Sailing: Angry At Uta, Tricking Luffy Into Being An Undercover Agent

Chapter 68 Gather Again, Inspirational To Become The Marine Vice Admiral King Luffy Of One Piece

At this time, Marineford,

under a high platform,

There are countless Marine generals standing densely below,

Monkey D. Luffy came out from the high platform wearing a handsome Marine cloak,

Standing behind him are Uta and Kuina who are also wearing a cloak and have grown into big beauties.

Luffy looked at the silent Marines below and roared loudly:

"Those who want to escape, run away now!"

"There is no cowardice allowed here!"

"We! We are the bastion of peace in the era of pirates!"

The weakness of the people is not their fault!

"Justice is here!"

"As long as there are powerful evil forces at sea, we Marine will do our best to expel them!"

"In the name of absolute justice!"

Monkey D. Luffy's roar resounded throughout the square,

The Marine generals below swung their cloaks and saluted and roared:

"In the name of absolute justice!!"

"In the name of absolute justice!!"

Immediately Luffy stretched forward with one hand,

The roar on the field suddenly stopped,

Luffy continued to speak to the Marines below:

"Very well, I'm going to go to sea to be an undercover agent next, One Piece, I'm sure! You guys remember pretending you didn't know me when you saw me on the Grand Line.

Everyone: "...Huh?!"

The people below were dumbfounded, and they hadn't recovered from Luffy's rhetoric.

At this time, Luffy took off his Marine uniform, put on a straw hat, and used his arm as a slingshot to fly out of the square like a stone.

Uta and Kuina behind them put their hands on their foreheads, and they knew how this guy could listen to Garp's words and become a Marine.

Now the 17-year-old promise has come,

Garp has no reason to restrain him anymore,

seven years ago,

Edward Weible attacked Zephyr's Marine,

The Demon King of Songs appears again,

It's just that this time the Demon King of Songs is the Demon King of Songs completely controlled by Uta,

With a defense comparable to the Four Emperors level and the double special effects of Destruction and Rebirth, Zephyr's tragedy was successfully prevented, and ordinary students and Zephyr's arms were saved.

Afterwards, in order to cover up his own strength, Uta finally chose to push this huge credit to Luffy who owns Rubber Fruit.

For the first time, as a person with Nika fruit ability, he was exposed to the sight of Five Elders.

Others may just think that this is an ordinary Paramecia Rubber Fruit,

But Five Elders clearly know that this is the form of Zoan·Human Fruit·Phantom Beast Sun God Nika!

The Five Elders were overjoyed that the Nika fruit, which had been escaping from the World government's control, appeared for the first time in the World government camp.

Nikago 067 actually represents very different meanings behind those real big forces.

He is like a jade seal passed down from an ancient dynasty,

Owning it is like getting a rectification of identity.

So in the past seven years, the name of the sun god Luffy has spread all over the sea under the encouragement of caring people.

Many credits delivered to Luffy's door seem to be sent to Luffy without money.

And Luffy's rank is also rising like a rocket.

And today is his 17th birthday,

It is also a big day for him to be awarded the Vice Admiral.

As a result, after a burst of passionate reading,

Luffy turned his back on the pick directly, leaving the Marine generals below stunned.

The Five Elders who were watching the live poof,

He sprayed the tea out of his mouth directly.

Sengoku in the Naval Headquarters office almost accidentally snapped off the horns of his beloved lamb.


Sengoku roared,

Garp, who was stuffing senbei into his mouth, trembled,

Immediately he patted the table laughing tears flowed:

"Wow ha ha ha! As expected of my grandson~!"

Sengoku grabbed Garp by the collar, dangled it and cursed:

"You bastard! It's no use playing dumb!"

Garp's mouth pouted, he twisted aside fiercely and said:

"I don't know at all, okay?"



You are so unprofessional in lying!

while on the other side,

Luffy ran all the way on the roof, Luffy ran,

Uta was humming, and a big note under her feet carried her and Kuina right behind Luffy.

Kuina frowned above the notes and asked Luffy below:

"Are you sure it's okay? You're going to mess with Garp."

Luffy laughed as he pressed the straw hat on his head while running:

"This is what I agreed with my grandfather."

"Being Marine has been responsible for being a Marine safely and steadily for the past eight years. If I haven't given up my dream of being the One Piece when I was 17 years old, he will let me go.

It turned out that after Luffy was brought to Marine Base by Locke,

Because I have been clamoring to be a pirate and the king of pirates, I don't obey discipline at all,

So Garp proposed an 8-year contract with Luffy.

Luffy must follow Ace to train in the hands of Zephyr, and participate in training tasks such as catching pirates.

