Sage Warrior

Chapter 200

sage warrior

-9 Volume 1

Episode 50. Trap

It was late at night when we finally reached the mainland of America and got off the plane.

Jung Daesik got into the limousine made for him. It was my first time riding a limousine, and it was much better than what I saw in the movie. He was as comfortable as lying on the bed with the finest leather seats.

Liz opened the champagne and poured it to Jung Daesik and Kim Tae-hee, offering toasts.

“Welcome to America. Normally, you would have received a great welcome, but since it's an unofficial schedule, I can't take you outside like this."

Jung Daesik shook his head.

"no. This is enough.”

“If there is anything you want, please let me know. I will provide anything.”

After clinking glasses with Liz, who smiled, Jung Daesik took a sip of champagne. On the other hand, Kim Tae-hee, who drank champagne at once, put down the empty glass and asked a question.

“But where are you going now?”

Liz answered immediately.

“I’m on my way to the Palmer family mansion.”

Kim Tae-hee frowned.

“Are you going to Palmer?”

“I could stay at a hotel, but Palmer actively offered to treat Jung Daesik himself. Charity auctions are held there anyway, and above all, Mr. Kwang is supposed to stay there.”

“When will he arrive?”

“He came in this morning, so he must have already reached Palmer Street.”

The limousine drove for some time past the splendid Las Vegas night view. It wasn't long before Jung Daesik could see a magnificent mansion in the middle of the desert.


Liz shrugged her shoulders at Jung Daesik's admiration.

“This is just one of many properties owned by the Palmers. Palmer Street mansions are dotted around the world, and the Comet Mansion here is the newest and most up-to-date. There are many new technologies that are hard to see. for example......."

As we entered the road leading to the mansion, the surrounding landscape changed in an instant. The desert roadside was transformed into a field full of flowers, and the aurora danced in the sky. Seeing that scene, Taehee Kim muttered.

“Is this a welcome stone?”

"okay. close, right? By the way, this landscape is constantly changing.”

As Liz said, the field soon turned into a forest, and fireflies were flying everywhere. It soon turned into snow and became a primeval forest covered with snow all around. While being mesmerized by the ever-changing scenery in that way, the limousine arrived in front of the iron fence. There were scanners on either side of the fence, and when Liz put her head out of her car window, her facial recognition was automatic.- Thank you for visiting Comet Mansion. Catherine Elizabeth Garrett. She was accompanied by two companions.

Soon the fence opened and the limousine slid inside. It was not a welcome, but in the middle of the well-manicured garden, I saw a large fountain. It was hard to imagine being in the middle of the desert.

As the limousine circled the square where the fountain was placed and stopped in front of the mansion, a large door opened as if carved out of a whole emerald, and someone appeared inside.

"Five! You're finally here!"

The man who jumped out of the butler-looking employee with tabi feet was a middle-aged man with gray hair mixed with gray hair and a handsome beard. He shook hands lightly with Liz as he got off the limousine and hugged him.

“It’s been a while, Liz.”

"Iknow, right. How have you been?”

“I am always the same. Then this person..."

As the man's gaze turned to Jung Daesik, Liz introduced him.

“This is none other than Jung Daesik. Next to him is his colleague Kim Tae-hee.”

Jung Daesik said shaking hands with him.

“Hello, this is Jung Daesik.”

“Nice to meet you, haha! nice to meet you. I am Jade Palmer. Feel free to call me Jade. Can I call you Mr. Jeong?”

“Call me as you please.”

Jade, who also greeted Kim Tae-hee, took the lead and said.

“As soon as I heard the news that the All-in-One was born, I thought that I would like to meet him at least once. If I could invite Mr. Jung, I thought it would be okay to gift some of my collection that I had saved, but I think I will visit you first like this!”

Jade gave Jung Daesik a big welcome with a smile. Jung Daesik said, being careful not to get caught up in his upbeat mood.

“As you may already know, there are some weapons that Jade-san has that I need.”

"Ah! That's it. Did I say magic warfare?”


“Even so, I only have one pair, so I expected that there would probably be other parts. But Jung Daesik, you should have had it! What parts did you say you had?”

“I have a left vampire and a right quis.”

"i See. I want to see you right away... but it's late at night, so I'd better take a break."

Jade made his way through the interior of the splendid mansion to the guest room. As if to prove Liz's words that it was made with the latest technology, most of the materials in the mansion were made from dungeon resources, so it was very different. The floor was covered with luminous stones instead of marble, and the vase was decorated with living jewel flowers, and a stuffed wyvern surrounded by white feathers was floating on the ceiling.

“Sleep here tonight, and we’ll see each other again tomorrow morning.”

Jung Daesik asked what he wanted to check before going to bed.

“I’m sorry, but there must be another guest in this mansion.”

“Because tomorrow is a charity auction, a lot of customers are here.”

“A hunter who came from Korea with me.”

