Sage Warrior

Chapter 106

sage warrior

- Volume 5 Episode 6


Jung Daesik jumped with joy.

"You mean you really have that kind of skill?"

He said entropy as if he was a little skeptical.

"Oh yea!"

Jung Daesik quickly became pale when he said that conditions were attached.

"What, what?"

"Uh... Isn't that 10 million won?"

Jung Daesik was thrilled again.

"That's the price of gum. Why not just acquire all the abilities of all classes?"

"why not?"

"Um, I mean, my body needs room to accept it. Then there's nothing I can do about it. I'll just get one control system for now."

Tsar rrr!

My balance went down and my eyes suddenly turned white.

Jung Daesik staggered, unable to distinguish his front and back left and right.

His body's blood rushed upside down, and a dizziness as if he had been thrown into a weightless space came over him.

After the intense confusion passed, Jung Daesik found himself slumped on the floor.

No nosebleeds this time, but he certainly felt that he might have been in danger if he had acquired all four abilities at once.

Jung Daesik sat down on the sofa and said.

"Ummm... Entropy, it's good to hear from you. But is it possible to acquire skills?"

"Okay. Okay. Then get all kinds of skills that can improve your physical condition."

As a result, the remaining balance is 2.84 billion won.Thinking that he felt like a stranger again, Jung Daesik fell dark from the sudden rush of exhaustion.

* * *

Jung Daesik, who acquired six types of status enhancement skills, immediately started training.

No matter how much he acquired the status enhancement skill, this was different from purchasing status points.

As soon as the status points were purchased, the status was improved and the effect was displayed, but the status enhancement skill basically required training.

If you don't train your body, it's of no use even if you activate the White Blade Status Enhancement skill.

Of course, it was effective to some extent just by activating the status enhancement skill and living daily life.

For example, if you activate and move a muscle strength skill, your muscle strength will be improved with simple movements such as climbing stairs or lifting a bag.

But the level was negligible.

Considering the amount of magic consumed when activating the status enhancement skill, it was close to a waste.

Since more magical power is consumed than expected when the status enhancement skill is activated, training in the effective state of the skill was the best way to get the best results.

And in Jung Daesik's opinion, the best training method was hunting.

'Why is there such a thing as a level-up pot? One practice is better than a hundred practice. Income from there is a bonus.'

Several types of state-of-the-art facilities were located within the Titan raid.

You can simulate battles in the hologram room, build your body with the help of a professional trainer, or learn combat skills.

However, Jung Daesik, whose biggest task on earth is earning money, felt that such a training method was nothing but wasted time.

If you hunt, you can train and earn money, isn't it?

Above all, the Titan Raid did not deter the individual activities of its members as long as they did not interfere with their mission.

This means that you can participate in any number of Sleolja Pots, Level Up Pots, Raid Pots, etc.

Of course, picking up other pockets during the mission as Jung Daesik did the other day was another matter.

Even if you don't get kicked out or get disciplined, it's something that deserves a warning.

Jung Daesik knew that too, so he secretly hunted and secretly dealt with the by-products.

He thought it wouldn't matter as long as he didn't get caught, so he decided to keep doing it.

'Anyway, I'm not on a mission right now, so I can freely go to the dungeon and do training as well as hunting. Let's see, what's the most effective way to do it?'

Jung Daesik, like everyone else, considered joining the level up pot.

But still, it was scary to have to share the income.

Moreover, Jung Daesik was sold as soon as his face was sold among the hunters.

It was cumbersome to move around with other people as the aftermath of the last event had not gone away.

'I'd rather do it alone. It would be nice if there was no time constraint on that side.'

Jung Daesik confirmed the schedule through Kim Si-on and secured about a fortnight.

Originally, there were several pre-works for the next mission, but Kim Si-on gladly took the time off when Jung Daesik said that he was going to do personal training.

Jung Daesik judged that it would be helpful to increase the force of the Foreign Legion by improving his skills rather than moving with other members.

Jung Daesik thanked Kim Si-on and packed up.

With the intention of not coming out of the dungeon for a full month, I poured emergency food, potions, scrolls, etc. into the subspace.

Then I drove my motorcycle and headed to the S5 dungeon, which is said to be the largest in Seoul.

The S5 dungeon was notorious for when the first monster break broke.

All kinds of undead appeared there, but because the dungeon was huge, it was not easy to find and defeat the boss mobs.

