Sage Warrior

Chapter 130

sage warrior

- Volume 6 Episode 6

As soon as he saw the scene, Jung Daesik could immediately understand why.

'Isn't that a huge waste of magic power? That's why you're saying it's not enough even with that amount of magic power.'

Jung Daesik nags.

"Magic power is wasted unnecessarily. Concentrate on the tip of your brush. That way you won't be able to prevent your magic from being wasted!"

"I can't do that on my own. I don't know if there is a special brush..."

"A special brush?"

Jaewoo Lee sighed and said.

"It's just my guess. I think I could do better if I had a tool that could draw out my magical power, like a brush. But, you know..."

"The items used by hunters tend to be limited to weapons."

“So I bought these and that and did research to try to make them myself, but to no avail.”

“Is all the junk in the house for that?”

Jung Daesik conveyed consciousness to Linked Entropy by fiddling with his chin.

'Entropy, did you do that last time? He said that he could sell general items as well as magic crystals.'

'Then can I buy items from the shop?'

'Yeah, I know that. But if you upgrade the shop, will it be possible?'

'okay. After all, I don't know if there are some items that Jae-Woo Lee is looking for.'

At the very least, it was possible to create an item for Lee Jae-woo through a master such as Gregory.

Jung Daesik turned his consciousness outward and told Jaewoo Lee.

"Okay. Let's collect the money you earn and find a way to get the item you're talking about when it comes to an appropriate amount."

"Uh, really?"

"Or, at the very least, let's find a way to increase the concentration of your magic."

"Is that possible?"

"For now, let's just say that it might be possible."

Even if it was impossible in a normal way, it might be possible through skill.

According to Jung Daesik's fortune-telling direction, ultimately, nothing was impossible through Hyeonjil.

'Although there is a problem that the store needs to be upgraded before that happens. After all, it's a matter of money.'Until I became a hunter, I was going to rot this much over money.

While holding back a deep sigh, Jae-woo Lee suddenly asked a question.

"Both are good, don't they all take a long time?"

"It's up to you, but it won't be over in a short time."

Jaewoo Lee shrugged his shoulders and said.

"How long will the commander be in the Titan raid?"

"What? Why are you asking that?"

"Actually, there were rumors floating around when it was said that the Fenrir Unit would be formed."

"What rumors?"

"The deputy commander said he would be leaving the Titans raid soon. He said he wouldn't stay very long because he came to create his own raid from the beginning. So there were many skeptical reactions to the Fenrir unit. They say that because you quit, the leader changes or the unit is disbanded. Then the remaining members of the unit will be like duck eggs in the Nakdong River, right?"

Jung Daesik was speechless.

It was true that he was trying to create a raid.

It was right that he enlisted for that in the first place.

But he never thought that it would lead to the dissolution of his Fenrir unit.

It's only the beginning, can't we already think about the end?

'Still, this is an issue I should have had in mind right away. Jaewoo Lee is right. If I want to make my own raid, I have to leave the titan raid without caring about the Fenrir troops. I don't know when that will be, but it won't be that long. A year or two at most? Hunter's contract period is rather short. Then his troops will be affected by that.'

Jung Daesik did not think about the future of his troops while forming the Fenrir unit.

After all, they were members of the Titan raid, and even if they did not have confidence, they thought that it would be a matter of taking the command of another unit commander.

Even if the Fenrir unit disappeared, I thought that it would only be assigned to another unit... but that wasn't the case.

Except for special cases like Jae-Woo Lee, it was extremely rare to leave a unit once deployed.

Most of them have loyalty and loyalty to the unit they belong to and follow the commander like their parents.

This is also the case with Solji Park, who rejected Jung Daesik's offer.

He did not want to leave his unit, and the other commanders did not want to let his men go.

Such was the unity of the troops.

However, Jung Daesik only thought about the relationship between his troops and not his relationship with himself.

He said, 'He thought that if he could upgrade the shop and increase their abilities, that would be enough. I believed that was all. But it wasn't. The troops were not convinced of me. If you don't trust the leader, there's no way you can trust your colleagues.'

Ultimately, he was the problem.

Jung Daesik was almost blown away by his own stupidity.

'The reason I was able to adapt to the Foreign Legion was because I believed in Kim Si-on, the commander of the unit. She had a powerful ability called Command Mode, and apart from that, she was a leader in every way. But how was I? Far from showing a leader-like figure, he told him to do his own training, and he was only focused on making money!'

Jung Daesik looked at Jae-Woo Lee, who looked at his eyes with deep reflection.

Jae-woo Lee was grateful for Jung Daesik for taking care of his work, but he was suspicious of whether he was interested in him or not.

He's probably been through this a lot.

It's because they changed troops four times.