Treat yourself as a Marine to spend these eight years. If Luffy has not given up his dream of being a pirate after 8 years, then Garp will not stop Luffy.

Garp believes that no one can (bifc) be a pirate with peace of mind after seeing the true colors of those vicious pirates.

especially my grandson,

He knew that Luffy didn't want to be a real pirate, but just longed for the freedom and adventure that Shanks described to him.

It's like Luffy's dream at the beginning was to follow Shanks to go out to sea for adventure, and later it was changed to create a new era with Uta, and then it became to become the One Piece and return the hat to Shanks.

As he grows up, he believes that Luffy will be able to make the right choice, just like Ace.

What he didn't expect was that he met a pig teammate,

While Garp is trying to pull Luffy into the Marine camp,

Five Elders tried their best to promote Luffy in order to publicize the ownership of Nika fruit ability users.

The malpractice and shady scenes in Marine are also revealed before Luffy's eyes.

Luffy's IQ is indeed worrying, but his EQ is high.

Those false credits and the behavior of driving pirates to him like livestock for merit made him disgusted.

He finally understood Sabo's Versailles declaration that he didn't want to be a nobleman.

This also led to the scene that happened today,

Although Sabo chose to be the king of Goa Kingdom,

But he once said that the age of 18 is the coming-of-age ceremony of the nobility, so he wants to go to sea at the age of 17, and this declaration was fulfilled by Luffy.

Kuina nodded after listening to Luffy's words and did not speak again,

At this time, a blue-haired beauty on the port was waving her arms and shouting at Luffy and others:

"Hey! Luffy! The warship is ready!"

Luffy's eyes brightened upon seeing this,

A shaved girl appeared directly in front of the blue-haired beauty and shouted excitedly:

"Thank you, Ain is going! Bid for Ralph Rude" dozens~!"

This is exactly the backward fruit ability user Ain who was rescued by Uta during the attack on Zephyr!

In order to repay Uta's life-saving grace, she decided to go to sea with Uta.

She once asked Uta why she chose to be a pirate, but Uta told her that it was to fulfill someone's last wish, which made Ian confused.

"Where do we go first?"

Ain asked Luffy at the helm,

Luffy waved his hand:

"Windmill Village!"

Then he silently looked in one direction,

"Go and say goodbye to someone before you leave."

One place of this remark,

Both Uta and Kuina fell silent.

Ain was a little confused, so he looked at the three sad people, and sailed the warship out of Marineford.

At this time, the Marshal's office.

"What! The three of them took Zephyr's seastone warship away?!"

"Hurry up and chase it back!"

"What are you chasing after Luffy Vice Admiral! He is a pirate now! Bring the warship back to me!!"

"Wow ha ha ha! As expected of my grandson!"


Sengoku's frenzied roar made the passing Marines shudder, and everyone moved away from the office, for fear of being affected by the enraged Sengoku.

After a few more days,

Above the port of Shimotsuki village,

Luffy yelled at several Marine soldiers:

"Huh!? You drove the ship away, how can I be the Pirate King!"

Those Marine soldiers said with a look of embarrassment:

"Luffy Vice Admiral, please don't make things difficult for us, we also followed Vice Admiral Garp's instructions to drive the pirate ship back with you."

"Vice Admiral Garp said that if you want to be a pirate, you have to build a ship yourself. It is impossible for Marine's ship to be driven away by pirates."

Listening to the words of the Marine soldiers, Luffy's expression became very long:

"Go away! If you don't give it, you won't give it. Go and buy one yourself."

"Do you have money?"

Suddenly, Kuina's depressed voice came from behind.

Luffy laughed and said:

"There is nothing to snatch, we are pirates."

Uta glanced at Luffy with contempt:

"If you're willing to grab it, you'll be damned."

Luffy puffed out her chest and snorted coldly:

"We can snatch the pirates!"

The two women immediately rolled their eyes when they heard this.

The difference between doing this and being a Marine is just a different name.

Luffy looked at Kuina strangely and asked:

"Don't just talk about me, what about people? Didn't you summon your junior brother?"

Kuina slumped and didn't want to talk to Luffy.

Ai En covered his mouth and chuckled lightly:

"It seems that I set off to find Kuina half a year ago, but I haven't come back yet. I don't know where I went."

Kuina snorted coldly:

"This road idiot must have lost his way!"

Uta sneered:

"Let's think about where to get a ship."

Luffy raised his hand and suggested:

"Why don't you hold a concert Uta? Didn't you say you are a big star now?"

Uta decisively refused:

"Impossible! A concert will cost fans a lot of money. My money has already been donated to those poor fans. Don't make any decisions about me."

Luffy was sullen upon hearing this,

He licked his face and smiled at Uta:

"Uta, I'm also your fan, why don't you take my boat?"

