Said The Car Is So Good, If You Have The Ability To Build Your Own Car

71. This Is The Grade Card Of Mercedes-Benz! (Please Subscribe!)

If Mercedes-Benz launches a new SUV, it will definitely compete with Tiguan L.

And those other joint venture car brands!

The top 20 mid-sized SUVs, except for a few domestically-produced vehicles, are all joint venture vehicles.

If the sales of Mercedes-Benz new cars are high, it will inevitably take away the sales of other car brands again.

Just like this BBA, one-third of the sales volume was directly taken away by Mercedes-Benz.

Will it continue to perform miracles?

Everyone is looking forward to it!

And the media also reported on it.

But Mercedes-Benz has not spoken yet, and the media automatically help Mercedes-Benz point the finger at the Volkswagen Tiguan L.

"Volkswagen Tiguan L is in danger! The number one sales volume may not be guaranteed!"

"Mercedes-Benz said that because the Tiguan is only temporarily keeping the third place!"

"Mercedes-Benz owner said that buying a Volkswagen Tiguan L is worse than buying a new Mercedes-Benz car!"

"Mercedes-Benz SUV will be launched soon! Can Tiguan L continue to maintain the No. 1 sales volume of medium-sized SUVs?"

"Mercedes-Benz causes the twilight of joint venture cars? Domestic cars will rise strongly!"

All kinds of exaggerated and provocative headlines were edited and sent out by these media. "Seven Eleven"

Originally, there was not much intersection between Mercedes-Benz and Volkswagen. At most, Passat and Magotan were slightly affected by the sales of Mercedes-Benz C.

But because of these media's forced fabrications, the two seem to be inexplicably confronted.

The two companies haven't said anything yet, but those car owners and fans were aroused instead.

After more than a month of sales, Mercedes-Benz c has sold about 40,000 units.

On the roads of major cities [you can already see Mercedes-Benz C galloping from time to time.

There are more and more Mercedes-Benz owners.

Although the number of car ownership is still far from being compared with other car brands, as the sales of Mercedes-Benz increase, the market share will also increase.

Because of the high price, most of the owners of Mercedes-Benz are people with well-off economic conditions.

Mercedes-Benz owners inexplicably have a sense of superiority.

Although they are all domestically produced cars, we are more deficient than your domestically produced cars!

Now the sales volume of Mercedes-Benz C is even lower than those joint venture cars.

The powerful performance and super high sales also make Mercedes-Benz owners look down on those Common joint venture car brands.

Most Mercedes-Benz owners have automatically raised their Mercedes-Benz to the same level as BBA.

After all, the strength of Mercedes-Benz C is stronger than that of BBA at the same level, and the price is not much lower than them.

The key is to take away all the sales that originally belonged to BBA, so that Pentium was almost squeezed out of the top ten sales list.

Isn't that awesome enough?

Whenever they drive Mercedes-Benz on the road, the rate of turning heads is particularly high.

Because what is the hottest car recently?

That must be a Mercedes Benz!

Mercedes-Benz c has become the most popular dazzling new star in the automotive industry.

Not to mention the super power, especially the fuel consumption that has completely ruined Mercedes-Benz's reputation for fuel efficiency.

No matter how other cars claim to be fuel-efficient, there will always be people who drive low fuel consumption, and some people drive high fuel consumption.

After all, different driving habits lead to different fuel consumption of the car.

There are also reasons such as roads and weather, which will also cause differences in fuel consumption.

However, he is an exception.

It doesn't matter what weather, terrain, road, or driving habits are different.

Mercedes-Benz c is fuel-efficient!

Its fuel consumption can't be driven more than seven.

According to the feedback from most car owners, the fuel consumption of Mercedes-Benz is within seven.

Of course, no matter how fuel-efficient Mercedes-Benz is, there are still sunspots blacking it out.

There are often pictures of eight or nine fuel consumption of Mercedes-Benz on the Internet, and there are even more than ten fuel consumption pictures.

However, it was later proved that most of these pictures were fake pictures produced by Heizi P.

Only a small number of people who don't know will be guided by Heizi.

There is also a car reviewer who does not believe in evil, and is bound to give more than seven fuel consumption of Mercedes-Benz.

So he conducted a most extreme test!

The trunk of the car is full of things, and then the car is full of people.

In the end, he started a violent driving test, stepping on the oil on the floor casually.

Walking and stopping, trying to maximize fuel consumption.

It's not over yet.

While performing these operations, he also turned on the air conditioner of the whole vehicle, and turned the temperature to the lowest.


After such a coquettish operation, the fuel consumption of the Mercedes-Benz C has indeed increased a lot compared to usual.

