Sage Warrior

Chapter 52

sage warrior

- Volume 3 Episode 2

Jung Daesik looked around their faces instead of answering.

Jung Daesik stared at him, and one of the hunters growled, revealing his teeth.

"What you looking at!"

At those words, Jung Daesik shrugged his shoulders.

β€œNo, I was just wondering what the garbage I was hearing about looked like.”


"Then, people who don't catch monsters to catch and hunt their companions are called garbage, what do you call them? Would it be nice to call them Hunter Hunters?"

Hearing Jung Daesik's sarcasm, said the hooded hunter, whom he had been answering for a while.

"We are not hunters hunters."

"Ah, yes, to be awkward."

Jung Daesik didn't listen even with the back of his ear, and the band made a fuss.

"Really not! We're just looking for your Talos armor."

"Then they tell me to give out only the Talos armor, why do you want to give me everything you have? Is this because you're a puppeteer? Let's get rid of it all while it's raging? But you're not a hunter, are you?"

Jung Daesik stabbed Jung-gok and his face was red.


"That's why people shouldn't brag about it."

Jung Daesik licked his tongue and regretted his actions. It was not known whether these words were true or not, but anyway, they weren't boasting about their weapons in the dungeon.

He was confronted with such an uninvited guest because he publicly boasted that he had an A-grade item.

"Anyway, it's a natural story, but I'm giving up on my weapons. It's not mine, but... If it's mine, I can't give it to you."

Dugan also said that.

"If you're telling me to give up, I'd like to do it. I've been catching monsters like this, so even if my magic power ran out, it would have come out a long time ago. As I said, we're not hunters, we're not hunters, and we don't want to kill people. It's sincere."

Jung Daesik snorted.

"You're funny."


Seeing the hood frowning, Jung Daesik exclaimed.

"Be thankful that even if you take everything you have, you will only spare your life, so that's it, 'We're not like hunters and hunters' to masturbate? Fuck that bullshit! Say you'd rather kill me and take everything you have! I What I have is like my life!"

Jung Daesik exclaimed at once and fired his automatic rifle.


When I pulled the trigger while pressing the red button, a red flame came out.


The surprised hunters hurriedly retreated, but were not unexpectedly embarrassed. Perhaps he has been tracking Jung Daesik as his target all along, exploring what kind of technique he uses.

They moved swiftly towards Jung Daesik as if hunting monsters.

"Take it!"

Ride and go!

Bloody, bloody!

While the two hunters were firing magic bullets and arrows, Jung Daesik's hood came close together.

Whether he's a tanker or a nerd, he pulled out a scimitar-like curved sword and blocked Jung Daesik's front.

"Stop it somewhere!"

Hung Hung Hung!

A curved blade with a thin blade was moving around in front of my eyes, but I couldn't read the orbit.

They were quite talented, so their movements were not normal.

But Jung Daesik is someone! Wasn't he the body chosen by Democritus, a god of a different dimension? Benefiting from the gift of sage, he was wrapped around his body with items from the state treasury. The A-class item, Talos Armor, fully demonstrated its power.

Jung Daesik could barely dodge the pouring blades, but those blades could not pierce the armor. Jung Daesik, ignoring the attack, pressed his black button and fired his automatic rifle.



The movement of the two guns hit by the delayed shot was slowed.

Taking advantage of that opportunity, Jung Daesik hit the hood with a fist with an Adamant knuckle.




Jung Daesik was taken aback the moment he hit it. The hooded hunter flew into the air like a straw. Since the opponent was not a monster, he displayed tremendous power even with a single fist. Seeing that scene, Jung Daesik was rather hesitant.

He shuddered at the thought that he might kill someone if he did something wrong.

That was then.


Something like a net fell down in front of me. It draped over Jung Daesik's body and immediately tightened his body.


A wire net tied him tightly. Taking advantage of that gap, the Wondils attacked mercilessly.

Ting Ting Ting!

As the Talos armor deflected the attacks, Jung Daesik grinded his teeth in anger.

'These are real...!'

Jung Daesik gave his whole body strength. It was the moment when his steel body skills shined. The wire net was opening as Jung Daesik spread his arms.

Good profit!

Soon after, it was torn apart.


Seeing the scene, the hunter who threw the wire net shouted as if he was amazed.

"No, that's ridiculous! It's tying up monsters too!"

There was no sound of their astonishment.

Jung Daesik worried about the lives of these thieves, and he was even more amazed.

