Sage Warrior

Chapter 192

sage warrior

-8 ep 18

Then, taking advantage of the moment when the jet ski was leaning, the Walking Mermen jumped out of the water.

Taking advantage of the moment they jumped into the air, the guys with their arms and legs were attacking the manned group with their vicious snouts.

Jung Daesik smashed the head of the walking merman who rushed to bite his head with his fist.



The Walking Merman, who was hit directly in his fist, screamed and fell, but more than that, the Walking Merman spurted the water into the air and jumped.

Jung Daesik smashed his fists with his right fist to keep the Walking Mermen from sticking.

And in his left hand he held a hunting knife and stinged the scales of the Walking Merman as far as he could reach.

Then, pieces of scales flew in all directions, giving off a thick fishy smell.





Contrary to Jung Daesik, Park Mu-won smashed the Walking Merman with his left hand, and with his right hand he was blasting the Walking Merman's head with his own magical shotgun.

Since Sogangdu had undergone a two-stage transformation, he was easily dealing with a Walking Merman.

The Phoenix raiders aboard two other jet skis also beat the Walking Mermen in their own way.

However, because there were so many, it was impossible to draw strength against the Working Mermen.

Jung Daesik once again pushed entropy.

'Not yet!'

'You must hurry!'

Soon the linked vision saw something white and huge gliding past the murky waters.

After hearing the noise of the jet skis, the smell of blood, and the commotion of the Working Mermen, Serpent finally appeared.

Jung Daesik pinpointed the exact location of the serpent through entropy and signaled toward it.

“The Serpent has appeared! All unfold in the direction of two o'clock!"


Five jet skis rushed towards the two o'clock direction, thwarting the clinging walking mermen.

Jung Daesik signaled to turn on time, and got close to the small head with Oliver in between.

Jung Daesik soon ordered Sogang Du to turn off the aggro and told Oliver to start doing what he had to do.



Oliver closed his eyes for a moment and began to concentrate.

Then, a green magical light flashed from his body.

Meanwhile, Jung Daesik drew aggro with Sogang-doo to lure the serpent.

"Step 3, transformation!"



At some point, the Walking Merman disappeared when Jung Daesik used his skill as well as the muffled cry of the small river spread like a trumpet.

Jung Daesik sensed the fact that the serpent was close and activated his skills one after another.

"Enemy focus!"


Then suddenly, a big wave hit and the jet ski almost overturned.

At a close distance, Serpent appeared above the water.

"It's a serpent!"

"It's a serpent!"

The Phoenix raiders driving jet skis were vicious, and several people watching the scene from afar raised their voices at once to announce the appearance of the Serpent.

However, Yoo In-jo, who was closest to Serpent, could not look back.

This is because he was busy drawing the Serpent's attention and widening the distance.

However, Jung Daesik was able to confirm the appearance of the serpent through the vision of the entropy that rose above the water at the same time as the serpent.

'It's so loud!'

At first, I thought the vision of entropy was obscured by something.

All he could see was white, so he was mistaken for a moment.

However, upon closer inspection, it was the serpent's huge body, covered with snow-white scales.

Tens of millions of water droplets were seen dripping down the scales.

After entropy flew high and spread a certain distance, I could see the Serpent properly.

He had a triangular head and bright red eyes like a viper.

The neck that stretched below it was as long and long as that of a dinosaur from ancient times, and the body submerged under the water drew a huge streamline like a submarine.

It is easy to misunderstand that the serpent looks like a snake because it is mostly seen on the neck, but it is not.

The long, submerged neck under the water resembled a whale with many fins.

In other words, a snake's neck and head were attached to the body of a whale.

Serpent drastically reduced the distance to the jet ski just by sticking his head out of the water.

As he swam and pounded his head to the surface of the water, a huge wave was created, and the jet ski swayed precariously as if it were overturning.

In fact, a jet ski overturned and the crew on board plunged into the water.

The remaining four jet skis managed to regain their balance and rushed to the beach where a trap was set to die.

Then Serpent, who had been submerged again, raised his head.


Another wave broke, and Serpent threw a whole jet ski in his mouth.


The stragglers screamed and flew through the air, and soon the Serpent opened his mouth to snatch and swallow one of the falling operators.

Seeing the sight, Jung Daesik immediately broke his back.

"Magic Field!"

A round sphere-shaped magic field flew and hit the serpent, but could not penetrate the mighty serpent's scales.

The magic field was scattered while holding the serpent with only the impact that the ball collided with.