However, when he repeated the test a lot, the gas consumption stopped at 7.0.

Seven oil seems to be the critical point, no matter how he drives, he can't exceed this fuel consumption.

This car reviewer thinks that the fuel consumption meter is fake, it must be made like this on purpose by Mercedes-Benz.

In fact, its fuel consumption may have exceeded seven oil.

Otherwise, how could it be tested that its fuel consumption is always so low.

He felt that he seemed to have discovered the real inside story of Mercedes-Benz's low fuel consumption.

In order to prove that his conjecture was correct, he immediately retested and calculated after refueling.

The result of this test is basically the actual fuel consumption of the car.

However, the test results shocked him directly!

The fuel gauge of Mercedes-Benz C is real, not falsified, and even the calculation is very accurate.

Even after several refueling tests, the actual fuel consumption did not exceed seven fuels.

"Brothers! I admit that I was topped up to hack the fuel consumption of Mercedes-Benz, but I really can't hack its fuel consumption!"

At the end, the car reviewer said with a wry smile on his face.

This fuel consumption evaluation video became popular later, and it made the Mercedes-Benz C famous for its fuel efficiency.

At the same time, it also stimulated the sales of Mercedes-Benz.

Many people who bought Mercedes-Benz C found that this car is really fragrant.

No matter from which aspect, it is impossible to fault.

It has crushed the BBA opened by relatives and friends in all aspects of performance.

The most perfect car ever!

And Mercedes-Benz has also become an Internet celebrity car.

"Fuck! This car is a Mercedes-Benz, right? It's so handsome!"

"I know this car, it's very popular recently!"

"I heard that this car is not cheap, it's about the same as a BBA!"

"A domestic car is so expensive, does anyone really buy it?"

"Why didn't anyone buy it? The lap time of Zhejiang Race broke the record of BMW 330Li! Last time, a God of War gtr was destroyed by it, even the taillights could not be seen.

"Damn it! Is Mercedes-Benz so awesome?"

"My cousin wanted to buy one last week too, but there's no way to get one!"

"What is this? When the 4S store first opened, many people couldn't buy a car even at a higher price!

"Mercedes-Benz should be the most expensive domestic car!"

Pulling the car aside sometimes, they can always hear conversations like this.

Mercedes-Benz is excellent in all aspects without losing its reputation, making car owners feel its value.

If you are very satisfied with the car, you can still pretend. Isn’t this the car everyone wants.

Simply put, Mercedes owners are bloated.

Naturally, I look down on those other brands of cars.

If it weren't for the fact that BBA is still bigger than Mercedes-Benz, they might not even look down on BBA.

Originally, Mercedes-Benz owners ignored Volkswagen owners.

But Volkswagen owners took the initiative to provoke Mercedes-Benz owners.

The mentality of Mercedes-Benz has expanded, but Volkswagen owners also have a sense of superiority as a joint venture car.

For mass car owners, except for those luxury brand cars.

Compared with domestically produced cars, they inherently feel that their Volkswagen is better than domestically produced cars, and is a higher grade than domestically produced cars.

The rankings of joint venture cars and domestic cars are different.

To put it bluntly, Mercedes-Benz is a domestic car, and it dares to sell it so cheap.

Even with the exception of the few high-end VWs, Mercedes is more expensive than most VWs.

This makes Volkswagen owners very unhappy.

Why do you sell a domestic car more expensive than Volkswagen!

Coupled with the guidance of the media, Volkswagen owners who have long been displeased with the sense of superiority of Mercedes-Benz owners immediately declared war on Mercedes-Benz owners.

There is enough gunpowder between the two!

However, Mercedes-Benz owners are still too few after all, and the combat power of 4.2 is naturally far inferior to that of Volkswagen owners.

Soon he fell into a disadvantage in the confrontation with Volkswagen owners.

It's just that the owner of the Volkswagen car started to start the war again. After spraying the Mercedes-Benz, it was not enough, and finally pointed the finger at Link again.

Lynk is also a domestic high-end car, and has also become the target of mass injection.

No one expected that in the end, the matter would rise to the top of domestic cars and joint venture cars.

There is also a car brand contempt chain among the owners of major car brands.

Luxury car owners look down on all mid- and low-end car brands.

Second-tier luxury brands look down on Common joint venture cars, and Common joint venture cars look down on domestically produced cars.

Although the value of the domestic car owner is not as high as that of the joint venture car, the combat effectiveness of spraying people is not weak at all, and they can directly spray people into doubting life.

This scolding war of contempt for each other was also on the hot search, triggering more people to spray each other, and it was about to intensify.

In the end, it was the official action, and these media platforms forcibly manipulated and canceled the hot search.

The online scolding war just stopped.

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