Sailing: Captain, Raftel is Here

Chapter 129 Carl, Give Us This Fruit (Recommended Above!)

Xiong picked up the Devil Fruit and looked at it for a long time, surprise bursting out of his calm eyes.

He suddenly said: "Carl, give us this fruit, and I will let the leader find a fruit you want!"

Carl was suddenly surprised.

I didn't expect the bear's reaction to be so big, which means that this fruit is an excellent one.

"Xiong, tell me what fruit it is first. Don't worry, if you want it strongly, I can't think about it, but you can't lie to me."

Carl is very curious, what kind of fruit can make such a gaffe.

Xiong quickly suppressed his excitement, and said loudly: "Niuniu fruit. Phantom beast species․unicorn form!"

Carl stood up abruptly.

Damn, this luck is off the charts, it's actually a phantom beast again!

Even Liji, who was exercising, pricked up his ears, he was very sensitive to the word Phantom Beast.

Carl didn't know if the Straw Hats were cursed by the Phantom Beasts, but even if it was a curse, no one would hate it, because the more plants there were, the better.

However, I didn't expect there to be a unicorn form, which was beyond Carl's expectation.

If you think about it carefully, there is nothing unacceptable. After all, Kaido is in the form of a blue dragon, and Sengoku is in the form of a giant Buddha. There is nothing wrong with a unicorn now. As for why it can't be found in the illustrated book, it may be that this fruit is too rare and too precious, and it is not specifically recorded in the ordinary illustrated book.

Fortunately, the bear recognizes it!

Carl thought about it again, and found that there was nothing suitable for anyone on board.

It is said that people choose fruits, and sometimes people choose fruits. No matter how good the fruit is, it must be eaten by the right person to play its greatest role. Otherwise, it will not make a person have much improvement, and the direction of fruit development will also It's a mess.

Therefore, there is no harm in giving it to the Revolutionary Army, the big deal is to change it to one suitable for the crew.

Oh no, this one needs to be replaced by two or three!

Carl asked nonchalantly: "Xiong, who are you planning to give this fruit to? Isn't it Sabo?"

Unexpectedly, Xiong nodded directly: "Sabo is the most suitable! The leader is already a capable person, so there is no need. Although Sabo is strong, his physique is still too weak. If he eats this Devil Fruit, his Dragon Claw Fist can also be used. Stronger power, the strength should be able to reach the level of Admiral!"

That's right! Kylin is the son of a dragon, and also a kind of dragon!

Great help for Sabo's Dragon Claw Fist!

Carl understood instantly, and also remembered the original book. In the original book, Sabo ate the Mera-mera Fruit. In fact, the Mera-mera Fruit is not suitable for Sabo. Can you imagine a master with dragon claw boxing skills eating the Logia fruit?

Not only did it fail to strengthen, but it seemed to be weakening.

If Sabo eats this Phantom Beast fruit, as Xiong said, he will definitely have the strength of Admiral!

"Okay! This one is for you, I believe Luffy will not object. However, you need to help find the two or three fruits we need. As for the type of fruit we want [I will contact you later."

"It's a deal!"

Xiong didn't counter-offer at all, perhaps in his view, this deal was a bargain.

Two or three designated fruits are hard to find, but this Phantom Beast species is even more difficult to find, so the Revolutionary Army can gain an additional Admiral combat power. If you don't agree, you are a fool!

Bears come and go quickly, making Carl envious of his abilities.

And the unicorn fruit, Carl is actually very greedy, but he is not Blackbeard, so it is a pity that he can't eat two.

Fortunately, reaching this transaction is a win-win situation.

At that time, maybe Drago can find a fruit suitable for Mari and Sanji, which can definitely improve the strength of the two. In addition, Sabo is Luffy's older brother, and his strength can be strengthened. In the future, the Straw Hats will have another powerful helper when they encounter troubles.

No loss, no loss, no loss at all......

Alas, I am still a little reluctant!

Carl sighed silently, took out the wine from the kitchen, and began to drink alone.

Not long after, there was movement in my ears, it turned out that Luffy and the others had returned. Seeing that Usopp and Chopper have successfully lost weight, Carl nodded in satisfaction.

If they are still fat when they come back, they will suffer!

"Mr. Carl, we're back!" Luffy yelled and jumped onto the deck.

I saw that Luffy was carrying a huge package on his back, and when he opened it, it turned out to be a huge cake. Carl thought that Luffy was not full, but Luffy yelled something to the sea, and gave Momoo the whole cake when Momoo's head appeared.

Remember to bring food for Momoo, this captain has made progress!

...asking for flowers......

However, Carl will not boast this time!

"Not one is missing, but it's a bit too embarrassing, so your strength is not enough!"

Carl said while drinking: "Chopper, Luo, get ready for the first medicinal bath, so that everyone can go to the island again after being reborn!"


Chopper responded excitedly, and Luo also nodded.

It was finally time for the medicated bath to appear, and they were excited to see how it worked.

Soon, thirteen large vats were arranged on the deck, and Chopper and Luo adjusted the potions and poured them all into the vats. Looking at the green and bubbling liquid in the vat, everyone couldn't help swallowing.

"Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Usopp, Zango, Little 3, Nami, Robin, Tashigi, Mari, Bebo, Shaggy and Peijin, you thirteen people, let's soak first. When the green water in the tank becomes clear, The first medicated bath is over. The process may be painful, so stick to it!"


"Luo, Chopper, just in case, the three of us don't drink."

Luo and Chopper naturally have no objection, they are doctors, in order to prevent emergencies, it is better not to soak first.

However, Carl was a little puzzled by Luo. It seemed that Luo only cultivated Bebo, Xia Qi and Pei Jin.

It's not Carl's turn to take care of this kind of thing. It just so happens that the number of medicinal baths is not too much, and it's just fine if there is no training.

Luffy took a curious look at the green medicinal liquid in the vat, threw away his slippers and jumped into the vat, the liquid directly covered his neck.

"This is a medicated bath? I don't feel much...It hurts! Ahhhh! It hurts!"

Luffy couldn't help but screamed, but it was just screaming, and he didn't struggle. However, it was as strong as Luffy yelling like this, which frightened everyone else in an instant.

This medicated bath looks painful!

"Luffy? Hello! Luffy, are you okay!" Usopp asked cautiously.

"Usopp! It hurts so much! It feels like being cut by a knife!" Luffy was on the verge of tears.

Hearing what Luffy said, the timid Usopp, Chopper and Nami immediately retreated. Even Zang Gao and Xiao San also took a step back, obviously a little scared. .

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