Sailing: Captain, Raftel is Here

Chapter 108 Straw Hats, I Don’T Know If You Can Kill Me (Subscription)

"Speaking of which, Heikan Hina is the Captain of the headquarters that manages this sea area, and she has a great reputation. Ordinary pirates will be terrified when they hear her name.

Luo stood on the deck of the submarine and spoke leisurely.

Carl shook his head helplessly, "Tashigi, how can you break a girl's mind? Don't think that Captain Hina is an adult, and he is very cold on weekdays, but he knows how to be shy."

As he spoke, he raised his hand, manipulated the current to create a magnetic field, and put all the black guns on the deck.

Coincidentally, ironware is not cheap in this world, especially this kind of good ironware, it should be regarded as a trophy.

Tashigi was stunned: "Hina-san is shy?"

Nami, Mari and Robin couldn't help laughing: "It's so cute to be shy!"

Sanji even shouted directly: "Beautiful and lovely Hina-chan, although it is a pity for you to marry a smoker, but as a knight of all women, I will definitely bless you!"

Tashigi also shouted: "Hina-san, I'm sorry for breaking your mind, please be happy!"

Such a cook and a stupid girl!

Except for Luffy, Chopper and Beppo who don't understand, everyone else can't help but touch their foreheads.

Sanji won't talk about it, but Tashigi seems to be too dumbed down by Smoker to understand whether Carl's words are true or not. Moreover, shouting like this will make Captain Hina angry.

"Fire! Sink the sheep's head boat! Hina is very angry, the consequences will be serious!"

Sure enough, Hina got really angry and let the warship fire wildly.

Then, those black guns were all cheaper, and Carl saved a lot of purchase money.

Under the command of Nami, the Meili quickly went to the distance, leaving the warship far behind. Tashigi was still waving at Hina, and when he was completely out of sight, the tears in his eyes became more fierce.

Nami held Tashigi in his arms and comforted him, "Don't cry, we will meet again in the future, you can be an undercover agent on the boat.

Tashigi: ………

The first time you do an undercover job, the other party already knows everything about it, how can this be broken?

Just as the Straw Hats left Alabasta, the newspapers started churning the seas again.

Moby Dick aboard.

Whitebeard fell silent while reading the newspaper, and then heaved a deep sigh for a long time.

"I didn't expect the old rooster to die. It seems that we old people are about to step off the stage, and it will be the age of young people!"

Whitebeard looked at Yichuan's son with reluctance in his eyes.

His greatest wish in this life is to have a family. Now in this big family, his sons and daughters are surrounded by their knees. There is nothing better than this.

However, because the waves of the sea will continue to push.

He will grow old eventually, unable to protect his children forever, but their future is worrying.

"Father, this Carl is so powerful, he can even kill a Golden Lion!" Marco couldn't help being shocked.

"Ace's younger brother's pirate team is indeed extraordinary. First, the captain and Kizaru split 50-50, and now the crew has killed the legendary pirate. It is indeed the wealth of the Five Emperors!" Vista couldn't help but sigh.

"The newspapers are full of big stories, saying that the entry of the Straw Hats into the New World will directly threaten the rule of the Four Emperors. It is clear that they want the Four Emperors to deal with the Straw Hats. Marine has a good idea, but he doesn't know that we are not stupid. No one has a brain." So that he can be his weapon?" Diamond Qiaozi curled his lips in disdain.

But Whitebeard laughed: "Koo la la la la! Sons, you probably never thought that Marine's trick might be really useful, because some people just get drunk and their brains are not good!

As soon as these words came out, everyone thought of who it was, and their expressions suddenly became strange.

Wanokuni, the island of ghosts.

Kaido was still drinking heavily, when suddenly a soldier ran in with a newspaper, he didn't dare to say anything, put down the newspaper and ran away.

Fortunately, Kaido didn't notice when he was drinking. After finishing a jug of wine, he caught sight of the content of the newspaper out of the corner of his eye, and burst into tears.

"Whoa! Whoa! Golden lion (cbfa) what a dead old cock you are! How can you embarrass Captain Rocks!"

"Wow! The Straw Hat Pirates? They want to threaten the rule of the Four Emperors. Let's see if you have the ability. I'll meet you right now!"

"I don't know if you can kill me!"

As he spoke, he turned into a giant dragon and flew into the air.

Wan Guo, the aunt who was eating the cake lost her appetite when she saw the newspaper.

"Katakuri, is this Carl of the Straw Hats really that powerful? First, the Straw Hats defeated the Golden Lion, and now the Golden Lion was killed by this Carl of the Straw Hats [Isn't the Straw Hats really a threat to the Four Emperors' rule?"

"Mom, this Carl is really dangerous!"

Katakuri said seriously: "Because we have been paying attention to the Straw Hats, we know a lot of undisclosed information. The Straw Hat Luffy defeated Crocodile, one of the Shichibukai not long ago, and smashed Crocodile's forces. During the period, Carl stopped Akainu, even severely injured Akainu!"

"Nani! Even Akainu was defeated by him?!"

Now, the aunt couldn't sit still.

Originally, she was optimistic about the Straw Hats, but now the Straw Hats seem to be getting stronger and stronger, which made her even more excited.

So I immediately ordered: "Katakuri, you personally take someone to the first half of the Grand Line, and hand over the tea party invitation to the Straw Hats. Straw Hats Luffy and Carl can marry my daughter, and they can choose whatever they want. However, No rejection allowed!"

"Yes! Mom!"

Katakuri responded immediately, turned around and left.

It's just that Katakuri was uneasy, because the strength of the Straw Hats has exceeded the control range, and this mission may be doomed to fail.

An island in the New World.

Red Hair Pirates is still having a banquet, and it is still as lively as ever.

The red-haired Shanks looked at the newspaper and the new reward order, and couldn't help wondering, "Is this guy on the Luffy ship really that powerful?"

Ben Beckman silently took down the cigarette stick, "It's not just as simple as being powerful! Fighting against Kizaru, killing the Golden Lion, and even defeating Akainu one-on-one, this kind of strength is rare even in the entire sea, and it can definitely be called It is the top. It is said that Luffy was taught by this Carl!"

"No wonder Luffy is so good, hahaha!"

Redhead Shanks is drunk, but happy for Luffy.

Ben Beckman rolled his eyes and said, "Captain, the most important thing now is not this!"

The red-haired Shanks immediately became serious again: "That's right, the most important thing now is not this. Whitebeard actually tore up my letter, it seems that I have to go there in person. Teach this guy is too dangerous, and Whitebeard thinks too much of himself , I'm afraid there will be an accident, the sea is not yet in turmoil!"

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