Said The Car Is So Good, If You Have The Ability To Build Your Own Car

12. The Mercedes-Benz C-Class Design Is Exposed! (Seeking Data~)

Now, almost everyone thought that Lin Xuan might have quit the Internet because he didn't dare to show his face.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for there to be no movement for so many days.

Lin Xuan's sunspots immediately felt the joy of victory.

It was another anchor who was sprayed by them and immediately quit the Internet!

This is the greatest glory of being a sunspot and troll!

"Hehe, don't eat the toast and eat the fine wine!"

At GAC Legendary headquarters, Qian Wenhua from the advertising department looked at Lin Xuan's Douyin account with a sneer.

It has been twenty days, and Lin Xuan has not dared to show up even once, because he must be too scared to go online.

That's right!

Most of the sunspots who suddenly flooded into Lin Xuan's live broadcast room before were trolls hired by him with money.

The purpose is naturally to spray Lin Xuan and make him unable to step down.

Who made Lin Xuan ignorant of flattery?

I took aim at Lin Xuan because I liked Lin Xuan's style before.

It's because he only spent tens of thousands of dollars to let him advertise Legendarygs5 and say something good.

did not expect.

Lin Xuan refused to accept his recharge, and insisted on helping gs5 to do the evaluation for free.

It's worth the free evaluation.

Then wouldn't he want to tell all the shortcomings of gs5?

This is still good, what if he wants to black Legendary only talk about the shortcomings but not the advantages?

This still has some impact on Legendarygs5.

Although Lin Xuan's fans are not as good as those big car critics, he has a lot of loyal fans.

Every video is released, has a lot of likes and comments.

No matter which car he is reviewing, if someone searches for it, Lin Xuan's review videos will generally rank higher.

Those who want to buy a certain car can easily be influenced by Lin Xuan's evaluation.

And if you recharge a certain car reviewer, that car reviewer will try his best to speak well of your car.

The advantages of the car will be magnified infinitely by them, but the shortcomings will be ignored or minimized infinitely.

This is the most favorable evaluation of the sales of a car.

But Lin Xuan refused to accept his recharge, and found a Legendarygs5 for evaluation the next day.


Lin Xuan commented on this car very honestly.

In his eyes, Legendarygs5 has almost no bright spots.

Although he did not exaggerate the shortcomings, this is already the biggest negative for GS5.

Legendarygs5, whose sales volume was not much that month, became even more sluggish.

Qian Wenhua, who failed to communicate effectively, hired a large wave of sailors to drive the rhythm in private, causing trouble for Lin Xuan.

Originally, he just wanted to embarrass Lin Xuan and teach him a lesson.

Who knew that idiot Lin Xuan would actually jump down the pit as soon as his brain got hot;

Just you, an Internet celebrity, want to build a car?

What an idiot talking in sleep!

Even the top big car companies like them have their cars overturned, what do you use to make cars for a small internet celebrity.

"For you to fight against me, I will finally get you out of the car critic circle!"

Qian Wenhua muttered to himself.

Lin Xuan, the shit-stirring stick, should be autistic and afraid to go online after Lin Xuan has been sprayed for so many days.

That's good too, I won't have to catch and bite them like mad dogs in the future.

Actually, it's not just Legendary Motors.

Many car companies have also been sprayed by Lin Xuan.

Especially the cherry blossom cars are the most ruthless by Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan stinks like shit in a latrine, no matter what they say, it doesn't matter.

Threats and lures, no one will fuck you, there is absolutely no way.

Usually, he can only hire some sailors to hack him and cause him some trouble.

But Lin Xuan is still active online.

And now seeing that Lin Xuan has been sprayed so much that he dare not go online, those car companies who were caught by Lin Xuan are also very happy.

Even the boss of Guangben rarely updated a Weibo on Weibo.

"It's good for young people to have dreams and want to build cars, but don't aim too high!

A car is built by countless engineers, and it is not something you can deny with a few words.

It really seems that if you want to build a car, you still have a lot to learn! "

Because their Accord, the best seller of Guangben, did not escape Lin Xuan's poisonous hands.

Catch Accord and press it on the ground for a while and rub it!

Fortunately, people in Longguo are very fond of cherry blossom cars. Even if the Accord is indeed as Lin Xuan said, it still can't stop people's enthusiasm for buying.

Don't other car reviewers know about Accord's shortcomings?

But they are smart enough to know that it's useless to talk about these shortcomings.

Many consumers directly regard the Sakura series as a sacred car, and those shortcomings and minor problems are nothing to them.

Even if you know it, you will subconsciously ignore it.

Compared with domestic cars, they are more likely to accept these shortcomings of Sakura cars.

Therefore, it is better to boast that the cherry blossom car still has a lot of money to get.

Why not do it.

No one has trouble with money.

The person involved has not come forward, and even the sunspots feel very bored.

The people who got sprayed didn't say a word, and it doesn't make sense for them to be in the dark by themselves!

Ever since, the Internet has gradually returned to calm.

The parties involved have all quit the Internet, and no one is interested in discussing it.

However, not long after, Lin Xuan suddenly updated a Weibo.

His Weibo didn't say anything, only a simple picture.

This image is dominated by a dark background with the silhouette of a White car.

It's clearly a rendering of a new car.

That's right!

This picture is exactly the rendering picture of Mercedes-Benz C-Class!

However, Lin Xuan only put up a side picture for the time being, and not all of them were exposed.

His Weibo has just been updated, and not many people have noticed his latest Weibo.

Some people who set special reminders received push messages from Weibo.

At first they set up special reminders just to keep an eye on Lin Xuan's movements.

Lin Xuan didn't show up afterwards, so they didn't care.

However, the special reminders were basically not cancelled, so the push messages were received as soon as possible.

"Lin Xuan actually updated Weibo!"

Many marketing accounts were immediately excited when they saw this news push.

Lin Xuan finally showed up, and their marketing talk was up.

When they opened Lin Xuan's Weibo, they were all surprised.

Lin Xuan didn't say anything, just posted a picture.

After seeing this picture, everyone's eyes showed a sense of surprise.

Asking for flowers, asking for comments, asking for data····································

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