"Strange thing, a strange thing happened today!"

After the tattooed man refunded the deposit and left, the salesman wearing glasses said a little speechlessly: "There are two people who want to refund the deposit in a row, and they are all innations."

Do you think it's strange?"

There were two people who came to refund the deposit, and they all returned the ination sports car.

It's just that this sports car has been quite popular recently, and you have to wait a few months to pick up the car.

Even so, there are still people coming to order cars one after another.

As a result, I just ordered an ination today, and two people in a row came to refund the deposit.

It's pretty amazing!

"Maybe they are impatient and don't want to wait so long?"

Another colleague said something casually.

"There is another possibility, they just slapped their faces to pretend to be fat, just to pretend!"

Another saleswoman in her thirties said with some disdain: "Those who have little money also like to pay a down payment to buy a luxury car pretend."

She has been in sales for so long, and it's not like she hasn't seen this kind of situation before.

Many people who can't afford it may also deliberately pretend to pretend to be fat.

There are also some people who can afford to buy, but they are actually quite shy in their pockets.

In order to buy a luxury car, he only paid a down payment, and the subsequent monthly loan repayments can overwhelm him.

Most of these people will regret it later.

Obviously, she also regarded Lin Xiaoxu and the tattooed man as people who wanted to slap their faces to make them fat.

I guess I regretted it after paying the deposit and going back.

I am afraid that I will not be able to pay the money at that time, or that the pressure will be too great to live on.

So, before picking up the car, I hurried over to refund the deposit.

"Well, it should be like this."

The salesman wearing glasses nodded in agreement, and his disdain for Lin Xiao and the tattoos became even greater in his heart.

"That, is there a possibility that it belongs to Mercedes-Benz?"

At this time, a little trainee sales girl in the corner was about to speak.

"Hey, that's not the client I received yesterday, why is she here?"

The fat man wearing glasses suddenly let out a cry of surprise, and hurriedly trot towards a beautiful woman who just came in.

This is Pentium's real customer!

Judging from the woman's appearance and clothes, she must be a rich woman.

Because of this lv bag, he came here in a Porsche.

Either she is rich herself, or her husband must be rich.

The fat salesman wearing glasses has a deep memory of this beauty, and he recognized her immediately.

"Ms. Liu, hello, what can I do for you?"

He hurried up to greet him cordially.

"Hello, I do have a little important trouble for you.

Seeing the enthusiasm of the other party, Ms. Liu was a little embarrassed, but she still decided to refund the deposit of ination.

After her best friend pushed her a Mercedes-Benz S-class convertible sports car, she immediately fell in love with the Mercedes-Benz convertible sports car.

This is what she likes about the car. The Mercedes-Benz S-class convertible sports car is simply designed into her heart.

Her husband is rich, but he can't just squander it casually.

Since the Pentium ination has not picked up the car, the deposit must be refunded.

"Ms. Liu, you are too polite, if you need anything, just ask!"

The fat salesman wearing glasses immediately patted his chest and said.

"Okay then, help me get back the deposit for ination!"

Ms. Liu nodded and said her purpose.


Wearing glasses salesman responded immediately, and then he reacted, "What? What are you talking about? You want to refund the deposit for ination?"

Now he also realized that this situation is definitely not right.

It's okay to say that one cancellation of the deposit, these two or three in a row came to cancel the deposit, something must have happened.

"Yeah! I'm in a bit of financial trouble recently, and I may not be able to buy a car for the time being, please help me refund it!"

Ms. Liu casually mentioned financial difficulties as an excuse.

"Ms. Liu, if you have financial difficulties now, you can pick up the car later, it's fine."

Wearing glasses sales did not immediately refund her deposit this time, but started to laugh.

"No! You can refund the deposit now, and I will buy it when I want to pick up the car!"

Ms. Liu still insisted on refunding the deposit.

"Ms. Liu, you can also refund the deposit, but you have to apply first."

The salesman wearing glasses immediately started to flicker, anyway, we have to stabilize her first.

"Then apply for me immediately!"

Ms. Liu can tell the truth.

"What's the situation? Why are you here to refund the deposit again, are you crazy?"

As for the sales of wearing glasses, they immediately discussed with their colleagues in the name of applying for a refund of the deposit.

