Sage Warrior

Chapter 202

sage warrior

-9 Volume 3

Jung Daesik bit his mouth and silence fell around him. Then Gwangpildu put the earphones back in his ear and tried to run. Seeing this, Jung Daesik hastily grabbed him.



Jung Daesik hurriedly asked a question to Gwangpil-doo, who looked at him with a pause.

“What will you do when you become strong?”

"What are you doing..."

"You said you were collecting 7-star weapons to get stronger. Then, what are you going to do when you gather them all and become stronger?"

Guang Pildu tilted his head.


“Well… There are a lot of people who are worried about Kwang Pil-doo collecting 7-star weapons. That might be too much power for one person. There are many other ways to become stronger. Do you really need to collect them all?"

At those words, Kwang Pil-doo said something Jung Daesik could not refute.

"Isn't the all-in-one power too great for one person to have?"


"You're an all-in-one, and you're collecting weapons called Magjeon. Why do you say you can and I can't?"

The all-in-one was to become stronger and more efficient to earn more money, and to collect Magjeon was also to keep the leader in check. However, hearing such a thing in front of the person concerned, I was at a loss for words to explain. Seeing Jung Daesik turned into a honey-eaten dumbass, Kwang Pil-doo continued to speak.

"I'll think about what I'm going to do when I'm strong, once I'm strong."

Gwangpildu ran away while listening to the music again. Left alone, Jung Daesik scratched his head at the thought of trembling unexpectedly.

Fortunately, Gwangpil-doo was not as evil as the world feared. In a broad sense, Gwangpil-doo's purpose was simply to become stronger like Choi Hee, Ki Cheol-min, and other hunters. He does not regard that power as a means.

'Maybe Gwangpil-doo's thoughts like that are natural. If he was chosen by a eccentric god like me, he too might know about the final war. Maybe he's trying to get the strength to prepare for it.'

* * *

When the sun starts to set in the desert.

People began to flock to the Comet Mansion. Jung Daesik and Kim Tae-hee also wore suits prepared by Jade to have an assortment.

Unlike usual, the thought of facing Gwangpil-doo without a single weapon made me a little nervous. The black dragon skin armor and the left vampire he used during the Magi battle had been left to the Honolulu defense base to be repaired, and Yamahwan and Tyrving were kept in the subspace, but they were not suitable weapons to deal with the leader.

Even if you have a suitable weapon, you can't have it in a suit. Above all else, Jade, the owner of the mansion, demanded unarmed. It was right to follow from the position of a guest, and the unarmed would be the same for the general, so Jung Daesik tried hard to be satisfied with the suit.

Jung Daesik, who was ready to go outside, ran into Kim Tae-hee in a dress. Jung Daesik was a little stunned when he saw her appearance.

"The dress is pretty..."

"Are you pretty?"

Jung Daesik showed an awkward smile towards Kim Tae-hee, who raised one eyebrow.

"Why don't you take those glasses off?"

The pearl-colored dress and thick black horn-rimmed glasses didn't suit her enough to be called a fashion terrorist. However, Kim Tae-hee insisted on wearing those glasses until the end because she didn't want her identity to be revealed.

"It's the captain who gets in trouble when who I am here is revealed."

"That's it, though."

"When you're ready, I'll just leave."

As Jung Daesik escorted Kim Tae-hee out into the hallway, Liz, who was waiting for the two of them in the same suit, widened her eyes.

"no? Miss Kim, aren't those glasses too much?」

“I can’t do it without this.”

Liz grumbled a few words, but she stopped meddling and moved on to her footsteps. She followed her past her hall where her charity auction was being held.

At first glance, there were several people sitting there, who were not sure who they were, but who were presumed to be celebrities. They were paying big bucks for something that seemed like a no-brainer.

Jung Daesik, who passed the hall and entered the depths of the mansion, saw Jade sitting in a parlor-like place. Similarly, dressed in a tuxedo, he greeted Jung Daesik with a sly smile.


Jade's greetings were not directed only to Jung Daesik. When Jung Daesik turned around, Kwang Pil-doo, Kwang Young-sik, and Seol Yu-ran were approaching this way.

Jung Daesik and Kwang Pil-doo, who met each other's eyes, looked at Jade with a slight frown. Then Jade calmly shrugged his shoulders and said:

"Anyway, the things you two want are in the same place. There's no need to go separately, right?"

He came as a customer and a buyer, and Jung Daesik didn't say anything about it because Jung Daesik wanted to see it at least once.

Even the lead leader did not show much reaction whether he thought Jung Daesik would interfere, or whether it was okay to disturb him.

