Sailing: Captain, Raftel is Here

Chapter 106 Smog, You Are Also Taking Great Pains (Subscribe More)

Luo and the others were already in disarray in the wind.

Knowing that he was an undercover agent, he was hired as a crew member and even given the job of an undercover agent.

The strange characteristics of the Straw Hats constantly refresh the three views of the Heart Pirates, but it makes them feel that the Straw Hats are freewheeling and fearless, as if the so-called conspiracy of Marine is a joke in the eyes of the Straw Hats.

Smoker also felt this way, and his heart was not very refreshing.

But he immediately said: "Straw Hat Boy, I will leave this girl to you. If you make her suffer any grievances, I, Smoker, will risk my life and make you pay the price!"


Tashigi couldn't help being moved for a moment.

She knew that Smogg was acting in the past, but now this sentence is not acting, and she can still tell the truth of some words.

She bowed to Luffy again: "Thank you, Captain Luffy! From now on, please take care of the captain and everyone!"

Luffy smiled and nodded: "Well, please take care of me, you will do a good job as an undercover agent in the future!"

This made Tashigi not know how to answer.

21 However, the task of boarding the ship was finally completed, and she should have successfully entered the Straw Hats.

Seeing this, Smogg got on the motorcycle directly. However, he suddenly heard a piercing sound, and quickly reached out to catch it, but he didn't expect it to be his ten hands.

Carl actually gave him ten hands back?

Carl laughed and said: "Smaug, you also took great pains. You obviously pretended to arrest Tashigi and let Tashigi escape here, but you sent him here yourself, because you were afraid that Tashigi would be bullied by us. Although you are a rash guy, you are a good big brother, no wonder Hina likes you."

"I said it all, Hina and I are not..."

"Smogsang, remember to notify me when you marry Hina-san!"

Hearing Tashigi's yell before he had time to defend himself, Small almost fell off the motorcycle.

He gave Tashigi a hard look, and roared away on his motorcycle.

Everyone couldn't help laughing when they saw Smaug's embarrassed appearance, even Tashigi couldn't help it. I just don't know why, but after arriving at the Straw Hats, I feel a lot more relaxed inexplicably.

Zoro glanced at Tashigi and snorted, seemingly in a bad mood.

But the curvature of the guy's mouth couldn't be suppressed.

Carl saw the three knives of Shigure, Xuezou and Huazhou on Tashigi's waist, and immediately smiled and pushed Tashigi to Zoro's side, making them stand together.

"Okay! Don't move, I'll take a picture of the two Sansao." Carl took out his camera.

"Mito stream?"

Zoro was taken aback, and immediately noticed Tashigi's three knives, bared his fangs and roared: "You impostor, don't pretend to be Kuina and then pretend to be me!"

But Tashigi replied: "Who pretended to be you! I was expelled by Marine, and I will definitely take all my knives, but only three!"

"Don't think that carrying three knives is a three-knife style, you don't have that strength!"

"I'm not a three-sword style, I only use one knife to fight!"

"You impostor!"

"I am who I am, not someone else in your eyes!"

Watching the two quarreling, Carl nodded repeatedly, and the camera never stopped, saving the pictures of the two grinning. These pictures are not to mention quite loving.

Robin was standing behind him, and couldn't help laughing when he saw this, "Carl is really funny."

Carl didn't care, "Sometimes it's too boring on the boat, you can take out the photos and look at them, just to relieve the boredom. It's very interesting to put the sailing diary and photo album together, and you can read them whenever you want." 11

"Carl said that, and my interest was piqued."

Robin actually went to the house and took out the sailing diary and photo album, and sat next to Marie.

Marie handed over a cup of tea, and Robin spread out the photo album and the two looked at it together, and couldn't help laughing.

Nami and Luffy also came forward to watch together. Although they also watch it on weekdays, the feeling of watching it alone is completely different from watching it with a group of people. Just like watching a movie, you may enjoy watching it alone at home, but if many people watch it together, emotions will be affected and transmitted.

Not long after, bursts of laughter came from the boat.

Luo glanced at the Merry, and then asked, "Beppo, do we have a sailing diary?"

Beipo scratched his head: "Captain, we have medical records."

Luo: "......No matter what, there should be a voyage diary, right? Otherwise, after we sailed around, wouldn't everything we experienced be nothing like nothing?"

Beipo: "Captain, there is also a voyage diary, but it is a diary written by myself. Captain, you usually don't care about it. I thought it was unnecessary, but I still recorded it quietly."

Luo immediately said: "Beibo, your diary will be our sailing diary from now on!"

Beipo collapsed instantly: "No, Captain, that's my private diary!"

However, Bepo's objection was invalid. After all, no normal person can keep a diary, and it is even more impossible for a polar bear to keep a diary. Therefore, this personal diary was confiscated, and it will be used as a nautical diary in the future, and it will continue to be written by Beipo.

Beipo even thought about jumping to the Straw Hats.

At noon, Vivi's speech is about to begin.

The Straw Hats and the Hearts were waiting on the shore. Seeing that the time was about to pass, everyone became a little anxious.

"Hey 457, Mr. Carl, is there no way for Vivi to come too?" Luffy couldn't help asking.

"Um, Vivi is a princess, she has her own responsibilities, so it's probably impossible to take her away."

Carl shook his head, but suddenly changed the topic, "But I heard a story called 'a civet cat for a prince', where the prince is stolen, and then a civet cat is put down, so that no one else will find out who did it. "

Civet cat for prince?

In an instant, everyone looked at Chopper.

Maybe it's really possible, why don't we just replace the princess with a civet cat?

Chopper instantly frowned, "I told you I'm not a civet cat, but a reindeer, a reindeer, a reindeer! Say important things three times!"

"What, it turned out to be a reindeer."

Everyone turned their heads dullly, and silently looked in the direction of Albana.

Chopper wanted to cry immediately, but he felt that everyone was so cruel.

At this time, the familiar voice spread throughout Alabasta, it was Vivi's public speech, and the voice spread across the country through the phone bug, and the Straw Hats also heard it here.

Vivi was talking about her own adventure story, with a choked voice in her solid voice.

However, on the podium in the royal capital, Icarem in a princess costume was dancing, which immediately aroused the anger of the people.

Here, Vivi appeared on the river bank riding Karoo. .

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