"I'm Locke."

Locke took a step forward, smiling.

The two cp0s were taken aback for a moment, their faces under the masks showed some disdain,

Is it really just a child?

However, the next second,

Locke's figure disappears from their view,

And the voice came from behind:

"Don't underestimate children, it's not a big problem to kill you two."

The faces of the two cp0s changed drastically, and they hurriedly shaved and left.

The two looked at each other with a look of horror in their eyes.

What the information said is indeed true!

The two nodded, and took out a document and a phone bug from their arms and handed them to Locke:

"From now on, you are the cp0 who is responsible for the security of Figalan UTA Palace. This is your exclusive certificate and phone bug."

"You have the right to mobilize all CIPHERPOL direct officials under cp0 to facilitate the actions of Celestial Dragons."

"You have only one task, and that is to protect the safety of Celestial Dragonsuta Palace and meet all the requirements of UTA Palace."

"Besides, your newspaper has too many loopholes, and the organization has helped you improve it. Those low-class people don't deserve to know the surname of Lord Celestial Dragons,"

"Female Celestial Dragons have a palace at the end of their name, not a saint at the end of their surname. Don't even make this basic mistake."

Locke rolled his eyes when he heard this, Uta palace? This is fucking ugly.

He took the certificate unceremoniously, with an aunt-like smile on his face.

One Piece World has obtained the identity that can truly run amok at this stage!

Uta with Celestial Dragons status and cp0 with license to kill!

Authorized to dispatch all personnel from CP1 to CP9 to serve themselves.

And because of Uta's particularity, he doesn't have to be restrained by Five Elders and other Celestial Dragons.

In terms of status, I don't even lose to Sengoku at all!

With this identity, apart from blatantly killing Celestial Dragons, his authority is simply outrageous.

Locke shook his license at Sengoku twice:

"Hey, it's okay if I want to be Marine's undercover this time, right?"

Sengoku felt like eating a dead fly.

Only Garp looked at Locke with disgust and said:

"What are you doing as a running dog of this kind of rubbish?"

The two cp0s stared at Garp with wide eyes.

And Garp seems to have just reacted:

"Ah, it seems that this sentence can't be said, so just pretend that I haven't said it."

The roar of the crowd:

"How can it be!"

Even if it was impossible, cp0 would not dare to be rough on Garp,

In the end, it was replaced by these two cp0s and left the room with a constipated face.

Locke touched his chin and looked at the phone bug and asked:

"Can this thing activate a Buster Call?"

Sengoku cursed with a livid face:

"How can it be!"

Locke chuckled:

"But this thing can find Admiral as a thug?"

Sengoku was livid and silent, swearing that if Locke really wanted to use Admiral with this thing, he'd ignore it.

Locke chuckled as he put the license to kill and the phone bug into his pocket.

"Well, my task is over this time, and then Ace and Luffy will be handed over to you for training, old man. I think you will definitely be able to train them into a very good Marine."

Garp frowned upon hearing this:

"What are you going to do? Aren't you staying here for training?"

Locke smiled slightly and said:

"You Marine's training camp has taught me nothing."

Garp frowned:

"Boy, are you going to talk big when you don't see each other for a few days?"

He swung his fist and slammed it at Locke.

Locke didn't change his face, and directly converted the physical strength of his whole body into Chakra, gathered on his fists and blasted towards him!

Weird attack!

This is the strange power of Tsunade successfully developed by Locke himself with his existing talents!

Coupled with the physical skills in the pirate system and Haki's training system.

With a bang, a terrifying gust of wind instantly emerged from the intersection of the two fists!

"Good boy!"

Garp looked at Locke in shock,

He'd never really considered Locke an opponent, and he'd always thought that Locke was just that kid who wasn't much better than Luffy.

It's been a while since I saw you,

When he heard that Locke had Marine Six Styles, he was dumbfounded. He didn't teach him.

As a result, after trying it now, Locke's strength is much stronger than he thought!

"Wahhahaha! As expected of my grandson! Where are you going if you're not here? Back to Windmill Village?"

Locke stroked his chin and said:

"Of course it's time to recruit the undercover Marine."

Sengoku's face turned black when he heard this,

"You have the status of cp0, why do you still harm our Marine!"

Locke muttered inwardly,

Because I really want to be a pirate!

After becoming an undercover Marine in his current capacity, isn't the reward order just his own decision?

If it wasn't for the fact that the system had to judge the credibility from the bottom of his heart, Locke would have directly posted the flyer that he is a god... Bah! The reward order was released.

Locke said to Sengoku sternly:

"In order to achieve the peace of the sea, it is my duty! Don't thank me, I will be proud!"

Sengoku: (╯‵□)╯︵┻━┻!

Ghost TM thank you!

ps. Asking for a monthly ticket, asking for data, everyone can say something in the comment area, the stand-alone machine is so boring...

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