"Oh~! Mr Gwang? Yes. He is also here.”

Jade's eyes twinkled with a meaningful expression.

“He also said that I need something. The specifics are privacy, so why not ask yourself tomorrow morning? If it's okay with you, I'll send you a message asking if you'd like to have breakfast together."

Jung Daesik reconfirmed the fact that Kwang Pil-doo was here, and nodded his head to understand.

“Your co-workers will be staying in the next room. Then take a good rest.”

* * *

He was traveling in a limousine on a private plane, but somehow tired, Jung Daesik fell terrified of lying on the bed. He was sleeping fu-ha-fu-ha, when he suddenly felt a strange presence. With an instinctive hunch, Jung Daesik immediately sprinted the seat and rolled his body to the side. Then the bed he was lying on moved with a strange noise.



Jung Daesik frantically rubbed his sleepy eyes. Before he could come to his senses, something hit him.


Jung Daesik, who had a cleft palate and rolled forward, opened his mouth wide to see the room in a mess. It was like entering the Disney world. Anybody would think so when they saw the chair running on all fours and swinging his armrests.

It wasn't just the chairs. The bed had changed like a mimic, and the decoration was attacking Jung Daesik, wielding a candlestick like a weapon. Jung Daesik kicked the bed while avoiding the flying candlestick, and then his foot got caught in a gap in the mattress.

"Damn it!"

Jung Daesik swung his fists and smashed the bed and tried to run out the window. However, the curtains on the window wrapped around his whole body. I tore it to pieces and opened the window to hear giggles of laughter from the lower terrace.

"Kick Kick... Ahahaha!"

Holding his belly and smiling, it was a child who looked only about ten years old. He is Asian, and speaking Korean, he must have been Korean. Jung Daesik dazzled his eyes when he realized that he had caused all this mess.

"What are you?"

“What would an all-in-one capable person get angry about!”

The child, who let out a sarcastic sound, ran back and forth and tried to run away. Jung Daesik immediately invoked entropy to relieve his confusion.

"Entropy, hold on to that bastard!"

Entropy flew through the air and tried to snatch the child. However, as the entropy approached, the street lamps along the terrace bent and tried to hit the entropy.

'Is that kid's ability?'

The little girl quickly turned the corner and disappeared from Jung Daesik's view. Jung Daesik, who jumped onto the terrace thinking he couldn't miss it, quickly ran his foot around the corner. Then, a scene unfolded before my eyes as if I had entered the world of Transformers, not Disney.


Jung Daesik saw the robot appearing out of the blue and flew away. The robot slammed his fist to where he was standing and followed Jung Daesik. Seeing the robot that looked like it was made by reassembled several cars, the little boy who stood tall applauded that he was excited."Fight! Because I want to see what kind of ability the all-in-one has."

Jung Daesik grinded it north to north.

'The author's style...'

It was at that time when he clenched his fist tightly to show off the spicy taste.

Someone ran out of the back of the building and put a threat.

"Can't you stop?"

The face was familiar.

Jung Daesik identified the opponent and called out his name with a sense of longing.

"What is seolyu?"

Seol Yu-ran, who was furious as he squeezed his little boy, looked at Jung Daesik and smiled coldly. As a wizard, she usually wore flashy makeup, but it was now night, so it was difficult to recognize her because of her bare face.

"long time no see."

Seol Yu-ran, who greeted her briefly, grabbed her little boy's ear and whispered softly.

She said, "If you don't put your toy back to normal soon, it'll be stripped off and hung upside down."

A crying child swung her hand at those words, and to her surprise, her robot was dismantled. To be precise, I would say that the car returned to its original shape.

Tung! Tung!

The cars that landed like falling on the pavement were all expensive. Perhaps he had brought Jade's horse with him. Whether that guess was correct, Jade, who ran after hearing her commotion, shouted from behind her.

“Oh my God, my car!”

Not only Jade, but Kim Tae-hee and Liz were all running out.

The little boy was a little hesitant at the pouring gaze of rebuke and made an excuse.

"The den is nowhere to be found! I've put it all back to normal!"

Squeezing her little boy's cheeks tightly, Seol Yu-ran apologized on behalf of the child.

"I think my kid surprised me."

Jung Daesik sighed.

"What kind of lightning bolt is this?"

"I couldn't sleep at the sound of the All-in-One coming, and I was excited the whole time. I was told that I was being monitored.

Seol Yu-ran let out a sigh of relief and laid out her complaints. Rather than listen to Jung Daesik, she doubted why Seol Yu-ran was here. By the way, she was a Zodiac raider, so it's very likely that she followed the maniacs. As if to prove that guess, the light leader appeared from the other side of her.

"Kwang Young-sik."

Hearing Gwangpildu's call, a little boy named Gwangyeongsik smoked a tantrum. When Jung Daesik heard the boy's name, he wondered if it would happen.

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