirit.

They no longer looked at Hainan with fear, but with provocation.

"Oh?" At this time, a tall player with a bowl cut from Hainan raised his eyebrows,"Ryonan is very confident~"

Maki Shinichi, who was standing at the front, smiled slightly,"This is what makes it interesting~"......

On the first day of the rookie tournament, eight teams competed simultaneously.

Coach Tanaoka sent out center Sugadaira, power forward Fukuda, small forward Nakagawa, shooting guard Takashige, and point guard Uekusa.

Nakagawa is also a first-year player. His strength is average, but when Kitano and Sendoh were not there, he also qualified first.

At this time, the referee signaled the players from both sides to come on the field.

Kitano Taku was sitting on the sidelines in his team uniform. He looked at the players from Kainan who were on the field. He looked carefully and only recognized Kazuo Kamiso.

"How strong is the first-year player, Ah Shen~" Kitano Taku touched his chin and showed some interest.

At this time, Kamiso Ichiro looked at Fukuda. The two were teammates in junior high school, and he knew Fukuda very well.

Although Fukuda's strength was very poor at that time, his learning ability was very strong.

Kamiso Ichiro had a hunch that Fukuda would definitely become an extraordinary player.

Fukuda is also looking at Kamiso Ichiro now. In junior high school, Kamiso Ichiro showed a sense of the ball beyond ordinary people. Now he has joined Hainan, which has successfully aroused Fukuda's fighting spirit.

On the court, Sugahira and Hainan's center are preparing for a jump ball.

Hainan's center is taller than Sugahira. When the referee threw the basketball up, he overpowered Sugahira and passed the basketball to Hainan.

Hainan's first-year players showed extremely high basketball literacy. They kept sharing the ball and slowly looking for opportunities.

In the end, the basketball was passed The ball came to No. 11 Kosuge, and it was Nakagawa who was defending Kosuge. However, Kosuge's strength was much higher than Nakagawa, and Kosuge easily made a jump shot.

When it was Ryonan's turn, Ryonan started very aggressively, especially Fukuda, who scored 6 points by himself!

However, Hainan immediately changed his color, and Ichiro Kamiso shot from the top of the three-point arc and scored a three-pointer!

The two immediately became the focus of the court.

In the first half, Ryonan and Hainan played very closely, and the scores of the two teams were also leading alternately.

Coach Gaotou, who was sitting on the Hainan bench, fanned himself with a paper fan. He could see that the first-year players of Ryonan had undergone very hard training.

The basic skills are very solid.

But Coach Gaotou also immediately saw the problem of Ryonan. Except for Fukuda, the other first-year players in this group of players have weak scoring ability, and Fukuda also has obvious shortcomings. His defense and basic skills are too poor.

"However, Sendo and Kitano did not appear...It seems that Senior Tiangang is going to use them as a secret weapon~"

Coach Gaotou smiled slightly,"I can’t let Coach Tiangang succeed~"

With that, the cross-country fast break scored 2 points, and the first half of the game was over.

The score was 21 to 21, and the two sides were tied.

During the halftime break, Coach Gaotou said to the Hainan players in a relaxed manner:"It’s time to be serious in the second half. My requirement is to increase the score to more than 20 points~"

"Can you do it?"

"Of course!" Hainan's players answered easily. In their eyes, Fang Fo Ryonan was not worth mentioning at all.

The second half started soon.

Hainan suddenly accelerated the rhythm of the attack. They opened fire with three-pointers from the outside and mid-range shots from the inside, and Ryonan was at a loss!

At the same time, they also consciously attacked Fukuda.

Kosuge's breakthrough caused Fukuda to commit many fouls, and once he successfully scored 2+1

""Oh~" Kitano Taku's eyes lit up,"This Kosuge is quite strong~"

Then, Kazuo Kamiya made a beautiful three-pointer from the bottom corner!

In a blink of an eye, Hainan was leading by 10 points.

Coach Tanaoka's expression was still calm at this time. He signaled Fukuda and others not to worry and attack slowly.

However, the problems of Ryonan's first-year players were slowly exposed to everyone.

Uesuga and cross-country were mediocre and not creative, and Sugadaira and Nakagawa were not strong enough.

As long as Fukuda was controlled, Ryonan would be no threat.

On the other hand, the Hainan team was very average, and each of them was not necessarily much stronger than the players of Ryonan.

But together they played a situation where 1 plus 1 was greater than 2.

Kazuo Kamiya's three-pointer from the top of the arc hit the target, Kosuge broke through and scored two points, and other players also took turns to attack, and soon they were leading by 20 points!

"hateful..."Coach Tanaka's expression began to become anxious, and his legs began to shake unconsciously.

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