They are the ones who are determined to take other people's blood-like weapons for free.

If so, it's cheap even if you die.

A person who wants to covet the life of another may lose his own life as well!

When he attacked himself, he must have been prepared for that. Promising not to show mercy, Jung Daesik clenched his teeth and slammed his fists into each other.

"Powerful power!"

There will be no need for further reinforcement.

With one powerful power, these guys...

But the moment when both fists collide.



Adamant Knuckles collided with each other, causing a roar and flash of light.



The sound and light that devoured even screams swept everywhere.


After a while.

Jung Daesik, who was furious, stood right in place, perplexed.

All the hunters who rushed at him were down.

He wasn't just startled, he didn't budge at all.

Jung Daesik kicked one of the Hunters with foam in his mouth and his eyes closed.

There was no reaction, and he was completely stunned and unable to fight.

"Heh heh, what is this?"

Jung Daesik smiled and looked at the adamant knuckle he was wearing.

I didn't know it when I was just dealing with monsters earlier, but it seems that if I make the Adamant Knuckles collide with each other, it will show another power.

A roar enough to stun a person at once, and a flash of light that instantly takes away your eyesight.

If it wasn't for the Talos armor, it was so powerful that Jung Daesik, who was wearing the Adamant Knuckles, would have also collapsed.

"Hahaha... Isn't this amazing? There's even an effect that causes light!"

It was a perfect weapon that even covered the parts that Jung Daesik regretted until the very end.

Indeed, it is an A-class item.

Jung Daesik grumbled a bit that useless bugs were attached to this, and in anger, Jung Daesik kicked the stunned hunters with his feet.

Then again, they robbed everything they had.

Jung Daesik dumped all of their weapons and equipment, which they didn't see much, into a subspace.

It wasn't enough, so he took off his clothes and burned them.

β€œWherever you go, save your life and go out.”

Jung Daesik finished his job by throwing them naked in a corner while singing his hum.

Then, he cleanly dismantled the monster corpses, took all the things that could be made money, put them in the room, and left the place at ease.

* * *

"Hahaha! How are you?"

As Jung Daesik entered the monster disposal facility with an exhilarating smile, the face of the employee who recognized him changed.

"Ahaha... Are you here again?"

He approached Jung Daesik with a squeezed smile.

Then when he saw that there was nothing behind him, he tilted his head, puzzled.

"Aren't you here to deal with monsters today?"

He was soon stunned by the leverage before Jung Daesik could even say anything.

"Oh, or even if the payment was wrong last time...?"

Last time, Jung Daesik, who came here to pay after playing the Cerberus raid, was very picky enough to tell me to go back and forth.

Thanks to him, he suffered so much that he was unable to welcome him.

Jung Daesik shrugged his shoulders and shrugged.

"It's not like that."

"After all...."

The staff breathed a sigh of relief.

But it was also for a while.

"Come to the monster disposal to deal with the monsters, what do you want to do?"

Jung Daesik dragged him out and asked him to open the tarp.

The staff, who expected the porters to follow, mobilized all the office staff to spread the tarp in a wide space.

Afraid of being ready, Jung Daesik pulled out the monster corpse from the subspace.


Suddenly, the corpse of the monster spread out on top of the tarp, and the staff opened their mouths in surprise.




You must have seen a lot of unusual cases dealing with hunters, but it must have been the first time you've seen something like this.

Everyone was surprised to see the monster corpse that suddenly appeared in the air.

"Hey, what is this...?"

β€œLet’s call it a new technology I developed.”

Jung Daesik, who looked around briefly, hurried the sullen employee.

"Come on, there's no time to be surprised. Aren't you supposed to finish paying your bills before leaving work? I'll go back and get some rest.

Of course, I told him to hurry, not to rush.

As much as the dismantling work was done by hand, Jung Daesik set a price for the monster corpse.

If he didn't meet that standard, he would riot like Deukdal. Even if it was the skin of a petty hell dog.

Eventually, when the settlement of Cerberus corpses began, they were completely in battle mode.

Jung Daesik tried to get a little more money, and the staff fought hard to get a little more cut. But this was a game that Jung Daesik had no choice but to win.

Jung Daesik could earn an income as he was paid, but the employees are salaried workers.

Even if you receive some incentives, there will be limits.

There was no reason to fight Jung Daesik to the end with his eyes lit up.

In the end, the amount Jung Daesik was settled exceeded his expectations.

'I thought it would be around 750 million... But did you earn 800 million?'

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