"I don't know either! How strange!"

The others also shook their heads to express their incomprehension.

"I think it should be Mercedes-Benz's new car conference?"

At this time, the little intern sales girl reminded me kindly.

"What? Mercedes-Benz's new car launch? Why didn't you say it earlier!"

Everyone suddenly realized something, and quickly took out their mobile phones to open the Mercedes-Benz live broadcast room.

What I wanted to say earlier, but you all ignored me!

And the intern salesman felt a little aggrieved.

"This, this, this"

After watching Mercedes-Benz's new car conference, all sales were collectively dumbfounded.

"It turned out to be a new Mercedes-Benz? A roadster?"

"Hiss~ Are you sure this car is not a concept sports car? It's too awesome!"

"Wow! The Mercedes-Benz roadster looks so good!"

"After seeing it, I really want to have a convertible sports car like this!"

"If there is such a convertible sports car, are you afraid that you won't be able to get your sister paper?"

"What should I do? After seeing the Mercedes-Benz S-Class Cabriolet, my heart has already moved."

Immediately afterwards, these salesmen were shocked by Mercedes-Benz's new car.

Although they are sold by the Pentium 4S store, this does not prevent them from liking the SL-class convertible sports car.

"I said, are you digressing?"

At this time, the glasses salesman said speechlessly: "Shouldn't we discuss refunding the deposit now? What if more people come to cancel the deposit later? What will you do when the commission is gone?"

"Ah! Yes, yes! What should I do!"

At this time, they all reacted.

As soon as the sales commission was mentioned, all the salesmen panicked.

They were very confident before, but now after seeing the Mercedes-Benz convertible sports car, everyone knows that the innation may be over.

With the SL-class roadster, who would buy a Pentium innation?

Everyone realized the seriousness of the situation.

"Let's report to the leader immediately!"

One of the salesmen immediately suggested.

"Yes! Let's talk to the leader. I'm afraid more people will come to refund the deposit by then!"

Everyone nodded, and one of them went to report to the leader.

When the leader finished listening to the sales report, [I couldn't sit still immediately.

"Hold her fast!"

"Also, if anyone comes to refund the deposit again, they will all be delayed by me, saying that it will take time to apply!"

The leader of Pentium's 4S shop immediately made a decision, and he also immediately called his boss to report the matter.

"I said, what's the matter with you guys? Why hasn't it been approved after applying for so long? Do you really think I have a lot of free time?"

After waiting in the 4S store for nearly an hour, Ms. Liu finally couldn't sit still.

She never knew that refunding the deposit would be so troublesome.

She can see that these people are deliberately delaying time.

"Miss Liu calm down, I'll make you another cup of coffee!"

The glasses salesman quickly comforted him with a smiling face.

"What to drink! I've already drank several cups of coffee, and I'm about to throw up!"

Ms. Liu was immediately furious.

The taste of the coffee was so bitter that she couldn't drink it, so she was asked to drink it.

"It doesn't matter if you don't like coffee, so why don't you drink a cup of tea?"

The man with glasses recommended tea to her again.

"I don't want to drink, you hurry up and pay the bank!"

No matter how good Ms. Liu is, she has lost her temper.


At this time, several people came in from outside.

"I'm sorry Ms. Liu, I'll go get busy first!"

The glasses salesman immediately walked towards those customers as if relieved.

However, the next few words made him collapse again.

"Hello, I want to refund the deposit of ination, but I don't want it anymore.

"Me too, I don't want it anymore, please refund the deposit for me!"

After watching the press conference, these people came to their senses and immediately rushed over to refund the deposit.

"Please hurry up! I have been waiting for almost an hour and still haven't refunded me. If this happens, I will call the police!"

Ms. Liu in the distance shouted and threatened.

If the other party still shirks, she will report it.

"Please hurry up and refund the deposit for me!"

When these people heard this, they were all anxious. It turned out that someone had come here earlier than them, and they hadn't returned yet.

Pentium seems to want to shirk!


After they said that they wanted to refund the deposit, the salesmen of the 4S store started to make excuses, but they were unwilling to refund the deposit.

Now all these people are annoyed and they are making a fuss in the 4S shop one by one.

It even affected some people who originally came to see the car.

