Sailing: Captain, Raftel is Here

Chapter 114 Teacher Carl, I Must Defeat Kaido With My Own Hands (The War Is On!)

Carl is still very confident about this method of killing Kaido.

This guy Kaido is drunk, he breathes randomly, his mouth is so wide open, it's not difficult to feed him a Devil Fruit.

Moreover, Carl and Luffy may not be able to kill Kaido together, but it is still possible to beat Kaido to open his mouth. At that time, feed Kaido some fruit mince, which can also make Kaido explode to death.

If Kaido has Blackbeard's physique, then Carl agrees.

If it's a big deal, they will be beaten up, and the two Admirals will not be killed by Kaido if they join forces.

Luffy shook his head to Carl: "Mr. Carl, I don't want to kill Kaido like that! If he is the obstacle for me to become One Piece, then I must defeat him myself!"

Carl said: "Luffy, the method I just mentioned is the last resort, and it is also to make everyone feel at ease. It is just in case, if we can't defeat Kaido together, then in order to prevent us from being wiped out by him, we have to It’s a bad plan, you don’t want everyone to be killed by Kaido, do you?”

Luffy was silent for a moment.

Finally nodded: "Well, this method is the last resort. But I can definitely defeat Kaido~!"

Everyone smiled when they heard Luffy's decision. Even Luo, who is naturally prone to nervousness, was relieved, fearing that Luffy would make a fool of himself.

As for Kaido will really come, then come, I am afraid that there will be no return!

Carl is happy with Luffy's state of mind.

Very good, very confident, but Kaido is really a little tender. So, since Kaido is here, let's take it as an experience. I believe that after Luffy and Kaido have fought, they should go further.

Carl said: "Captain Luffy, Kaido will arrive soon, the sea is not suitable for fighting, and we have to take into account the safety of the Merry."

"Hee hee, that's what you said."

Luffy buried his excited expression under the straw hat, and said loudly: "Nami, go to the desert island closest to here immediately! Little ones, let's wait for the arrival of the Four Emperors!"


The Straw Hats are full of fighting spirit, and the Hearts are also looking to watch.

Under Nami's command, they quickly found a deserted island that was not too big. The island was uninhabited and very suitable for fighting. Carl also used radar to detect it, and it was disappointing that he didn't find Devil Fruit.

Also, where are there so many Devil Fruits waiting for you, it was already heaven-defying to harvest two fruits at once before!

After everyone landed on the island, the Meili and the submersible had been driven to a safe area.

Luffy and Carl started to eat, and the most important thing is to fill their stomachs before fighting, otherwise they will lose energy when they are suddenly hungry in the middle of the fight.

"Luffy, remember to learn a lot from Teacher Kaido when you are fighting." Carl said with a sudden smile.

"Teacher Kaido?" Everyone was stunned.

"Is Kaido Teacher Carl's teacher?" Luffy asked while chewing on the big meat.

"No. But Kaido is indeed a good teacher, just like Teacher Kizaru. Luffy, Kaido has been Four Emperors for so many years, and he has rich combat experience, especially the Conqueror's entanglement that neither of us knows. He can wait for you to be hit by a mace Remember to comprehend it carefully. When you learn Conqueror's winding, your strength will be further improved.

Carl said something frightening and speechless casually.

This is to use Four Emperors to practice, but also to secretly learn the skills of Four Emperors, it is really bold!

Luffy was taken aback, then swallowed the meat in his mouth, and said with a smile: "Hehehe, since Mr. Carl said that, then I really have to ask Mr. Kaido for advice. This Conqueror's entanglement, I have learned it!"

Carl smiled, and added to himself in his heart: Conqueror's entanglement, I have also learned it!

Carl doesn't know Conqueror's winding, so he has been unable to teach Luffy, so he can only ask other teachers to teach. Just like before Carl didn't know how to teach Luffy to see the future, so Kizaru became a teacher. Now teacher Kaido comes to teach for free, is there any reason not to welcome it?

As for the Emission armed color, let's talk about it when we meet Rayleigh.

"Mr. Carl, what is this Conqueror's winding?" Zoro couldn't help asking.

Others are also very curious, because there are very few people who have awakened Haki on the ship, and the knowledge of Haki is already at the limit.

Luo also pricked up his ears, and he found that he lacked understanding of the power of the sea.

Carl explained casually: "This Conqueror's entanglement is to entangle Conqueror's Haki on the attack, so as to achieve the purpose of injuring people in the air. It is the highest use of Conqueror's Haki. This is very difficult to do, even if I know the theory, I don't see it with my own eyes. You can't learn it by seeing it. But Kaido, Whitebeard, Redhead can do it, and I guess Hawkeye can do it too, which is what they need to be the strongest!"

...asking for flowers......


Zoro couldn't help gripping the handle of the knife.

The more you understand, the more you find that you are farther away from the strongest!

Carl also took the opportunity to popularize other knowledge: "In addition, knowledge color and armed color also have the highest state. When the knowledge color is the highest, you can foresee the short future and listen to the voice of all things. When the armed color is the highest, you can make Haki flow, release and even It is very powerful to achieve the internal destruction of the enemy!"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, unable to imagine that state at all.

Only Zoro and Luo, who had awakened Haki, looked thoughtful, and their frowns could kill flies.

Armament Haki covers the body surface like armor, but it is impossible to make the armor flow or even spread out, right?

Now Carl said that there is such a state, and it is the highest state of armed color.

Can't figure it out, really can't figure it out!

After everyone had a hearty meal, Carl and Luffy chose to rest. The others didn't bother, just doing their own thing silently.

For example, Chopper and Luo are distinguishing those medicinal materials, Usopp is tinkering with gunpowder, Mari is painting, Zoro is sleeping, etc. Anyway, everyone looks very leisurely, and it doesn't seem like they are going to meet the enemy at all.

But everyone knows that everyone, including Carl, is nervous and excited.

Rumble! There was thunder in the sky.

Luffy and Carl stood up immediately, silently looking at the dark clouds high in the distance.

There is a dragon flying there.


Carl's words caught everyone's attention.

Everyone also looked at the sky in the distance, and couldn't help but shrink their pupils. Kaido, the strongest creature in the legend, can actually turn into a dragon!

Luffy said loudly: "Everyone, leave this to me and Teacher Carl, you all board the boat and stay away from the desert island!"

No one dared to hesitate, all of them got on the boat in an instant, and drove the boat towards the distance. .

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