Sage Warrior

Chapter 198

sage warrior

-8 vol. 24

"Well, is there no way to find out information about these items?"

"Emotional skill! Yeah, was it there?"

Jung Daesik said exultantly.

"Try acquiring the emotional skill."

Jung Daesik immediately tried his emotional skills.



He felt a twinkle in his eyes, and his eyes widened.

Jung Daesik looked at Tyrving with the emotion skill activated, and the letter M floated on top of Tyrving.

Jung Daesik waited in anticipation for more information, but sadly that was the end.

He immediately looked back at entropy and complained.

"What is this? It's just a water supply sign, isn't it?"

"Sheesh, I see. Spend 1 billion won to upgrade your emotional skills."

"Ummm... emotions!"

Jung Daesik tried the emotion skill again.

Then, this time, additional information about Tyrving's performance came to mind.

"A weapon made of lava crystals. It contains a powerful flame that burns everything. Its characteristic is that its size and shape change according to the user's magic power... Is that the end? I can say this much! This is just information...!"

At Entropy's advice, Jung Daesik sighed and moaned.

He is a money-eating monster for a long time, so he reluctantly invested another 3 billion won while grumbling about whether he knew he was a pollinator.

He invested a whopping 4 billion dollars in emotion skills, but he regretted it a little.

'Even a steel body or invincible knuckle doesn't even reach level 5, but at the most, you spend this much money on emotions. Recently, I had a good balance, so I was vigilant.'

Jung Daesik kicked his tongue and activated his emotional skill again.

Perhaps it was worth investing 3 billion more, so detailed information came to mind that could not be compared with before.

'Hmm! If you haven't upgraded your skills, there are some things you can't check. This is an evolutionary form of armor. As the user's ability improves, it is possible to grow as a weapon... Oh my gosh!'

Jung Daesik looked at Tyrving again.'If you do well, you can evolve even into a Gardenness level, right?'

Tyrving was a weapon that changed its appearance through a total of five stages.

He goes through Tickle and Tyrek to evolve into Tyr Bing, Tyr Bringer, and Tyr Wenger, which has already been completed in three stages.

With just two more steps, he was transformed into a Gardenness-class Tyrwenger and became sick.

It seemed that if he became Tyrwenger in the final stage, he would be able to spit the hellfire out of the hellfire that could even annihilate souls.

Not only the undead, but also dragons can be cut, so it can be said that it is a truly great weapon.

'This is not something that can be bought and sold with money. Even if I don't use it, it's a weapon I should have... But it's close to a waste to throw it away without using a weapon with this kind of performance. It should be put into the hands of the right person and put to good use.'

Jung Daesik suddenly thought.

'What if I give this to one of the Fenrir troops?'

In an instant, a person's face flashed through my mind.

'...The only person who could have Tyrving would be Ki Chul-min. Although he lacks innate abilities, he is a guy with the will to become stronger. If the Talaria I gave him were equipped with Tyr Bing, he would become stronger than he is now.'

Jung Daesik made up his mind after fiddling with Tyrving.

'Right now, I am not sure that Ki Chul-min is a person who deserves Tyrbing. It won't be too late to come back with Jade Palmer and see how strong he is, then make a decision. It might be better to just leave it to rot in a subspace than to hand it over to the wrong person.'

* * *

When I tried to sleep in the hospital room, I couldn't sleep.

That doesn't mean her entropy makes her a good interlocutor, so Jung Daesik sent her back and left her room alone on her own.

When he came out, a fresh air different from Korea lingered around him, and Jung Daesik wandered around, wondering if he should go for a walk.

Yes, it was in the defense base, so it didn't look very good.

Jung Daesik still came to Hawaii, but he ran for a bit, thinking that he would like to see the sea at night.

With just a light spur of his foot, his body sprinted a few meters and reached an unknown beach in an instant.

He wanted to see something in the dark sea, but when he set his feet on the white sandy beach, it was just the full moon, so the surroundings were quite bright.

Jung Daesik stepped on the sand with an unusually sentimental feeling.

And he turns his head, thinking it's a rare sight to see alone...

As if in a lie, Kim Tae-hee was standing on the other side of the sandy beach.

"Kim Tae-hee?"

As Jung Daesik spoke to himself, she came closer and spoke to her.

"What, did you come after me?"

Jung Daesik shook his head.

"No, it's just a coincidence. I was thinking about going for a walk..."

"Isn't it too far for a walk?"

"So, what are you doing up to here?"

"It's the same. I couldn't sleep, so I walked for a while and this is what happened."

"It's fine. I have something to tell you."

"what is that?"

"As you may already know, I'm leaving for the US mainland tomorrow. I'm going to Las Vegas, where Jade Palmer's charity auction is going to be held, and I'm going to get some other parts from Magjeon and meet the madman."