However, it seemed clear that the attempt to prey on the crew was thwarted.

In addition, it attracted Serpent's attention.

Serpent's eyes, which were originally red, turned green.

Then Oliver over there shouted at Jung Daesik.

“It’s done!”

Jung Daesik nodded his head and tapped the shoulder of the Phoenix raider driving the jet ski.

The jet ski then accelerated and started running.

Serpent followed him with tremendous momentum.

Oliver manipulated the serpent to attack Jung Daesik through timing.

Serpent didn't care about the other jet skis, but only pursued Jung Daesik, to see if Oliver's abilities had worked.

No matter how much Jung Daesik had taunt or enemy concentration skills, he was only able to draw attention for a short time against a very large bell.

From the point of view of a super-large species, humans are mere bugs, so it is not easy to attract aggro.

He needs to have at least a level 10 taunt or focus skill, and to do that, he has to spend the most money he has earned.

He couldn't spend that much money to drag a little aggro, and he couldn't bury all the tanks he put in to pull aggro into the water, so he decided to use Oliver's abilities.

Thanks to the three-day training that greatly increased his magical power, even if it was unreasonable to play a serpent as he wanted, it was possible to promote his anger and focus on Jung Daesik's aggro.

Jung Daesik drove the serpent to the beach by himself without having to worry about the safety of the other crew members.

However, Serpent's anger at Jung Daesik due to Oliver's ability was truly terrifying.


His snout barely skipped over his head, causing a big wave and the jet ski overturned forward.

Jung Daesik was instantly plunged into the water.


There was a roar of bubbles, but there was no problem in breathing or seeing because he was wearing a magic field on his head.

It was the same with the Phoenix Raiders who drove jet skis, but they were helpless in the water.

Jung Daesik had entropy to evade the raid members and watched the serpent run in the water with his mouth wide open.

Dozens of long, whip-like tongues protruded out of a cave-like throat.

'Ugh, Ginger!'Jung Daesik groaned and tore his tongue apart with a fortified hunting knife.

And he used the equipment he received from the Phoenix raid.

He was carrying something resembling an oxygen tank on his back, and when he pulled on his string, there was a gust of foam and his body protruded forward.

Jung Daesik quickly turned his body over and shot him towards the beach like an arrow, clenching his limbs.

Soon after, Serpent followed him with terrifying speed.

However, as he approached the beach, his water level dropped sharply, making it impossible for Serpent's gigantic body to swim.

Above all, the serpent, a marine monster, never came out of the water.

For that reason, there were several attempts to lure him to the beach and kill him, but they all failed.

But now it was high tide, and the water was rising over the beach.

Serpent stretched out his long neck like a snake and chased Jung Daesik.

At that time, the fuel of the equipment ran out in an instant, and propulsion was lost.

Jung Daesik hurriedly threw away the heavy equipment and started running through the flooding beach using his speed.


It was not easy to run, no matter how fast I used it, because my feet were filled with sand and water constantly collapsing under the waves.

In the water, the speed of the serpent was overwhelmingly fast, so the tongue caught on the tongue that the serpent stretched out.



Jung Daesik fell forward and, terrified of falling, his body was dragged into the water.

Since he would soon be dragged under the water where his feet could not reach, Jung Daesik used his floating body to increase his weight to the limit.

Then, the speed of being dragged was slowed, and the cover team attacked all at once in time.

Ride and go!

Doo doo doo doo doo doo!

Since Serpent was still hiding in the water, no matter how much he attacked, he could not deal a direct blow.

From Serpent's point of view, it must have been as stinging as a mosquito bite.

But it was enough to make Jung Daesik's dragging motion pause for a moment.

Taking advantage of that gap, Jung Daesik requested help from Entropy who had returned.

"Entropy! Pull me in!"

Entropy grabbed Jung Daesik's outstretched hand and pulled it.

Entropy looks like a young girl, so it's impossible to use that much power, but entropy is like an alter ego that shares magical power with Jung Daesik, so Jung Daesik's skills as well as his body were equally powerful.

Jung Daesik's body snapped off and he cut off his long tongue that was wrapped around his ankles, so Jung Daesik got up and ran to the beach.

Soon after, the serpent, whose eyes were turned over by Jung Daesik, followed him to the end, riding the current that spread to the beach.

However, where Jung Daesik escaped, the trap was holding.

He was unaware of the traps lined up on either side of the beach because Oliver had taken control of his consciousness.

Jung Daesik noticed that Serpent's neck and head had completely entered the trap area and turned his body to shout.

"Trap activated!"

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