Jade, who turned away from the two people who had returned to their expressionless faces, immediately took the lead.

“Welcome to my treasure trove!”

As he wandered through the temple-like hallways, an automatic scan proved his identity. Soon after, the sound of all security devices in the hallway being released one after another was heard.

“Follow me this way.”

At the end of the hallway, Jade glanced at the two bodyguards guarding the entrance. Soon they opened the door to the treasury and saw a spacious elevator.

As we all got into the elevator, we felt the elevator descend at a high speed. Soon, the door opened with a ding, and Jung Daesik saw a wide-eyed sight over Jade's shoulder in front of him.


Kwang Young-sik let out an exclamation point as he got off the elevator. What was inevitable is that Jade must have put a lot of effort into displaying the treasures he had collected.

Armaments that were unusual to see at a glance were scattered all over the basement, decorated as if it were an ancient ruins. Jade said that he was particularly interested in armor, and all kinds of armor were lined up as if protecting the place, so there was no spectacle.

“That’s great. Did Jade-san collect all of these?”

When Liz asked with a surprised expression, Jade responded with a smirk.

"Sure. All of them are of considerable value. Some of these items are priceless. For example, something like Magjeon.”

Jade said, snapping his fingers in the air.

「Unidentified No. 23 Arms, Left Quess Summoned.」

As soon as the words fell, the air collapsed with a woo-woo-woo sound. Soon in the air, the weapon Jade was trying to summon appeared.

It was none other than the Left Quiz, one of the parts of Magjeon.

“This is a left quis.”

Naturally, it had the same shape as the light quiche. It had a rather sloppy appearance, as if it had only a skeleton of armor. However, I am well aware of how powerful it is, so I was overjoyed to complete the leg parts. Unlike Bambrace, the quis didn't match, so Jung Daesik couldn't use what he already had.

“It is an honor to present my collection to an all-in-one.”


“I heard that you did a great job in Hawaii to get this. If that's okay with you, I'd like to give Jung Daesik, the world's only all-in-one, a few more gifts."

If it was Jade Palmer's gift, there was a high possibility that it would be nothing. Even so, there seemed to be a lot of coveted items, so there was no reason to decline. Jung Daesik responded quickly, thinking it was the price he paid for taking down Herbor.“If yes, I would be grateful.”

"Then I'll pack up the Left Quiz."

Jade Palmer, who confirmed Jung Daesik's intended object, immediately turned to Gwangpildu.

“I have something to show you too.”

He snapped his fingers into the air again.

“Summon Brilliant Aura Armor.”

The 7-star weapon was revealed in a completely different way from the Magi War. When Jade cast the summoning spell, a dazzling light danced dizzyingly in the air. The dazzling rays of light like a prism intertwined in the air and then burned like flames, which took on the form of armor, but then manifested.

Gwangpildu's eyes widened when he saw it. He muttered as he took a step forward.

“This is the Brilliant Aura Armor, which belongs to the 7-Star Armour.”

Jade nodded his head with a raised face.

"That's right. Isn't it really beautiful?"

The armor was so beautiful that I thought it would suit a slender woman better than a big man like a savage. The overall shape looked similar to the medieval full plate armor, but there were no joint parts, and instead, a flickering flame-like mass of light was attached to it. On the back of its silvery-white luminous body, there was also a swell of light, which floated the armor in the air.

Gwangpildu looked at Jade with a satisfied expression on his lips and said.

"great. do not sign the contract I will trade this armor for the Zodiac Raid.”

Seol Yu-ran's face, who had been silent on hearing those words, became contemplative.

"Wait a minute, Captain! What do you mean?"

Jung Daesik saw the reaction and realized that Seol Yu-ran had not heard anything. Seol Yu-ran grabbed Gwangpil-doo's arm and asked for English, but Gwangpil-du shook off his hand and spoke briefly.

"As you have heard."

"Exchanging that for the Zodiac Raid... means to abandon the Zodiac Raid?"

"Am I supposed to feel guilty about that?"

"Of course! Think of what you did to the Zodiac Raid! If that's the case, then why did you become the commander of the Zodiac Raid? You should have just left as soon as you got the 7-Star weapon! Did you even take the Zodiac raid into your hands in exchange for castle armor?"

"Being in the possession of Jade Palmer is something the Zodiac Raids are also welcome to do. With the resources and equipment the author has, he can become an international organization and do more than he does now."

"It doesn't matter! You've managed to accept the fact that you're the captain of the engineering department... What will you do with the crew members who sided with you as they were pointed at you for being a traitor?"

"I never asked you to take a side. Stop talking about this. It's a decision that's over."

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