Said The Car Is So Good, If You Have The Ability To Build Your Own Car

59. What Gtr? I Want To Change Mercedes-Benz! (Please Subscribe!)

"Fuck! Is he desperate?"

Long Ge saw that the speed of the car in front of him didn't show the slightest intention to stop, and he was shocked.

He seemed to have seen the car in front of him roll down the mountain because of its high speed.

At the same time, Brother Long was also a little worried.

If something happened to that car, he, the instigator, would also be responsible.

At that time, losing money is a trivial matter, and he is afraid that he will be involved in a murder lawsuit, and his father will never forgive him.


At this time, Chu Xixi, who was sitting in the back row on the Mercedes-Benz C, couldn't help but screamed loudly.

Then there is still time to check the various data on the computer.


Chu Xixi was on the verge of crying at this moment, her brows and face were pale and bloodless.

She likes excitement, but she doesn't want to die either!

"Shao Yan, what are you doing?"

Lin Xuan, who was sitting in the co-pilot, was also terrified at this time, and he broke out in a cold sweat from being frightened by Shao Yan.

Cornering at this speed, but the car crashes and people die!

His career has just started, so he doesn't want to just go to heaven like this.

"President Lin, don't worry, nothing will happen."

What he didn't know was that Shao Yan was also frightened at this time.

Accidentally played too big!

However, she knew it would be a panic.

The more flustered you are, the faster you die!

After calming down, Shao Yan immediately started to brake to reduce the speed.

At the same time, I have quickly calculated the car's speed, distance, angle, and curves in my mind.

And all of this happened between lightning and flint.

Suddenly, she saw a banyan tree as thick as an arm growing outside the guardrail at the place where the corner exited.

Banyan trees can be seen everywhere in Rongcheng, which is why Penang got its name.

The vitality of the banyan tree is very tenacious, its branches are very thick and tough, and its roots can penetrate very deep into the ground.

Even if a seed is dropped on the crevice of the stone, it can grow tenaciously.

Shao Yan made a decision the moment she saw the banyan tree.

From Shao Yan braking to entering the curve, it was almost a time to breathe.

Mercedes-Benz C immediately entered the corner at a super fast speed.

And Shao Yan stepped on the brakes and turned the steering wheel to the left.


There was a piercing sound of tire rubbing, and the Mercedes-Benz C was flying at an exaggerated angle.

But because the speed was too fast, the car was about to be thrown out of the road uncontrollably.

"Boom boom boom..."

Shao Yan firmly held the steering wheel, the accelerator had already stepped on the floor.

After their equipment, the stability and grip of the Mercedes-Benz C have become stronger.

There is also the shock absorber system, which can also effectively reduce the excess force of the car's tail drift.

But no matter how much you accelerate, no matter how strong the grip of the tires is, it can't prevent the car body from drifting outwards.


Chu Xixi let out a high-decibel scream again.

"It's over, it's over! Miss Ben is about to die before talking about her boyfriend!"

She covered her eyes with her hands, not daring to look outside.

"Fasten your seat belt!"

Lin Xuan yelled at Chu Xixi, he had already figured out how to protect himself, so that he could save his life and even get less injured.


At this moment, the Mercedes-Benz C had already broken through the fence on the side of the road, and it was about to fall down the mountain.

There was another loud noise, and the B-pillar on the right side of the Mercedes-Benz slammed into the trunk of the banyan tree.


Chu Xixi screamed again.

The airbag on the right side of the car popped up instantly to prevent the head from being hit.

Chu Xixi, who was sitting in the back seat, was also dizzy from the inertia.

However, Shao Yan didn't have time to care about Chu Xixi's situation at the moment.

Under the buffer of the driveway guardrail and banyan trees, Zaizi was finally not thrown down the mountain.

Holding the steering wheel and stepping on the accelerator, she drove the car forward.

And although the banyan tree was knocked out a hole, a large piece of bark was rubbed off.

But it still stands firm.

Only the guardrail that was hit with a hole and some fallen leaves of banyan trees on the road tell what happened here.

"Fuck!!! Fuck!!!"