Now that the attack method is well known, it was not difficult to get to the boss mob, apart from killing the boss mob.

However, it was only a route for capture, and the size of the dungeon or the monsters that appeared were not all revealed.

Since there are several areas that are still unknown, there is little chance of encountering other hunters even though it is a dungeon located in the middle of Seoul.

It can be said that this is a suitable place for Jung Daesik, who wanted to practice without interruption for a full month.

Jung Daesik bought a few more turning scrolls at the entrance of the S5 dungeon just in case.

It was to live in front of the dungeon, and, as is often the case with purification series scrolls, the price was prohibitively expensive.

5 million won per sheet!

Jung Daesik bought four of them for 200 million in tears.

And as he walked into the dungeon with his motorcycle, someone grabbed him by the shoulder.

" Jung Daesik?"

Jung Daesik looked behind him and there was a face he saw for a while.

"Woo-won Seok?"

When Jung Daesik called his name, he smiled cheerfully.

"Didn't you forget my name too?"

"I can't forget it. Still, because I was indebted to you."

When he was just becoming a hunter, we hung out together and hunted several times.

The first time I caught Cerberus was also when I was with Seok Woo-won's party.

When he said he would make a hole, he was offered a scout, but at the time he had no idea and refused.

We haven't seen each other since then, but we happened to meet today.

"It's been a while. Did you become famous without seeing each other?"

"How come... Are you really out hunting?"

"Yeah. This is my raid crew."

Seok Woo-won showed a proud look at the hunters who lined up behind him.

There were many familiar faces among the dogs.

It was natural to see that Seok Woo-won's fixed pot had grown into an attacking force.

Jung Daesik made light eye contact with them and said.

"It's cool? That's great. To make a raid."

"Well, isn't that a dream that every hunter dreams of at least once? He's still young, so he's still clumsy. Did you join the Titan raid? How about there?"

"Well, it's not bad."

"Today, it doesn't look like you came because of the raid. Did you go hunting alone?"

"Yeah. I also do training."Jung Daesik shrugged his shoulders and Seok Woo-won asked coldly.

"Then why don't you go with our raid? I'm trying to challenge the boss mob."

"If it's a boss mob, is it a vampire duke?"

"Yeah. The deadline for capturing this dungeon is near. If you kill the boss mobs now, you can receive the government subsidy."

So, thinking that the dungeon was a bit crowded, Jung Daesik politely declined.

"I'm sorry, but I'll decline. I didn't come here to catch boss mobs... I probably belong to a raid, so it's okay to hang out with other raids."

"Is that right? I think I made an unreasonable request. Don't worry about it."

"No, it's okay. I wish you all the best."

"Yeah, take care of yourself too."

Jung Daesik exchanged a few words with Seok Woo-won and turned around.

However, because of that conversation, people who had been living in a long-awaited family recognized Jung Daesik's true identity.

Everyone glanced at him and whispered to each other.

"Is that the tripleist Jung Daesik?"

"Have you ever seen the real thing?"

"I don't think I'm getting a lot of screen shots. The real thing is better."

"Is that the Talos armor you've only heard of?"

"You don't look that strong."

Words flew past his eardrums, and Jung Daesik walked away, ignoring their interest.

However, as he was about to enter the dungeon, a group of women blocked him.

"Wait a minute! Are you Jung Daesik?"

"......By the way?"

"Ah! That's true! That's the real Jung Daesik. Nice to meet you!"

The woman frowned and asked Jung Daesik to shake hands.

Jung Daesik grabbed the hand and shook it lightly, but he did not lose his blunt attitude.

"Anything for me?"

"Is there anything else to do in front of the dungeon? Bohani seems to be alone. If it's okay, won't you go hunting with us?"

There were a total of four of them, and each one was unique and beautiful.

It looked like they were hanging out with the women, packing a fixed pot, and luring a strong-looking hunter to hunt together.

The outfit was noisy, but it didn't look very strong because it was focused on the exterior.

Jung Daesik immediately tried to refuse, thinking that maybe if we went hunting together, it would be like a shuttle.

"sorry but......."

Then another group of hunters intervened between them.

"Hey! Jung Daesik. Going out with these girls isn't going to be a big deal. Why don't you go with us? Our party is all level 7 and we know little about this dungeon. I don't know what we're going for, but we can help yes."

Seeing the big, black men trying to snatch Jung Daesik, the women immediately wrinkled their faces.

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