The other commanders would have been concerned about him at first, but he would have given up quickly because he couldn't.

So, from Jae-woo Lee's point of view, the words that he would bring him his items and develop his abilities would have to be regarded as words from his mouth.

What's more, if your opponent isn't long enough to leave the Titan raid.

Jung Daesik looked at him and said.

"I promise. Apart from the contract with the Titan Raid, I will not leave the Fenrir troops."


"Even if it happens to leave the Titan raid, our men will take it."

"Uh, but that's it? They're all signed up with Raid Titans. In some cases, long-term contracts of several years!"

"In that case, you can pay the penalty. Or you can join my raid as soon as the contract is over. Anyway, what I want to do is that I will take charge of you guys. You are my... first subordinates."

Jae-Woo Lee was a bit impressed.

He hesitated and then said bluntly.

"I'll figure it out for now."

"Then, shall we go on?"


Following Lee Jae-woo's courageous reply, Jung Daesik suddenly felt a sense of dread.

'Now that I see it, I feel like I'm falling for Kang Young-hoo. One reason may have been that it was difficult for me to be under the command of another commander, but by asking me to create a unit, was he trying to put me down by giving me a sense of responsibility? Or are you trying to make the current Fenrir troops the basis of my raid?'

I don't know if all of this was Kang Young-hoo's intentions or not, but it was clear that he wanted to be linked with Jung Daesik in some way.

On the surface, like Choi Hee, Jung Daesik is not anxious about the fact that he will become an all-in-one, but on the inside, he is optimistic about the possibility and value.

'Unlike me, Kang Young-hoo is a person who has a knack for dealing with people. I still have a long way to go before I can create a raid. First of all, we need to organize the Fenrir troops well. If you can barely control one unit, it will be a far-fetched task to lead the raid.'

* * *

Jung Daesik and Lee Jae-woo successfully completed the dungeon raid that day.

Although the only thing he had obtained was a yellow stone, the enlightenment he had gained in the process was not comparable to the value of a mere magic stone.

Looking back at himself in a conversation with Jae-Woo Lee, Jung Daesik realized that giving trust to his crew and building relationships had to come first.

So Jung Daesik left the dungeon and asked Jae-woo Lee to have a meal.

"Let's have a drink while we're on our way. How about it?"

At Jung Daesik's words, Jaewoo Lee brightened his eyes and nodded his head coldly.

"I'm fine. Are you buying me?"

“Then, shall I eat it for the sake of the commander in chief?”

"Can I do Dutch pay?"

"Okay! I'll buy it."

I don't know if it's Jaewoo Lee, but it was very rare for Jung Daesik to ask someone to eat first.

It was very rare to even buy it.

When I was really poor, even the food that went into my mouth was scarce, so it was impossible to buy food for someone else.

But looking back, I thought that even though my financial situation had improved for a while, I was so busy making money that I hadn't had a meal with anyone.

In the future, Jung Daesik thought that he should have a place like this more often, so he went to a pork loin house he knew.

There, he was sitting with meat and alcohol, when suddenly his cell phone rang.

- Brother, what are you doing now?

It was none other than Hyunmin Yoon.

Jung Daesik thought about ignoring it, but changed his mind and sent a reply because he was just reflecting on his shallow relationship.

- I'm having dinner with Daewon.

-Wow! Maybe the Fenrir unit?

- How do you know that already?

- I'm so excited to hear such news. I'm kind of interested in you.

Perhaps he knew about it after seeing the Titan Raid's promotional SNS.

When Jung Daesik answered yes, Hyun-min Yoon asked if he could join as well.

Of course, it shouldn't be a formal dinner party, but I was a little shy because there was only one partner, Jae-Woo Lee, and the two guys were trying to sit quietly.

So Jung Daesik allowed Hyunmin Yoon to come.

After a while.

Yoon Hyun-min arrived quickly as if he flew in a bullet taxi.

He entered his pub with a recalled face and waved his hand.

"Hyung! Daeshik-hyung!"

"It's here."

Yoon Hyun-min, who quickly approached and sat down, bowed his head to Jae-woo Lee.


"Uh, hello."

Jae-woo Lee was a little kid, but when Hyun-min Yoon knew about him, he was startled and widened his eyes.

"Isn't your brother Jae-woo who became a member of the Fenrir unit this time?"

"Uh, how did you know?"

"Jaewoo hyung is also a famous person in the Titan raid! His abilities are so unique. He must have been known no matter which raid he was in, right?"

"Uh... That's right?"

"It's really cool. You can realize anything drawn on paper. Isn't it the best in the realization world? Besides, the amount of magical power seems to be amazing."

Yoon Hyun-min was kind to Lee Jae-woo, asking him to sign an autograph for Kim he met and take a picture with him.

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