In the end, the leader of the 4S store also came forward to appease him, but seeing that the other party has not refunded the deposit for a long time, he was not willing to sell his face.

After the Mercedes-Benz press conference, more people came to withdraw their deposits.

The entire Pentium 4S store was noisy, and the two sides were arguing like hell.

After the trouble, even the police came to mediate.

And this scene happened not only in this Pentium 4S store, but almost in many 4S stores across the country.

When the Mercedes-Benz press conference was halfway through, many people who bought the Pentium were no longer in the mood to watch the Mercedes-Benz press conference.

They all went to Pentium's 4S store immediately to ask for a refund of the deposit.

Those who were the first to go were okay, and the deposit was refunded due to Duo.

But for those who came later, the Pentium 4S store deliberately refused to refund the deposit for various reasons.

When many people went after the press conference, the Pentium 4S stores were already overcrowded.

They don't come to see the car and buy a car, but they come to pay a deposit with ination.

After all, there are more than 20,000 people who have paid a deposit.

But now, except for a few people who did not refund, all others require refund of the deposit.

"." Mr. Yang, something is wrong!"

The manager of the sales department of Pentium Company broke into the boss's office without even knocking on the door.

"All the dealers below called to cancel all the ination orders, and they all said they don't want one anymore!!!"

The sales manager said somewhat out of breath.


When Yang Ming heard this, his whole body collapsed on the chair.

As early as when he watched the Mercedes-Benz press conference, he had already had a premonition.

Unexpectedly, such bad news came just after the press conference ended.

"According to those dealers, before the Mercedes-Benz press conference was over this morning, someone went to the Pentium 4S store under their name to refund the deposit."

"At present, there are about 10,000 people in all Pentium's 4S stores who are ready to refund the ination deposit.

This is also the approximate data he calculated based on the feedback from various dealers.

"10,000 people want to refund the deposit?"

Yang Ming's pupils shrank slightly, and despair filled his heart.

A total of more than 20,000 people paid deposits, but 10,000 people were refunded in less than half a day.

And 10,000 is just the beginning, after those people receive the news, I am afraid they will also come to refund the deposit.

"It's over!!"

Yang Ming knew that he was doomed, and he would definitely not be able to sit in this position again.

A few days ago, he just spent 200 million to expand the scale of ination production.


Such bad news came within a few days.

After the Mercedes-Benz new car launch conference, Pentium (Qian Nuohao) spread the news about canceling the subscription fee.

"I'll go! The order volume of more than 20,000 was refunded in half a day, because it was exaggerated!"

"It's not an exaggeration at all! When I went to return at noon, many people had already quarreled with the 4S shop."

"Crap! The Pentium 4S store is too crappy! It's just refusing to refund the deposit for various reasons!"

"Made! They said they wanted to apply, but they didn't expect to be successful after applying for a long time!"

"Fortunately, I'm more witty. The Goddess of Playing Cars and Hu Ge were testing the car. I ran to refund it, and I refunded it!"

Four to five million yuan is acceptable on the Mercedes-Benz car logo, and it would be a fool to buy it now for seven to eight hundred thousand yuan.

"As soon as the deposit was refunded, I went to the Mercedes-Benz next door [already ordered a convertible!"

"Fuck! Your speed is too fast!"

Pentium's cancellation of the deposit this time caused a lot of trouble, and it was all on the hot searches.

There are also many savvy media who help these consumers defend their rights for the sake of traffic.

All of a sudden, Pentium was pushed to the forefront.

There are a total of more than 20,000 undelivered orders, and half of them have been refunded. Will you still choose the remaining half?

Everyone knows that Pentium's innation has been abolished before it even started.

Not to mention competing with the Mercedes-Benz S-Class, whether it can survive is still a question.

When Pentium was in crisis, "Mercedes-Benz announced the expected first-day sales of the S-Class the next day.

The number of pre-orders for the SI-class convertible sports car on the first day is more than 23,000!!!

When Mercedes-Benz announced the first-day pre-order sales, the entire auto industry fell silent.

Record broken!

Mercedes-Benz breaks the car's first-day sales record again!

The previous record holder was Pentium's ination, which only maintained the sales record for seven days.

The Mercedes-Benz S-Class broke this record with three times the first-day booking sales of the Pentium!.

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