Uta: ".……………


The King of Thieves Luffy was stumped at the first stop of becoming the King of Thieves.

The whistle of the warship came,

Luffy smiled, and stretched out his arms to catch the launched warship again:

"Wait! At least take me back to Windmill Village!"

He almost forgot that he still has a big brother who is the king of Goa Kingdom.

After another half day,

Luffy and others disembarked from the windmill village in Goa Kingdom.

The Marine warship mercilessly abandoned the four of them and ran away without a trace.

Luffy was drooling looking at the king of the sea who was knocked out by himself and fainted on the sea just now.

"How about we fill our stomachs first?"

Uta rolled his eyes and said speechlessly:

"I'm afraid you want to be beaten to death by old man Garp."

At this time, she also understood that the so-called king of the offshore was actually raised here by Garp to defend against pirates.

As the kingdom of Goa known as the most beautiful in East Blue, it is natural that pirates who do not have long eyes come to harass them.

The reason why Windmill Village is still peaceful in this situation is also thanks to the watchman fish, King of the Sea.

Luffy shuddered when he heard the words, thinking of his grandfather's favorite iron fist, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his head.

"If you don't eat, don't eat, let's go to Makino to eat, and pay with the treasure folder when we find the treasure in the future!"

Uta blanked Luffy and said:

"You owe Makino enough to bury a treasure right now."

Luffy laughed twice, and immediately put on a disgusted face,

"My Marine salary over the years..."

As soon as Luffy's voice fell, Kuina interrupted him to make up the knife:

"It's not enough for your own food."

Luffy's face drooped immediately.

The four of them followed the path to the long-lost Windmill Village.

Uta and Luffy rushed into Makino's tavern and shouted:

"Makino! Let's eat together!"

Makino, wearing a turban, was holding an orange rice set, when he saw Luffy and Uta rushing through the door, he was surprised and said:

"Luffy? Uta? Are you two on vacation?"

Luffy said to Makino proudly:

"I quit my job! I'm going to be a pirate!"

At this time, a figure sitting on the bar who saw the situation turned around,


Rice Squirt:


"No, no, you just said you resigned?"

Luffy looked at the figure strangely and asked:

"Yes, I am already a pirate, and I must become the pirate king.

Kuina and Ain pushed the door in from behind and came in disgustedly:

"One Piece, please let me go, I'm going in for dinner."

Makino covered his mouth and said happily:

"Ala~ Nana is here too, do you want to become pirates with him?"

"We're just fulfilling someone's wish."

As soon as these words came out, the tavern fell into a silent atmosphere.


The figure at the Kuina bar frowned:

"Who are you? How did you come to the village?"

The location of Windmill Town is a split island on the edge of Goa Kingdom.

To the north of the village are continuous mountains,

To the south is the sea, but there is a king of the sea,

Even bandits from Goya Kingdom and even Dadan's House would not easily come to Windmill Village, let alone outsiders.

The only strangers who have come to Windmill Village these years are Shanks and other pirates.

At this time, the figure with the hat slowly raised his head and said with a smile:

"I? Forgot to introduce, my name is Usopp, I'm a pirate, this time I'm here to fulfill an agreement with someone. w

Luffy and the others frowned,

Ain subconsciously pulled out the firecracker from his waist.

After being Marine for so many years, they would no longer associate ordinary pirates with explorers like Shanks.

Basically all the pirates you encounter are criminals who are greedy for money.

Seeing this, cold sweat broke out on Usopp's forehead:

"Hey! Hey! I didn't do anything!"

"And didn't you say that you're not Marine either?"

"Everyone is in the same company, don't be so nervous!"

Luffy tapped his palms, eyes widened:

"That's right! I'm a pirate now!"

In the next second, he took a glass of juice from the bar counter and raised it to touch Usopp and shouted:

"for freedom!"

Usopp: "Ow~ The Pirate Flag is calling me!"

Kuina trio:

Are these two idiots......

And at this time,

The old door of the tavern creaked and was pushed again.


At this time, a beautiful woman with long orange hair and fashionable clothes came in from the door.

"Excuse me, is Locke here?"

Uta, Kuina and others looked at the person coming at the door in unison.


Uta's bun immediately stood up like a cat's ears and shouted in surprise.

Nami stared at the two beauties standing at the door in a daze.

"Sister Uta? Sister Na?!"

The three women screamed and immediately hugged each other.

It turned out that the cp organization arranged by Locke found the location of Visalia, the island of weather,

So with the help of Uta, Nami was successfully sent to Visalia for training.

At this point they hadn't seen each other for several years.

Only Luffy looked at Nami with a blank face full of question marks:

"Who is this?".

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