Seeing Taehee Kim slowly nodding her head, Jung Daesik asked for a favor.

She said, "I want her to accompany me on that journey."

Kim Tae-hee opened her eyes a little wide as if it was her unexpected story.

She soon spoke her words with a thoughtful look on her face.

"I'm sure there might be something going on there. It's better for two than alone."

"If possible, it would be better to carry a card that can reliably face the leader."

"I don't know. Gwangpildo killed three hunters with 7-star weapons. If his ability to destroy supernatural powers is true, are they safe?"

“Superstar Choi Hee is all about crying.”

"Is Choi-hee, not Kim Tae-hee, accompanying you on that trip?"

“It would be better for her to accompany Kim Tae-hee. If she accompanies Choi-hee, she will be in a lot of trouble.”

At the moment Jung Daesik said, Tae-hee Kim, no, Choi-hee was furious.

"Are you treating me like a troublemaker now?"

Jung Daesik shuddered.

"Uh, what are you talking about to the captain now?"

"Whenever there are others, you're the captain."

"It was your choice to trick me into joining my unit."

"Heh, it isn't."

“So, was it worthwhile to hide your identity and infiltrate the Fenrir unit?”

"To be honest, I don't know yet. But... I'm just amazed at your abilities that are growing day by day."

Choi Hee suddenly approached Jung Daesik and asked.

"How the hell did you get so strong?"

"Yeah... it's an all-in-one?"

As Choi Hee drew closer, her eyes were dizzy, even though she was wearing the form of Kim Tae Hee.

Perhaps it was because it was dark at night, and Choi Hee had taken off her glasses with the thick horns of her disguise dragon.

Every time she undid her hair in her ponytail, there was a strange aura on her face as she floated in the moonlight.

Jung Daesik turned her head to give her a rough answer, and Choi Hee followed Jill Sera's gaze and said.

“Especially, the combination of Entropy and Ki Chul-min was impressive.”

“Then you can roughly guess my future plans.”

"Are you planning to arm all Fenrir troops with your magic?"

"Yes. As long as I have the ability to implement and change, it's possible enough. Of course, it will require a lot of magic power... but if the amount of magic power increases in the future, it will increase and not decrease."

"Looking at your recent moves, you seem to be focusing on making your troops stronger rather than becoming stronger yourself?"

“After all, they are my troops, and in the end they will be my strength.”

"It's not easy to share one's abilities with others. Tell me, what's your intention?"

"I have no intentions."

Jung Daesik hesitated for a moment, then said.

"It's just preparing for a single situation."

"Is it just one of those situations?"

"The final war... So, all the dungeons might explode, so there might be a monster break."

I don't know about Choi Hee, but Jung Daesik had already heard the announcement of the final war from Entropy.

He knew that such a catastrophe would come in the not-too-distant future, so he could not stand still.

It wasn't because Jung Daesik had an unusual sense of justice or a sense of duty.

It was a very difficult thing to say that if we lose in the final war, the human race will be destroyed.

If the world is destroyed, the ambition to own the world with money will be in vain.

You have to win there so that you can retire and live the life you want with the wealth and honor created in this war.

It was purely to prepare for the final war to fulfill his desire.

Seeing Jung Daesik saying that, Choi Hee put on a surprised expression.

"I didn't know you could say something similar to Kang Young-hoo, did you?"

"Isn't Kang Young-hoo thinking wrong?"

"Yeah. If Kang Young-hoo is a hunter, he should be like this and he should be like that. But you're not like that, are you?"

"How do you usually look at me like that? You might be thinking the same thing as Kang Young-hoo, right?"

Hearing what Jung Daesik had to say, Choi Hee snorted.

"No, it's completely different from Kang Young-hoo. He's different from a normal hunter. I've seen it clearly. The expression I made when I said I wanted to be strong."

"My... what expression did I make?"

"A look that I can't understand at all."

Jung Daesik shuddered as he felt his heart was revealed.

He took a step back and distanced himself from Choi Hee.

"...not all hunters need to be the same."

"Anyway, I can feel that you are essentially different from other hunters."

Choi Hee approached Jung Daesik, who backed away, flashing her eyes with interest.

"What the hell is your secret?"

Jung Daesik swallowed dry saliva.


He nearly told his secret.

He almost instantly fell in love with the full moon in the night sky and Choi Hee's amazing beauty shining under it.

Fortunately, he almost bit his tongue and swallowed the horse he was about to come out.

I could never say anything about sage.

Because there is a huge price waiting for you.

Jung Daesik frowned, averting his eyes.

"It's a secret. I don't have any of that."

"Then what are you thinking? What's the real purpose?"

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