It wasn't until ten seconds later that Brother Long drove over in the gtr.

At this moment, he couldn't even eat the exhaust gas, he could only see the opponent's tail lights getting blurred.

"Isn't he lucky too?"

Looking at the rammed guardrail and the banyan tree standing there, Brother Long let out an exclamation.

Just ten seconds ago, "He thought that the owner of that car would surely die.

Turning at such a fast speed, the huge speed is enough to make the car lose control and fall to the bottom of the mountain.

Even the most powerful racing driver, in that case, the car will inevitably fall down the mountain.

And that was indeed the case, the car he was racing with was thrown out of the lane under the huge inertia.

However, at this critical moment (bice), its car rear just broke through the guardrail and hit the trunk of the banyan tree.

It is precisely because of the banyan tree that the car with White did not fall down the mountain.

Once there is no banyan tree, or if it is not luck, it will be almost impossible.

If the front part of the car hits it, the car will still fall down the mountain under the force of inertia.

It can only be said that that person was so lucky that he just hit the side B-pillar.

"Brother Long, is there a possibility that the other party bumped into him on purpose?"

The younger brother on the side said with some uncertainty.

"Aren't you stupid?!!"

Brother Long sprayed his face with saliva, "In such a dangerous situation, even my life is at risk, who would pay attention to a willow tree beside the road!"

"It makes sense!"

The dark young man also nodded in agreement, feeling that what Brother Long said made sense.

In that case, even if the other party really saw the banyan tree, they probably wouldn't think so much about it.

But he always felt that things were not so simple, how could it be such a coincidence.

"By the way, Black Dog, what the hell kind of car is this? It's so awesome!"

Brother Long suddenly said at this time: "I was driving a God of War GTR with five or six hundred horsepower, and he actually broke it down!!!"

I have been competing with each other before, but I didn't pay attention to what kind of car it was.

I just remembered now that the other party's car seems to be very powerful!

"And that car drifted through the curve, it's so stable!"

"As far as I know, if the chassis and suspension are not good, it is impossible to have this kind of performance.

Brother Long was holding the steering wheel with one hand, while rubbing his chin with the other, thinking.

He is a rich second generation, but he is also a racing enthusiast.

One can tell at a glance that White's modified car is definitely not simple.

"Brother Long, that car seems to be a Mercedes-Benz?"

The black dog also said with some uncertainty: "I looked at the four characters on the back of his car, it seems to be a Mercedes-Benz?!"


Brother Long thought for a while and said, "Could it be the record-breaking Mercedes-Benz C?"

Mercedes-Benz c broke the Zhejiang race record, and Long Ge, as a car enthusiast, naturally knew it.

If you look at it this way, it does look a bit like it.

It's just that this Mercedes-Benz C car has a rear spoiler installed behind the buttocks, and the exhaust pipe has been modified.

"It does look more and more like a Mercedes-Benz C, but Brother Long, isn't there a driving recorder on the car? Let's export it to have a look and then we'll know.

Brother Gou on the side pointed at the driving recorder and said with a smile.

"you're right.

Brother Long also nodded when he heard the words.

"But this modified Mercedes-Benz C is really handsome and fierce."

Brother Long looked at his victory over the GTR, slapped the steering wheel and cursed: "What a broken GTR, I'll switch to a Mercedes as soon as I get back!"

A car worth several million yuan was destroyed by a car worth two to three hundred thousand yuan.

Although there are also reasons why his skills are not good, but he also knows his own GR quite well.

If the GTR cornered at that speed, even if the banyan tree blocked it, it would definitely fall down the mountain.

In other words, even if it is calculated accurately in advance, it is difficult to use the banyan tree as a buffer.

The performance chassis of that Mercedes-Benz C is absolutely amazing!

Recalling the modified Mercedes-Benz C, Brother Long's heart became hot.

It's just a car worth two to three hundred thousand yuan, and to him it's like sprinkling water.

Even if you spend more money to modify it, can it still be more expensive than his gtr?

And that White Mercedes-Benz c has been deeply reflected in his mind. .

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