Said The Car Is So Good, If You Have The Ability To Build Your Own Car

17. Attention From The Goddess Of Playing Cars! (Ask For Evaluation!)

"I remembered, he is that popular car critic recently!"

The other person also slapped his head and said: "I heard that he wanted to build a car by himself in order to attract black fans, but he didn't see anyone or a car for a month.

I didn't expect to appear here, is it just to catch the heat? "

"Is there a possibility that this Mercedes-Benz was built by him?"

Said the young man who recognized Lin Xuan earlier.


Everyone was speechless for a while.

Isn't it?

Lin Xuan got off this unknown Mercedes-Benz, and it is really possible that it was built by him.

"Brother, is that person your boss? Did he build this handsome car?"

In order to determine whether the Mercedes-Benz was made by Lin Xuan, the young man sneaked up on the Mercedes-Benz employee and asked.

"That's right!"

The employee also nodded and said in affirmation: "Our company was acquired by our boss last month, and this Mercedes-Benz C was also built after the boss came."

Apparently, he also knew what the other party meant, and he just wanted to know whether Lin Xuan really built a car.

At first, these employees didn't know it, but later they found out that their boss was a very popular car critic.

"You said that the car is so powerful, you have the ability to build your own car!"

Just because of a word with the sunspots, Lin Xuan actually went to build cars.

That sounds outrageous enough!

However, what everyone doesn't know is that Lin Xuan actually built the car!

In just one month, the Mercedes-Benz C was built.

Even many employees in the company are greedy for Mercedes-Benz C.

Among other things, as far as the appearance of the Mercedes-Benz C is concerned, it surpasses most B-class cars.

However, after knowing the price of the Mercedes-Benz C, everyone lost their minds.

The minimum configuration of Mercedes-Benz is above 20 w.

Even if they can get the internal price, they can't afford it!

At the same time, Lin Xuan complained in his heart that the price of the Mercedes-Benz C was too high.

Even the prices of those joint venture cars are not as high as Mercedes-Benz after the BBA.

As employees of Mercedes-Benz, they don't have much confidence in their new cars, let alone other people.

If the price can be lowered to start at 110,000 to 120,000, there should be some sales.

Tomorrow is the auto show, and it is estimated that Mercedes-Benz will not be able to sell a single car.

"Nice critic! I would like to call Lin Xuan the strongest car critic!"

Everyone in Junma Auto couldn't help giving a thumbs up.

So many top car reviewers have never thought about building a car by themselves.

As a result, Lin Xuan actually went to build a car because of some sunspots.

I'm afraid everyone will be surprised at the auto show tomorrow.

However, after all, before the auto show tomorrow, the news of Lin Xuan's car was exposed on the Internet that night.

At first, people still didn't believe it.

I thought it was a rumor released by someone deliberately trying to cheat the popularity to get traffic.

However, people have pictures and the truth.

The person who broke the news claimed to be an employee of Junma Motor Company, and the company also participated in the Yangcheng International Auto Show.

And the car made by Lin Xuan, the booth is next to them.

There is also a picture of a Mercedes-Benz C, which he secretly took.

As soon as the news was exposed, it immediately attracted a lot of attention.

"What's the situation? Lin Xuan really ran to build a car for me?"

"No way! No way! He will come back to us for real?"

"This must be a fake news, it must be a fake news made up by the up owner to gain traffic."

"Probably not, you didn't realize that this car is really similar to the renderings posted by Lin Xuan!"

"Liar to you, how can you build a car in a month."

"Why can't you make cars? Those car companies can produce hundreds of cars a day on the assembly line."

"The key is that Lin Xuan has nothing, and can build a car so quickly."

"If this car is really built by Lin Xuan, it's no surprise. As long as there are ready-made parts, even car repairers will assemble a car."

"People who are Douyin Internet celebrities can buy materials to build sports cars."

"Even if it's built, it's just a piece of industrial waste."

"But I remember those black people said before, as long as Lin Xuan builds the car, they will buy it?"

"Now that Lin Xuan is really created, they probably didn't expect Lin Xuan to be so competitive..."


Before the Yangcheng International Auto Show even started, Lin Xuan's new car has already become popular online.

No one expected that Lin Xuan, who had been silent for a month, turned out to be building a car.

However, everyone is basically holding the mentality of watching a joke.

It takes at least a year for any car company to manufacture a new car.

The car built by Lin Xuan in a month, you can imagine how rubbish this car must be.

Lin Xuan naturally knew about the online comments, but he didn't care.

When the auto show starts tomorrow, Mercedes-Benz c will amaze everyone.

Early the next morning, the staff of Mercedes-Benz came to the scene early to prepare.

The car has been repainted and looks very clean and handsome.

At eight o'clock in the morning, the Yangcheng International Auto Show officially opened.

A large wave of media influencers rushed to the exhibition hall.

Many media influencers rushed to the area where luxury cars were located immediately.

Many people can't afford luxury cars, but they pay the most attention to luxury cars.

For the sake of traffic, these Internet celebrities must come to the luxury car area to participate in the exhibition.

However, many people also ran towards the Mercedes-Benz exhibition area.

The traffic of Lin Xuan's new car is also not small, and many people want to see what kind of new car Lin Xuan makes in a month.

"Hi brother, where is the Mercedes-Benz booth?"

One of the long-legged beauties grabbed a staff member of a car show and asked.

She is a well-known online celebrity female car critic, and she is also one of the top few car critics here today.

Unlike everyone else who went to the luxury car exhibition area, she paid more attention to the new car that Lin Xuan produced in a month.

Now many people are curious about Lin Xuan's new car, which is a good live broadcast selling point.

The data didn't move today!

Is anyone else watching?

The author panicked.

Asking for flowers, asking for comments, asking for data······································

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